You Look Amazing Part 1

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Touya looked over the swimming trunks with minimal interest. He hated swimming but his boyfriend had somehow convinced him to go. Touya had loved the happy look he'd gotten from Tenko; he now regretted agreeing. They'd be going to the public pool which terrified Touya. He had just got top surgery while he loved the results he was insecure about showing people his chest still. Touya had expressed his concerns to Tenko who told him he was handsome even with the scars on his chest. Tenko also joked he would punch anyone who said otherwise. Maybe, it hadn't been a joke with how he had looked angry at the possibility of someone making fun of him.

Touya sighed he just wanted to get it over with. He decided to pick a pair of blue ones with flames. He had always been fascinated with fire ever since he was a kid. Touya always got a little too excited during the fourth of July. Hey, it wasn't his fault the firework had hit his dad's car. The man was rich anyways he could pay for it. Touya had gotten grounded for it so he had skipped a family dinner to spite his father. Touya grabbed the swimming trunks he'd picked out. He looked around for his boyfriend. He panicked a little when he couldn't find him. Touya had bad anxiety Tenko helped with his presence.

Tenko came around the corner carrying several athletic tank tops. Touya calmed down when he saw his boyfriend. Touya gave Tenko a confused look when he saw all the tank tops. "Oh, I got these in case you didn't want to show your chest." Tenko explained to him as he noticed the others' confusion. Touya felt warmth in his chest as he heard that. Tenko knew he was self conscious so he got him those. Touya grabbed the other male's hands as they walked to the checkout counter to buy what they needed.

"Touya you want to try them on?" Tenko asked as he held up Touya's new swimming trunks. Touya nodded taking them from his boyfriend. Touya ushered Tenko out of the room he complied leaving the other male to change. Touya put them on he liked how they looked. Touya felt a little self conscious about his legs but he squashed the feeling. Tenko had said he looked handsome right? Then why couldn't he believe him no matter how many times he'd said it?

Touya sighed in frustration he'd wish he could get over his anxiety about his own body. Even when he tried his hardest it was like it was in the shadows ready to pounce on him any second. Touya pulled his shirt over his head. He saw how his chest was flat he smiled to himself. He personal liked his results but he hated the stares he got when he was shirtless. People would glance at his scars some even asked about them. Tenko had told some teenage girls who kept staring at his scars to stare somewhere else it happened. Touya had been scared for people to see his chest since. The exception was Tenko since they lived together.

Touya looked into the full body mirror they had in their room. He traced one of his scars they were slightly faded now. He remembered at first they'd been red and angry looking. Tenko had helped him with his recovery process. Touya was going to have bottom surgery in a few weeks. Hopefully, Tenko would put up with his whiney ass. He was sure he would since he did last time. Touya loved him for that.

Touya exited their room Tenko was in the living room watching some kids show about dogs. Touya shook his head in amusement his boyfriend could be so childish sometimes. Touya stood in front of the tv to get his attention. Everyone who knew him well enough knew he loved it. Unless it was unwanted attention on his chest. Touya stood their self consciously. Instead of getting mad for his show being interrupted, Tenko walked over to his boyfriend.

Tenko eyes widened when he looked Touya over. Touya shuffled from one foot to the other thinking Tenko had lied about finding him attractive. "Damn, Touya how do you always look so amazing?" Tenko asked in disbelief. Touya blushed at the compliment not expecting it. "Come here." Tenko said Touya walked over to him. Tenko grabbed the shorter male's face he made Touya look at him. Touya stared into his red eyes he saw something in them. Adoration. Love. Acceptance.

Touya leaned closer to his boyfriend getting the clue Tenko kissed him softly. Touya sighed contently as Tenko lifted him up into his arms. Touya instinctively wrapped his legs around his waist. Tenko carried him over to the couch. Tenko sat him down before sitting down next to him. Touya wanting attention crawled into his boyfriend's lap. Tenko chuckled at him Touya pouted. "Cuddles." Touya demanded as he hugged his boyfriend.

Tenko complied hugging the smaller man back. Touya buried his face in the side of Tenko's neck relaxing in his boyfriend's hold. Tenko began to run his hands threw Touya's hair which had him melting in his arms. Touya felt his eyes get heavy he leaned into Tenko using him as a pillow. Tenko smiled at his boyfriend he thought he was adorable like this. Not that he'd tell him that since Touya would deny it.

Touya let himself fall asleep he felt safe in Tenko's arms. Tenko grabbed a blanket they kept on the couch for when they watched a movie together. He draped it over his sleeping boyfriend. Touya snored lightly in his sleep Tenko kissed him on the head affectionately before leaning back into the couch. Touya could sleep for hours on end sometime so he'd be here for a while. Tenko didn't mind though as long as he had Touya with him. Tenko smiled they could swim later. It wasn't as important as his boyfriend who had fallen asleep in his lap. Tenko feel asleep soon afterwards there was no place he'd rather be.

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