48. Moon aligns with the stars

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Douxie POV:

The ship just finally lands and I held the Genersis seals close to me. Archie was perched on my shoulder his face was gleaming with a smile and so was I.

But when I turned my head to face Techcore. All I could see was nothing but blasts of ice and flames of fire raging. This could only mean one thing.

"No! No,no,no. No,no,no! no!"

"Laylah! Steve! Nari! What happened here?!"

I turned my head again to see Krel stuck in ice from what appears to be Skraels magic.

"Krel ! No"

"Couldn't stop them. Took Nari! Oh wait!"

"He can show you" Krel said pointing to the bodyless dad blank

"Wahoo! How are you, buckaroo?"

The video soon shows the scene that happened just around 2 hours ago. Everyone was screaming and yelling.

"This looks like the end. I leave my classic VHS action movie collection to my nana!"

The camera slowly moved over to an image of Laylah and the Green night. He had her head to the ground and was pounding it many times. Then the video went black.

"That's all, fo—beep boop-"

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no. This wasn't supposed to happen!"

I slammed the book on the desk and flicked through it. There had to be something to help.

"No! Oh, please tell me there's something in here to help"

Archie stepped his foot on top of the page I was reading.

"You don't need the book to tell you the answer, Doux. Merlin was clear"

"If the Order had Nari and Laylah, we can't let them get the seals. Or it's Arcane Armageddon"

I knew he was right but I couldn't let this happen.

"I can't just leave our friends to die"

Krel was sitting on a bench top his arms around him.

"It's not easy being a leader"

"The Order will never stop coming after the seals" Archie says

"We'll spend the rest of our lives running" I reply.

I wasn't going to just give up. Not now.

"Save our friends or save the world? You have to make a decision"

I walk over the front window of Techcore and I take out a small piece of Merlin's staff's gem out of my pocket and into my hands.

"Where out of time!"

"Or maybe...time is all we have"


Laylah POV:

I wake up in chains. I was glued to the spot I had been placed in. The room was dark and the floor was rough.

Where was I?

A prison?


That's when I remembered what had happened. The arcane order found us and took the crew away and The Green Knight knocked me out. My head was pounding with pain. But somehow, I was ignoring it.

"I must be in the Arcane Orders ship"

I was trying to get up from where I was when Skrael suddenly appears.

He pointed his staff at me as he raised my chin up towards him.

"Uh Uh Uh, don't even try to escape..."

I scoff

"Yea and like I haven't done that before"

"Silence!" He hissed.

"I wouldn't be so sure this time little girl, it's almost time for you to become ours, when the moon aligns with the stars in a minute or two our full take over of you will be fazed"

His words struck my ears.

"When the full moon aligns with the stars?" I say helplessly looking down to the ground.

"Yes aren't you excited?!" Skrael chuckles.

I couldn't help but think of what I would become if they took over me. What would my deceased master and boyfriend think?!

"Douxie, Merlin....I"

Bellroc slowly appears from the shadows.

"Your little Douxie can't help you now"

"And your Master is dead!"

They were right. Douxie wasn't here. Merlin was dead. And I was stuck in chains as helpless as ever ready to become a pawn of The Arcane Orders chess game.

"We must hurry, Merlin's eren boy will be after us soon enough" Bellroc whispers.


"Don't worry we will make sure he will have a swift death as will your kind will when where done with you"

All there wanted me was for my magic nothing else. To be completely honest it wasn't surprising.

"The stars are about to align, we must quickly prepare"

I couldn't do anything. I had to get out of here! Before they took my mind!

Bellroc and Skrael stood on either side of me. I was raised into the air.

They started to chant an ancient spell.

I looked up out of the small window above me.

"I'm sorry Douxie"


Hiii Guys!

So yes another cliff hanger cause I'm so annoying.

But I actually was motivated to do this chapter.

I did this in science so that's probs why cause SCIENCE SUCKS!

Keep in mind this is my opinion!

Anyways, hope you all have a magical day!

Pls drop a vote



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