30. Cinnamon Roll

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Laylah POV:

"The gems have the exact resonance and light transmissions we require" Merlin says as we peer over the table or gems.

"Which one speaks to you?"

Douxie havers his hand over each gem. His hand slowly slows down to one of the front blue gem.

"This one"

Merlin looks at me. "Your turn"

"Wait what?" I say breaking my gaze.

"Go on Laylah, pick a Gem"

I nod and slowly hover my hand over some of the gems. My hand stops at a small oval orange gem.

My magic was drawn to it. There was a strong connection.

Merlin nods and pulls both of the gems out.

Douxie and I hold them up to the sunlight.

"The blue one is like the colour of your eyes" Douxie smiles.

We walk over to the amulet converter. Douxie and I put the gem's inside it.

"Now, raise your arms and focus really hard, if not then we will lose it"

We raise and arms and start to focus. I close my eyes. I focus all my power energy on the gem.

Every second that went by it got harder and harder.

"Quick! Harvest the wave!"

"Do not lose it!" Merlin yells trying to take another step

Some magic blasts and Douxie falls over.

"Douxie!" I yell

But he quickly got up and focused again.

"Hold steady!"

We soon had carved into the two gems. And we slowly put Morgana left hand into a lava pot.

"Ironic, morgana fought against the amulet, now she helps power it"

"At least she could lend a hand, eh?" Douxie says giggling. He stops and turns to me.

"Fine, you can slip one joke, but anymore I will kill you" I threaten.

But he knew that I wouldn't actually kill him. I could never.

"There is but one final step"

"To lock the amulet together three master wizards are required"

Merlin says having two staffs in his hand.

"By Ambrosius' Gleaming" Archie whispers jumping on my shoulder

"Is that? Is that for us?" Douxie said speechless

"Thought you'd make something of it"

"You've done great things with less, like that bracelet of yours"

"No, I, uh... I can't accept this" Douxie says looking at his bracelet

"I can't either, but what about this staff?" I say as my staff appears in my hand.

Laylah's new staff:



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