26. The Plan

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Arcand Orders POV:

"What's your plan Bellroc?" Skrael says coldly as he approaches me.

"I have a plan Skrael, but I need to plan It all out first, if we want to rule this cruel world then we need a plan!" I yell bashing my sword down.

"And whom will help us? If we want to succeed we need an angel and a demon"

"And as far as there is, I don't sense any Angel or Demon that exists" Nari says jumping down from a nearby rock.

I scoff

"What if I told you there was?" I say turning around

Skrael and Nari look at eachother.

"What do you mean?" They both ask.

I flash a vision of a girl in front of us.

"Who is that?" Skrael asks

"Why is that little girl any important to us" He scathes turning his head away to me and walking away.

"What if I told you this girl is an Angel and a Demon?"

He stops in his tracks.

"That isn't possible?"

"But it is.... you see this girl had 2 parents, her father was an angel but her mother was a demon, normally if this was the case when a demon and an angel have a child they would be either like their mother or father"

"So, this girl has both the power of a demon and angel? She could give us the power we need to get the genesis seals. As well as opening it!"

"Where is this girl?" Nari says with a smile

"That's the problem, this girl is in the borders of Camelot and Merlin...another thing is this girl is still young her power is more focused on one's protection which means we can't take over her yet" I sigh

Skrael steps closer

"Then we take her over the years then, if she has the power of both angels and demons then her demon side will be more reckless, giving us the opportunity, we need to make sure this girls powers come to our order."

"Laylah Miller, PUT THAT DOWN!" Merlin yelled as the girl ran around freely with his staff in her hands.

"Laylah Miller, huh, looks like even Merlin doesn't know what magic she possesses"


"Oh, come on Merlin, she's just a child she's fascinated by the world around her" I kind woman spoke.

"Morgana! She has my staff!"

"So, this Morgana girl, favours the young one" Skrael says closing his eyes and placing his hand out.

"I sense that Morgana has a very strong power as well"

"She can be our next champion! If Morgana is ours she can convince Miller to come to our side"

"So, it's settled then"

"Once this girls defences are down, that's when we can make our move"

Skrael and Nari get into a circle position and I join them. We all join hands as we start chanting our power towards this Laylah girl.

Our magic chant finished and we have our feet on the ground. We slowly open our eyes and we all look at each other.

We all smirk at our plan.

"Laylah Miller will be ours"


Hey everyone,

TYSM again for all of your nice comments and ty for voting 😊

It means a lot. This chapter was basically outlining the Arcane Orders plan about Laylah and Morgana 😉

Also, this reveals that Laylah is half Angel and Half Demon cause of her parents.

Pls drop a vote,



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