Pain And Comfort Part 1

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Warnings: This chapter contains unsafe binding methods for a trans masculine character. Do not replicate them! It is not safe I have done this it is not fun and it's hurts. I have a scar now from where I wore my binder for way to long and it dug into my skin. I repeat do not do this!

Dabi winced he had just sat up in his bed. His side hurt tremendously and he hadn't even did anything to hurt it that he was aware of. Dabi felt like the bandages he was using to bind his chest were digging into his skin. He noticed his breathing was restricted it was shallower than usual.

Dabi got up he swung his feet over the side of his bed and started walking towards the bathroom. Dabi's walk was awkward he had to stop every few seconds and kneel over in pain or grit his teeth. Dabi already had scars around his chest due to the fire that had burned him as a kid.

The fire hadn't gotten rid of everything though. He still had a chest that wasn't male looking in the slightest. It bothered him to no end and their was no way he could afford a safe way to bind. So, Dabi settled for cheap store bought bandages that were by no means safe.

Dabi often had to take breaks or was completely worn out and in pain after battles. The bandages had also caught a staple before which meant he had put in a new staple which wasnt fun. Dabi thought Tomura might have caught onto his unsafe binding methods.

His boyfriend was the only one other than Magne who new about him being trans. Dabi hadn't chosen to tell them because he didn't feel like it was necessary. He wasn't ashamed like he used to be. Dabi just didn't see the point if they weren't dating him or could share his experiences like Magne. Toga had somehow found out. She knew everything that went on somehow.

Dabi knew the League wouldn't see him any differently. He had no fear of that. They treated Magne just like everyone else and respected her. If not respect they didn't care enough to be mean about it. Tomura would quickly shut anyone down who was mean to Magne or Dabi.

Dabi didn't want to look at his scarred chest. That's why he always wore a shirt even if he didnt have to when he was just in his room by himself. Dabi hated looking at it. It reminded him of not only his bad childhood due to the scars but of him not being born a man.

If Dabi didn't have to see it he didn't have to worry about. Out of sight out of mind. The bandages were reminding him of it coincidentally. Every pang of pain that flashed threw his body made him that much more aware of the bandages tight around his chest.

"Shit!" Dabi cussed he was bent over the sink breathing heavily. His breathing was ragged coming out as more pitiful pants than actual breathing. Dabi panicked as he saw black spots come into his vision. He couldn't pass out. What would he do if Tomura found him? Or worse somebody else.

If the fire user was missing they'd get concerned after a while. Dabi was known to disappear for long periods of time unannounced during the beginning of his entanglement with the League. He had started to come around more after he had started dating Tomura. It was unavoidable to not see the others if he was hanging around the base with Tomura.

Now he was expected to be there. Especially if Tomura was out of his room socializing for a few hours. Tomura had been the same at first. Prickly and avoiding everyone else preferring to keep to himself. That had changed eventually he now spent regular amounts of time with the rest of the League. Dabi got drug along not that he cared that much.

Dabi faded in and out of consciousness. He could see blurs of color every few seconds. The white tile of the bathroom blurred with the white of the sink and walls. Dabi thought he heard the door slam open. Dabi felt himself being lifted into lanky but solid arms. Dabi allowed it since he had no idea as to what was going on as he his vision faded in and out. He was also to weak to fight it.

Dabi's vision finally went completely black. His head slumped against the person who had carried him aways shoulder. "I swear I'm going to kill you before the heroes or those bandages will." Tomura growled as he set the man on his bed. He pulled Dabi's shirt over his head setting the partially burnt clothing on his nightstand.

Tomura reached behind Dabi to unfasten the safety clip holding the bandages around his chest. Tomura threw it in his trash can wanting to be rid of the thing. He decayed the bandages he didn't care about seeing Dabi's chest. It wasn't anything he hadn't seen before. Dabi wouldn't care he knew it was only him.

Tomura went to his closet and pulled out his black hoodie. He put it on Dabi before leaning the man's head on his pillow. "Dumb fuck I'm going to kill him." Tomura muttered angrily to himself. He had no intention on following threw with his empty threat. The man wasn't happy with his boyfriend.

After a similar incident about a month ago Dabi had promised to stop binding with bandages. Tomura had suspected he hadn't truly stopped he sometimes still saw Dabi wince as he walked or not able to do things he should be able to do. The bandages restricted his movement, breathing, and it was painful.

Tomura had seen bruising on Dabi's ribs. He wasn't foolish enough to believe it was scars. The purple color was lighter than Dabi's burn scars and it looked recent. Tomura grabbed his handheld console he played his game waiting for Dabi to wake up. He occasionally glanced at Dabi to see if he had awakened.

"Where am I?" Dabi asked confused as he blinked his eyes looking around. He saw white walls but he knew he wasn't in the bathroom still. He was on a bed but it wasn't his own. Dabi looked down at the blue sheets he finally realized where he was. He glanced at his boyfriend he was sitting in his office chair playing a video game.

Tomura had stopped his gaze instantly going to Dabi as soon as he spoke. Dabi felt like a bug under a microscope under that red gaze. He squirmed looking away already knowing what was coming. Dabi felt the soft material of a hoodie against his skin. 'He knows. He knows.' Dabi thought to himself.

"So care to explain yourself." Tomura said more calmly than he felt. Inside his emotions were a raging tornado of anger. He had made Dabi promise last time not to use the bandages. They were dangerous and hurt him why didn't he see that? Tomura wasn't being mean he cared about Dabi. "No." Dabi said still avoiding eye contact.

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