46. Overlapping

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Laylah POV:

I end up laying on the floor looking at a ceiling. The room was grey and dull. No colour or light had ever beamed in this room.

I slowly rise from the floor to see Douxie.



We were both confused. Well I was confused....Douxie seemed to know what was going on.

"What are we doing here?"

"Well the book said that to find the seals we had to destroy his staff"

"Destroy his staff?!" I was outraged

Why would Douxie destroy his staff?

"It was the only way...." Douxie says putting his hand behind his neck

"But where both here?" I say looking around and picking up the time map.

Then voices of Morgana started to ring around my head.

"It's not that your weak"

"One of my own!"

I started to back into a wall. I hit my head and sat down.

Douxie was on the other side of me. He must be hearing voices too.

The voices over lapped with each other. It soons stops and I look up to the picture of our team, my friends, my family.

Douxie and I help each other up and walk over to the picture.

"You weren't perfect, old man... but at least you tried" Douxie sighs putting his hand on the photo.

"The greatest thing I have ever accomplished was saving you"

"Goodbye Master"

"See you in the underworld" I chuckle slightly but it was backed up by a ball of sadness.

A door opens behind us. For a second, we didn't know what we might find.

"Together?" I suggest taking Douxie's hand for a second.

He nods


We reach into the rainbow dust and pull out a round box. It seemed to be the genesis seals!

Douxie looks at me.

"We'll find a way to protect this world, master. Our way"


Heyyy Guysss

So just a short chapter since I didn't feel like writing today I might take a break for like 1-2 days idk lol.

I've been busy and don't really have any energy and with a dance concert coming up I need to practice a lot.

But I haven't decided yet so no need to worry. And I will 100% BE CONTINUING THIS BOOK!

Cause it's come a long way and I'm so proud of it and so grateful for all my lovely readers.

Hope you all have a great day!

Pls drop a vote!



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