50. No Emotion

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Douxie POV:

Now it was my chance. I had to find the others. I arrive at the arcane orders ship and carefully slip inside. I run around to each entrance and door. I finally find were the others were. Jim was there roaring and huffing. Everyone else was defenceless. I run into the room with my staff in the form of a guitar.

"How about a little music to soothe the savage beast?"

Jim fly's back in the air and crashes to the ground. I had knocked him out.

"Is everybody all right?" I ask looking around

"Douxie! I'd hug ya, but I can't move my arms" Toby says rapping his arms around himself.

"Where is the Arcane Order?" Claire asks as she slowly gets up from where she was laying.

"I have them preoccupied"

That's when Morgana, the queen of darkness herself stood up in front of me.

"What's the queen of the apocalypse doing here?"

"What I should have done long ago—deal with my brother"

"Get your injured to safety"

She raises from the floor and flew out of the room.

"Nari! Laylah! There not here with you?" I say putting my hands-on Claire's shoulders

"They locked her up somewhere. Douxie, did you get the seals?"

"Uh..." I stutter

"I'll explain later. Let's go"

"Grab Jim" Claire yells

"Got him!" Aaarghh says putting Jim onto his back.

We walk outside and I whistle

There was a loud scratch

"Whoa! Whoa!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm still getting the hang of it" Krel chuckles

"All right, everyone on board. Krel will take you down to Arcadia"

"I have to get Nari and Laylah see my plan through to the end"

I run towards Nari who was stuck in ice which appeared to be Skraels magic


"Oh, thank you. Though the order will surely rip your soul to pieces" She thanks.

"We need to work on your pep talks" I laugh It off

"Douxie! Douxie!" Archie and Adeline yell

"It seems the order's back from time, which means were out of it! Hurry"

"Nari! You must keep running. Never stop. You can't let the Arcane Order—"

"Nari!" Bellroc yells

"--find you"


I blast magic over Nari and the two siblings.

The arcane order start running towards us. They push me out of the way. I blast an infinity corridor in front of me as my last resort.

"What is this?" Bellroc scoffs

"An infinity corridor, uh"

"Beginner's magic"

"You think this will hold us?"

Bellroc blasts a fire ball at my head. I duck and it goes through the other side of the corridor.

"Buttsnacks! Ha!"

"You will die for this!"

"That was kind of the plan. But it was worth it so my friends—and Nari could get away" I say as my staff appears in my hands.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" The ask with an evil smile.

There was silence.

"Oh, did I say it incorrectly?"

"That certain someone would be your girlfriend"

They point to the ceiling. That's when Laylah appears.

But it wasn't Laylah, not the Laylah I know.

She looked possessed. She had no emotion. Her eyes were red she had black wings portraying from her back. She had small red horns from the tips of her head.

"Don't you like her new style?" Skrael asks and she flies down in between them.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I scream at them holding my staff in front of me.

"It's simple Casperan, the girl is now on our side which means she can help us open the seals"

"And after that....."

"We will have no use for her..."

They want to kill her so that her existence will vanish as well as her kind.

"Well good thing I'm here to stop that!" I yell sounding confident.

But deep down inside. I really wasn't.


Hey Guys!



I celebration of that I wanted to give my fans or my fanbase for this book a fun little name!


This name was inspired by my middle name because I couldn't think of anything else <3

If you are one of my little roses (a fan of my book)

Please comment: Rose fan here!

Or something similar if u want 😊

I'm so grateful of how far we have come with this book and to everyone each person who reads my fanfic.

I say this a thousand times but I can't thank you enough!

Love you guys!

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Thank you!


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