Mon Doesn't Approve

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Dabi entered Tenko's house he was supposed to take care of his dog for the weekend. Tenko was going to be at work so he'd trusted his boyfriend Touya with his fur baby Mon. Mon was Tenko's childhood pet he'd taken her with him when he'd left his childhood home. The dog was scared of strangers due to living in a unstable home for years.

It remind Touya of Tenko. At first he'd been hesitant around him but after they started hanging out more due to Toga he showed his fiery personality. Dabi wondered if the corgi had a fiery one as well under all the fur. "Come here Tenko's fluff butt." Touya called out just to amuse himself. As soon as he opened the door a chorus of barking began.

Touya covered his ears she was shy his ass. The little dog made a racket. "Hey, calm down I'm spending all weekend with you. Might as well get used to me." Touya said even if he knew the dog couldn't understand him. Touya saw Mon running down the hallway from Tenko's room trying to run but it ended up as a awkward fast waddle.

Touya chuckled at the corgi it thought it looked threatening as she growled at him. Mon raised her hackles she showed her teeth. "Aww, is the vicious big bad wolf going to attack me?" Dabi asked teasingly he poked the corgi in the chest. Mon bit his finger Touya yelled in surprise. Touya looked at his finger a drop of blood ran down his finger.

"That's it you little demon dog." Touya said he tried to pick her up. The corgi snapped at him again successfully biting his hand. Lots of bandaids and bites later Touya had successfully picked up the corgi. Touya had a list that his boyfriend had left on the fridge on how to care for his dog. "I need to walk you apparently." Touya said the dog growled in response to his voice.

Touya searched around for a collar he found a dog harness instead. Touya tried to put it on the dog she growled and ran around instead. After fifteen minutes of chasing her around Touya had gotten her in the harness. "Let's go devil." Touya said annoyed as he tugged on the leash trying to get her to follow him out the door.

Mon appeared to grin as she sat down on the floor not moving. "I'll just drag you." Touya said he pulled on the leash. Mon sat rooted to the spot so Touya started dragging her. The corgi eventually gave up following after him reluctantly. "That's right you obey me." Touya said glad he'd finally gotten her to obey him. It didn't last long though as she peed on his shoes.

"I hate you." Touya said as he took his shoes off on the porch. Mon yipped amused before running off harness on still. Touya had to take it off of her he had to fight it but he got her out. Touya read the list, "Hm, you need a bath I see." Touya said he smirked this would be revenge for her peeing on his shoes. As soon as word left his mouth the corgi ran off into Tenko's room.

Oh, no you don't." Touya said he grabbed the corgi out from under the bed. She snarled but she got out in the bathtub anyways. Touya could add another bite to his collection. Touya gave her a bath she shaked the water off on him as well. Touya tried to towel dry her but she was off like lighting before he could even touch her.

Mon hide under Tenko's bed for hours which Touya was okay with. He decided to order take out while the dog was gone. He came back shortly after. His phone started ringing he answered it seeing it was from his boyfriend. "Hello?" He asked. "Hey, Touya how's Mon doing?" Tenko asked he sounded tired. "She's a demon. Bit me lots of times, peed on my shoes, and ran around with her harness on." Dabi replied.

Tenko chuckled, "Sorry I'm sure she'll warm up to you." "Yeah, right she hates my guts." Touya said the corgi definitely hated him. "Give her time make sure to feed her." Tenko said he yawned. "Alright, go to bed creep you sound tired." Touya said fondly. "Okay goodnight love you." Tenko said sleepily. "Good love you." Touya replied before he hanged up.

Touya looked at the doorway Mon was standing their wagging her tail. Touya knew that wasn't aimed at him she must have heard Tenko's voice. As soon as she notcied Touya looking at her she growled. Touya rolled his eyes he sat in the couch he opened up the styrofoam container which contained his dinner. He started eating his chicken strips when Mon waddled over to him.

"Want some?" Touya asked the dog wagged her tail. "It's my food demon be nice to me I might consider." Touya said he threw a tiny piece on the floor. Mon ate it quickly she sat down giving him baby eyes. Touya reached a hand out toward she growled but didn't bite him. Touya feed her another small piece of chicken. He touched the dogs head she tolerated it as he feed her another piece.

That night when Touya was sleeping she jumped onto the couch. Missing Tenko she laid on Touya's chest like she did on Tenko's every night. Dabi was surprised in the morning when he saw her on his chest still fast asleep. Touya smiled her petted her fur gently as to not wake her. For the rest of the weekend they spent time together playing with her toys or watching TV on the couch.

Tenko arrived home late on Sunday. "Touya?" He called out to see if he was awake or not. The man walked into the living room to see Touya on the couch asleep with Mon on his chest. Tenko smiled it looked like his two favorite things in the world were finally getting along.

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