Vacation Troubles Part 1

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Warnings: cussing

"I can't fucking believe this!" Tomura cursed as he threw his bag into the backseat of his car. He had packed for four days that he'd be gone. Dabi grumbled as well setting his nicer into the car. They both were notorious for not getting a long at all. Dabi would usually say something to annoy Tomura. The man would snap instantly like a piece of balsa wood being broken in half.

Unfortunately, for the two teens they had been forced to "bond" on a setup vacation for them. Normally Tomura would have protested and refused to go no matter what. His friends plus Kurogiri his adoptive dad said that he desperately needed to get along with his one and only enemy Dabi.

Dabi was in the same friend group as him. Tomura had been at there school ever since he escapes his dad's abusive treatment led to Kurogiri adopting him at age seven. Dabi had been there one year. That year was enough for him to worm his way into his friend group and into Tomura's life.

They were both seniors in college. Tomura saw Dabi's face for every single one of his classes. It seemed as if the universe itself wanted Tomura and Dabi to interact. Despite, then clearly hating one another. 'No.' Tomura thought to himself hate wasn't the right word. He was annoyed by Dabi. He didn't hate him. He was tolerable on the rare occasions he shut up.

The two of them without their knowledge or consent were forced to go a four day long vacation to a hotel a few hours out of the city they lived in. It was in the country and supposedly relaxing. Tomura wasn't going to be doing any relaxing he thought. Not with Dabi driving him crazy the entire way there.

The worst part was Kurogiri had agreeded and even encouraged the vacation. His words were, "You're going to the local college together. Everyone including myself is tired of hearing you two bicker. Toga presented me with this idea. You two boys are nearly adults you can handle a few days of bonding with one another two hours away."

That was why he currently found himself driving down the road. Dabi was sitting in the passenger seat tapping his foot along to the rock music that blasted threw the speakers. Tomura didn't complain he liked the band that was on even if he didn't like the volume. It seemed they had something in common after all.

The quiet was shattered after only their first stop a hour onto the road. Dabi being him of course couldn't keep quiet after only a hour. Tomura was sure that if took physically everything within the other male to shut up this far. Dabi started blabbering on about something that Tomura didn't care about.

He tried to tune it out even tried turning the radio up higher. Dabi's voice grated in his head like nails against a chalk board. Tomura's knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel he felt rage bubble up beneath his skin. He knew he wouldn't think clearly if he was this angry so he pulled off a long the side of the road.

Dabi gave Tomura a confused look he shut his mouth lucky for Tomura's sanity. Which was slowly slipping away. "Why did ya stop the car?" Dabi asked confused. He looked at Tomura for a explanation.

"You're annoying you know that?" Tomura snapped his rage finally boiling over like a overflowed sink.

"Yeah you've told me a million times. You forgetful dumbass." Dabi snapped back getting up in Tomura's space easily crossing the small space between them in the cramped car.

"Why do you even bother talking to me? You clearly annoy me." Tomura said he became uncomfortable fast from the little amount of space between them quickly becoming less and less the closer Dabi got. Tomura put his hand on Dabi's chest to keep him from coming any closer.

"Cause it make you mad. You're fun to piss off." Dabi said he put his hand over Tomura's that was on his chest. Tomura flinched back like he was burned. With Dabi's hot hand against his own it almost felt like he had been. Tomura put his hand back on the steering wheel refusing to even glance in Dabi's direction.

"I'm going to start driving again we'll stop once we get there." Tomura mumbled to distracted by the phantom feeling of Dabi's hand on his own. Dabi hummed in what Tomura assumed was of confirmation that he'd heard it. Dabi went back to using the radio for entertainment. Tomura was still shaken up he couldn't even understand or focus on the lyrics if he tried.

One more hour of much the same thing they finally arrived. The hotel was in the country it was tucked away along a road between some trees. The place looked more like a forest than a town. Green was everywhere from the trees to the long green grass that hadn't been mowed that brushed along Tomura's ankles like green snakes.

Tomura looked around observing the area that they'd be staying at for the next four days. Dabi on the other hand walked straight into the hotel carefree as he asked the receptionist for their prepaid room. The guy was old so old Tomura was surprised he wasn't dead.

They got their key and thanked the guy before making there way to their room. The room was nicer than Tomura expected. He sat down on the bed shoved into the corner. Dabi sat his bag on the other one towards the door seeming to claim that one. It was a small room with hardly any space to more than walk one way than immediately have to turn back around.

A tiny desk with a coffee maker and free plastic cups and straws was shoved into a corner. A bathroom was attached it was barely big enough for Tomura fo stretch his arms out comfortably. It was small but Tomura supposed it was clean, the room wasn't to expensive, plus he had his own bed.

It was getting late Tomura went into the bathroom locking the door behind him. The man quickly changed clothes into more comfortable ones to sleep in. He looked himself over in the mirror. He sighed he looked the same as always maybe more ragged from the hair Dabi wanted to make him pull out earlier.

Tomura collapsed onto his bed falling asleep almost instantly when his head hit the pillow. Dabi didn't bother getting up to get changed he stayed in his white t-shirt, leather jacket and jeans only managing to take his combat boots off before he fell asleep.


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