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Laylah POV:

"We have reached the time that's not the beginning, but not the end. A half- time, if you will. Enjoy this match of misfits, my lord!" Galahad says leaving the field that only leaves Archie and a gnome.

"This is thoroughly degrading" Archie sighs

"Ugh, I thought the king was in danger, not looking to use my friend as a sideshow" Douxie sighed

I chuckle slightly

Douxie gives me a small glare

"Sorry, sorry it's just the way you said it, you sounded all grumpy like"

"UhHhh ThEy MadE Me GivE mY fRieNd OvER tO THE KinG fOr EntErtaInmenT"

Douxie laughs slightly

"Perhaps we can arrive at some sort of mutually beneficial—oh" Archie says as the gnome bites his tail

"Why couldn't I have fought a gnome? I could've taken him, Easy" Steve sighs putting his cup of brue down

"Lift your spirits, lad. You'll have your moment" Lancelot says patting Steve's back

"Alright that's enough, you have awoken the beast" Archie says turning into a dragon and flying into the air and blowing fire at the gnome. It get's scared and runs away

"Not bad for a winged pest" Arthur yells from his impressed

"Now, the formidable knight of skulls and his challenger, Sir Clairee of the house of Nuenz"

Soon the knight we sure earlier and Claire was on the field

Douxie jumps 2 rows

"What is she doing?"

"Laylah did you know about this?" Douxie says turning around to me.

I nod slowly. "Sorry doux"

The two-start fighting and the knight grabs Steve's drink and splashes it on her. She falls over.

"Claire!" Douxie and I yell

"Hey! No fair, ref! Time out! Time out!" Steve yelled standing up and putting his hand in a T

Claire blasts a bit a of shadow magic at the knight and his sword flies out of his hands.

"Sorcery? That is forbidden!" Arthur yells

She stands up and points her sword at the knight

"Where is Morgana?" She yells taking of the helmet with her sword

Suddenly I get a stabbing like pain in my head. I felt a bit dizzy. I suddenly slightly collapse on the ground to my knees.

Douxie catches me and places his hands on my shoulder.

"Laylah! Woah easy there! You okay?"

My head suddenly comes out to my senses and I realise what the pain meant.

She was here....

"Douxie, she's here!" I say quickly standing up.


"She's here! I sense her presence"

I look over to Claire and see her getting taken away by 2 security guards.

Suddenly a mysterious man comes up behind Arthur with a stabbing knife.

"Hail Morgana!"

"No!" Claire and I yell as our shadow magic clashes and the guy falls down into the portal and comes out on the field. He knocks a hoof shelf behind him and it falls on him.

We will be together forever // Douxie Casperan x OC [1✓}Where stories live. Discover now