Father's Disappearance

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"Where is he?!" Shigaraki asked as he stormed into the bar's kitchen. "Where's who?" Kurogiri asked confused. "Father he's missing! Shigaraki said he seemed upset. "Where did you put him?" Dabi asked he was sitting at a barstool drinking a glass of whiskey. "I don't know." Shigaraki said it was weird for Dabi to see his face. Usually he hid it even around him Dabi. Shigaraki was dating him even.

Dabi guessed it wasn't due to him not trusting him. Dabi thought Shigaraki wore the thing out of some childhood trauma. "Try to remember, alright?" Dabi asked Shigaraki nodded. "I think I remember taking him off last night so I could see my game better." Shigaraki said at least it was a start. "Come on creep let's go looked for em." Dabi said Shigaraki followed him.

They looked all over Shigaraki's messy room. Dabi hadn't seen a room so messy in his life. "What is that?" Dabi asked he pointed to something running across the floor. "Oh, that's my pet rat." Shigaraki said Dabi looked at him like he's crazy. "Did you buy it?" He asked. "Nope he just kinda came one day. I fed him a cracker he's been my pet ever since." Shigaraki explained. Dabi defiantly thought he was crazy now.

"You befriended a random rat in you're room because?" Dabi asked curiously. "I don't know guess I was lonely." Shigaraki said shrugging. "That's just sad." Dabi said the rat came up to Shigaraki as it heard his voice. Shigaraki picked it up the rat sat on his shoulder. "You're so weird." Dabi said shaking his head. "Hey, don't act like you don't feed that stray cat." Shigaraki said trying to defend his pet.

"At least she's not a rat. Also, you better keep you're rat here away from her. She loves to eat little mice." Dabi said he grabbed the rat off of Shigaraki's shoulder. "It's a rat you dumb fuck. Give him back." Shigaraki said Dabi didn't listen to him. "Stupid gray fuzzball." Dabi said he looked it over. The rat not liking being picked up bite Dabi's hand. "Ow, you little-" Dabi said he was interrupted by Shigaraki.

"Don't hurt him." Shigaraki said he sat the rat back down before it scampered off into a pile of clothes on the floor. "If I get rabies because of you then I'll kill you. Also, you're rooms disgusting." Dabi said Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "I've gotten bit multiple times you'll be fine. You're disgusting." Shigaraki said he started digging threw the stuff on the floor to look for father. "That would explain a lot." Dabi said sarcastically.

"Ha ha you're so very funny. How about you shut up and help me look for father?" Shigaraki asked he was throwing things everywhere. "How about we clean up this dumpster? I'm sure we'll find him better." Dabi said he just wanted Shigaraki to clean his room. Partly because he slept in there as well. He had his own bed but it wasn't fun if he wasn't annoying Shigaraki. "Fine." Shigaraki agreed. Dabi was surprised he thought he'd argue about it. Like he did every time Kurogiri asked him to clean his room.

They started to clean his room or the dumpster as Dabi called it. "How many hoodies do you own?" Dabi asked as he threw another one into his laundry basket. Shigaraki shrugged he lost count long time ago. "Okay so you don't know not surprising." Dabi said Shigaraki noticed Dabi was wearing one of them. "What?" Dabi asked confused why his boyfriend was staring at him.

"You like wearing my hoodies, huh?" Shigaraki asked he was smiling amused. Dabi blushed, "This isn't yours." He said. "Yeah, right that's the black one I wear to go out in public." Shigaraki said amused. "It's just a black hoodie. I could have bought it." Dabi lied he did like black clothing though. "I know that's mine just give it up." Shigaraki said they finally cleaned up all of his dirty laundry that had been on the floor. "Fine maybe it is yours shut up." Dabi said he blushed looking away from the other male.

They spent the next hour cleaning the rest of his room. "Wow I can see the carpet." Dabi said in disbelief. Shigaraki's room had never been this clean before. "It wasn't that messy." Shigaraki said. "Yeah, right if I can't see the floor then it's messy." Dabi said he saw the rat on Shigaraki's bed. "Get that vermin off you're bed." Dabi said he pointed to the rat.

"He's fine he always sleeps up there." Shigaraki said Dabi was grossed out. "It's a rat it's dirty. Also, I sleep in that bed to you know." Dabi said annoyed. "Does that make you a vermin?" Shigaraki asked teasingly. "No. Do you know where you left father?" Dabi asked him to change the subject. "Yeah, I think over here." Shigaraki walked over to his desk with his computer. Father wasn't there. "Oh, yeah now I remember." Shigaraki said he pulled the hand out of his hoodie pocket. They had cleaned his room for nothing.

"Seriously." Dabi said annoyed. "What? I always forget to put him there." Shigaraki said he put the hand on his face. "I guess it wasn't a total waste since I like not finding month old pizza in you're room." Dabi said he glared at the rat. If it went missing one day mysteriously it was his fault probably. Shigaraki was about to leave when Dabi grabbed his arm.

"What?" Shigaraki asked confused. "Oh, no you don't creep you owe me a kiss for this." Dabi said Shigaraki sighed but took the hand off of his face. He put it in his pocket so he wouldn't loose it again. "Remember he's in you're pocket otherwise I'll kill you." Dabi threatened Shigaraki knew he wouldn't actually do it. "Alright, come here." Shigaraki said he yanked Dabi forward. They leaned in pressing their lips together. Dabi smiled into the kiss he would clean the room again for this.

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