32. Personal Space

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Merlin's POV:

"Now, where might my staff be?" I ask looking at the group.

"Uhhh, we lost it a little" The wide one explained

"Gunmar took it" The Trollhunter states.

I sigh. "Do you add least now my partner and where her staff might be?"


I groan

"Do you guys know anything?"

Blinky clears his throat.

"Well master Merlin, I've read many ancient books about you and no history in there does it say that you had a partner or a wife"

Claire chuckles. "Blinky, he doesn't mean a wife, he means a partner, an apprentice at first but then transitioned into being there master's partner in magic"

Thank god we have someone here who understands.

"Thank you"

"But why would someone erase their partners existence from history?" The wide one asked again

"And that information is classified, now back to the more important question, have you seen her?"

There was a dead silence for a minute.

"Could you maybe give us a name?" The Trollhunter asked curiously

"Laylah Miller" I said in a calm monotone voice.

The all gasp. "No way! Laylah was your partner! That's so cool!" The wide one says jumping up and down.

"You know her?"

The trollhunter nods

"YEA! She was the one who save clear from Claire getting possessed from Morgana" The metal teeth boy says giving a smile

Huh? So they do know Laylah

"Strickler recommended her to us" The troll hunter said standing next to Claire

"We didn't trust her at first because well you know Strickler, he was connected with Gunmar but when we saw that her staff led to you, we knew that we could trust her"

"Yes well, I gave her a staff for a reason, so that I could complete your amulet of course and so I could have two staffs to reach my tomb"

I say pointing to all of them.

"But why didn't you allow your own partner into your tomb?" The brute askes

"Another fact that must not be told, and if you excuse me, do you know where Laylah might be?"

The all nod.

"Well, what are you waiting for take me to her!"


Laylah's POV:

"Thanks, so much Laylah for helping to clean up the house"

"Jim usually is really good a cleaning but ever since this uh um—"

"Eternal night?" I correct

She sighs

"Yeah, and its all so weird now, it's like I don't get anytime with my son anymore"

I place the rest of the books on the shelf.

"It must be hard"

She places the blender back onto the bench.

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