A Moments Bliss

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Warnings: illegal drug usage mentioned and cussing

Tomura heard someone knock on his door confused and still half asleep he stumbled threw the living room to the door. Tomura wasn't expecting company so he found it was strange that someone was on his doorstep. He was also a little irritated he had been awoken from his dream he'd been having. Tomura hated sleep usually since he got nightmares but for once his dream had been pleasant.

"What the hell do you want asshole?" Tomura asked he squinted his eyes as the early morning light invaded his senses. "This is what I get for staying inside all the time." Tomura thought to himself. As soon as his eyes adjusted Tomura finally saw the person who interrupted his sleep. The teen couldn't bother to be mad anymore as soon as he saw Dabi's face.

Tomura found his heart thumping wildly in his chest just at the sight of the other male. "Good morning princess I brought donuts." Dabi said he held up a box of the unhealthy snacks he slipped past Tomura into the house before he could say anything.

"Uh, thanks. What are you doing here this early?" Tomura asked confused. He wasn't mad not really. Dabi would usually send him a text or a call something to let him know he was coming to his house. Tomura opened the box of donuts he took a bite he smiled at the sweet flavor on his tongue.

Dabi didn't bother to touch the box of sweets he hated sweet things. "I just wanted to see you is all." Dabi said he sat down at the table beside Tomura. Tomura glanced at Dabi his words were slightly slurred and his eyes appeared to be bloodshot.

Tomura tensed up once he realized what kind of state his boyfriend was in. Dabi had problems Tomura couldn't deny that. With the kind of family Dabi had he couldn't blame the man for wanting to escape. He thought Dabi had been getting better. Dabi said he was getting better.

"You went back on your promise." Tomura said quietly the oncoming silence was making everything tense. "Say something." Tomura demanded he saw Dabi flinch. The man seemed less relaxed now he was fixing Tomura with a glare. As if daring him to comment on his state.

"I was trying but..." Dabi said he cut himself off whenever he saw the hurt look in Tomura's eyes he couldn't bear to see it. "I just. You know what screw it!" Dabi said he stood up quickly sending the chair he had been sitting in crashing to the floor. "You're not my mom. I can do what I want I'm leaving!" Dabi yelled he hated being looked at with Tomura's disapproval. He had came here to get away from everything. If Tomura wanted to judge him like everyone else he'd just leave.

"Dabi wait!" Tomura said he got up he ran after the other man. Dabi had his hand on the door he was about to leave whenever he felt Tomura's arms wrap around his waist. Dabi's eyes widened he let go of the doorknob as one of Tomura's hands closed over his.

"You're right you can do what you want. If you want to leave you can. I want you to stay Dabi. I want to help you. That's all I want. I'm not trying to judge you. I care about you fuck sake Dabi. That's why I can't bear to see you this way. You have issues I know. God I know. But this isn't the right way to take care of them okay?" Tomura said he let his hold on Dabi go slack giving the other a chance to choose.

Dabi turned around he looked into Tomura's eyes. Tomura could practically see the metaphorical gears turning in Dabi's mind as he thought. Dabi had tried to stop using drugs he really did. After what his dad did that morning he couldn't help it. Before he knew it what was happening he was reaching for a blunt.

"I want to get help. I can't promise I won't mess up." Dabi said he was vulnerable laying himself out bare for Tomura to see. Dabi wanted to back away into a corner like a scared animal and threaten and attack until he was left alone. The hurt in Tomura's eyes flashed into his head making him stay put no matter how much the voice in the back of his head was telling him to flee. To run away and hide let his problems consume him until it came crashing all back down to fully desimate him.

"I suppose that's something we'll have to learn to stop together." Tomura said he held out his hand for Dabi to take. Despite, what his head was telling him Dabi decided to listen to his heart as he felt his hand touch Tomura's. Tomura was a solid real thing maybe if he had a rock to ground him the flash backs of his past wouldn't haunt his mind. Dabi wasn't sure but he guessed it was worth a try.

Dabi in all honesty was glad he had gotten help. It wasn't easy at all. The man had to fight for every step he made it felt like he'd be pushed back every three every time he would make progress. Still he tried to get better not only for himself but for Tomura. Rehab had been hard. It sucked. Dabi hated facing his emotions head on like a raging hurricane for the first time in a long time.

Seeing Tomura's smile whenever he'd gotten the green light to finally go home was the best thing in the world. Dabi supposed he was glad he hadn't ran away that night. He was glad he hadn't abandoned Tomura. That the other man hadn't just let him run away to be consumed by everything.

Dabi was glad for the slow dances in the kitchen in their apartment which they had rented as soon as Tomura they had gotten out of school. Dabi rested his head on Tomura's chest he smiled he could hear his boyfriend's heartbeat in his ears. It was the only sound he ever wanted to hear. It made him feel safe and loved.

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