18. Consequence

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Douxie POV:

"Now magic has taken everything from me" Arthur scathed

"She's gone, we failed"

"No, I've failed"

"Master, I'm so sorry" I say as I see Merlin carrying Laylah in his arms. She was out cold.

"This is why you don't meddle with time"

"But, but I tried to fix it"

"Don't you see boy, there is no fixing anything, every change has a consequence"

He looks down at Laylah. I was thankful she was okay. If she was gone I don't know what I would do. He sighs

"Knowing the future is a responsibility to bear with caution, lest you cause worse things to happen"

I could sense he was talking about Laylah

"Master what, what are you saying?"

"This event and trickery that Morgana put on Laylah much well as have affected her future entirely"

"She will still live thankfully but the spell might have consequences"

Merlin walked away with Laylah in his arms.


Few Hours Later

Douxie POV:

"Excalibur is busted and Morgana is..is..is"

"That never happened"

"You did what you thought was right" Archie explained

"And look where that got us, history is absolutely botched, and Laylah is hurt"

"I've led us astray"

"Morgana tried to help me save Jim, but all I saw was anger and darkness, we share the same magic, what does that say about me?"

Steve was hysterically crying in the corner.

"Aw, Steve it's okay to cry, it was a big loss"

"Its just the other knights think I'm lame they laughed at me"

"Said I hadn't proved my worth as a knight"

"UGH! That doesn't sound like a real problem Steve"

I open the door that leads to a long hallway when Claire stopped me.

"Where are you going"

"Uh, well I'm going to see Laylah"

"I'm sure she's okay" Claire assures me

I smile in return and walk down the hallway. I slowly open the door.

I see Laylah laying down sound asleep. I couldn't help but smile.

I lean down and touch her hair. She rolls over and faces me still asleep.

I hold her hand close to my face. She didn't deserve any of what happened. I was just glad she was okay. She moved slightly and her eyes open.

"Doux?...." She says weakly

"It's okay I'm here" I say hugging her holding her head close to me.

"Are you okay?" I whisper into her ear

She nods slowly.

"I'm so sorry, that happened to you"

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now