25. Boost

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Douxie POV:

"You're doing great, Claire" I say to Claire as Steve runs around like an idiot

Laylah was sitting next to me helping Claire focus. I was slightly worried about her. What did Merlin say when we left the room. There was yelling that was for sure.

"Channel your emotions, Good, now, let the world drop away" Lay says giving a hand gesture to the floor

Claire slowly drops to the floor and into the shadow realm. Laylah stands up and sighs.

"I'll go with her"

"Just in case" But before I could say anything she transported into the shadow realm.

I was worried about her. I had to talk to her


Laylah POV:

Claire and I fell into the shadow realm as Archie rolled around aimlessly. Claire pushed off a rock and grabs Arch as she rubs her hand under his chin.

"Well, that's new (purs)"

"What? don't—cut it out! I'm not a cat, I'm a dragon, currently" Archie says with his head held high

Suddenly Claire and I heard a faint voice which sounded like Jim

"Hey aarraghh!"

"Jim!" Claire yelled

"Or I crush skulls!" Aaarghh yelled

"Jim! Jim! Can you hear me?" Claire tries to communicate to Jim through the shadows

"We're not joining Gunmar!" He yells back holding his position

"He can't hear you, it's a vision of some sort. But how?" Archie suggests flying over to us

"I just really wanted to see Jim, and there he was in the shadows"

"How else can...agh!" But when she tries to touch Jim. He explodes

A flash of purple light, lights up in the corner of my eye.

"I will find a way inside those walls. Even Merlin will never expect. By nightfall, I'll strike down my traitorous brother and Camelot, ending the century of injustice" A women spoke revealing who I thought was my trusted friend. The one person that felt like true family to me.

"There's no way...." I stammer

"I can't be..." I say as I try to put my hand on her shoulder

"YOU! My own apprentice! Spying on me in the shadows!"

"Claire we gotta go!" I yell as she turns to see what's going on.

I blast magic around Claire and Archie so they can get a head start in reaching the shadows. Morgana blasts a bit of magic in my face as a trick. Instead she used a magic sealed rope and it wraps around my arm stopping me from proceeding any further.

"Let go off me!" I yell trying to burn the magic off my arm.

"You're not escaping my clutches this time miller, it's only a matter of time before you will be mine!" But before she could get her hands on me. I cut the rope with a magic knife and fly back to the surface.

I get flung out of the shadow realm and crash onto the ground. Claire sees me and quickly gets up as we both close the shadow realm. Morgana hand comes through the hole but she couldn't get out.

Her hand sizzles away into nothingness.

"Lay! You okay? Morgana almost had the upper-hand back there, thanks for the boost" Claire says putting her hand on my shoulder.

I nod but don't reply. If I were really honest I didn't know if I was okay. I mean so many things have happened and my magic has changed as well as hearing voices and having weird visions. I wasn't sure what to say.

I looked down to my feet because I was ashamed for not saying anything.

Douxie steps forward and placed his hand on my other shoulder.


I look up and look at Douxie straight into his eyes.

I sigh

"Maybe it's best if I stay out of the shadow realm for a while, till he figures out what's going on" I say walking away.

Douxie quickly grabs my wrist.

"I'm sure if it was anything dangerous or concerning then he would have told you...." He quickly said

He was right. But knowing Merlin you don't know what secrets he's hiding from anyone. Even if I was his partner her still wouldn't tell some things to protect me.

Despite this I decided to take Douxie's advice.

I smile. "Thanks, Doux"

He chuckles slightly. "That's what I'm here for"

He slowly comes up close to my face and gives me a small peck on my forehead and wraps me in a hug.

I blush.

"Come on everyone, we need to tell Merlin immediately" Douxie said grabbing my hand and runs out of the room.

Claire, Steve and Archie follow behind us.


Hey guys,

So, I'm back at school ☹ And I'm very busy this term because this is my last term before I finish Grade 7 (or 7th grade)


But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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