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Tomura's arms strained his breathing was heavy. He sat down the boxes he was carrying on the floor he collapsed into a sitting position right next to it. Tomura was moving into his college dorm room he had opted to go to college since he needed it to get the job he wanted. Tomura wanted to be a video game designer he had worked hard so he could to get selected into the best college. All For One's money helped as well but he liked to think it was mostly due to his own efforts.

Tomura had taken all of his things up to his room since he didn't want to take multiple trips. Tomura was worn out the three boxes he'd stacked on top of one another were heavy. He had taken the bear minimum to college he didn't have the patience or energy to take all his belongings so most got left in his childhood home.

Dabi watched as a strange kid collapsed on the floor in a heap all his things being sat down quickly like his arms were about to give out. Dabi grinned it seemed like his roomate had tried to rush things by bringing up all his stuff. Dabi was on his bed previously he'd been watching a movie on his phone.

He paused it whenever he heard footsteps outside the door he wanted to see who the person he was going to be staying with for at least a year was like. "So, what's your name creep?" Dabi asked he grinned whenever the man shot him a glare.

"My name's Tomura Shigaraki son of All For One. I'm sure you heard of him?" Tomura asked his voice was cold he was clearly annoyed by Dabi's words. Tomura sighed he picked up the first box on the top of the pile he sat it on his bed and started sorting threw things.

"How could I not? You're old man runs the biggest banking company in Japan. I suspect some of that money is from laundering and other suspicious illegal activities?" Dabi asked he added the last part just to get a rise out of the other man.

It worked Tomura clutched a old Pokemon stuffed animal in his hands a little to hard. He threw the Growlithe down harshly on his bed turning around to give Dabi a death glare. "Shut up what do you know? You don't know him like I do." Tomura hissed.

"Hmm, sure creep. Anyways the name is Dabi." Dabi said he sat up on his bed so he was able to look at Tomura. "You have also got to know who my dad is then? He owns the second most powerful banking company in Japan. Theirs no money laundering but he sure does screw people over." Dabi said he held out his hand for Tomura to shake.

"I hate you." Tomura said they had just met yet the man had already made him mad and insulted him. Yet he still stepped forward and shook Dabi's hand. Dabi grinned for someone who had just been told he was hated he didn't seem to care he appeared amused even.

"Nice to meet you to Tomura." Dabi said he brought Tomura's hand up to his mouth and kissed his knuckles. Tomura felt his face turn red he brought his hand to his chest away from Dabi like the man had burned him. "You're kinda cute for a stuck up brat." Dabi said he winked at Tomura causing his blush to deepen.

"You're fucking crazy." Tomura said in disbelief he couldn't even think straight enough to growl at Dabi. He ignored him the rest of the night focusing on putting his things away. Once he was done he collapsed on top of his bed not even bothering to take off his shoes. Tomura stared at the ceiling for multiple hours getting little sleep. He was curious as to who Dabi was. Most of all why had he kissed his knuckles after insulting him?

Despite, their earlier encounter being unpleasant Tomura found him and Dabi worked well together. They got into a routine as fast as a week in. Dabi would wake up make them both coffee before he awoke Tomura at 7:00 am to stumble into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Dabi would either make breakfast or they'd grab something from the school cafeteria on the way depending on his mood.

Dabi was studying art he was going to become a character artist. Tomura had seen some of his work it was incredible. The man had a talent for making creative things that didn't exist. Dabi had once designed a blue and black dragon that had purple accents. He never drew anything realistic Tomura really liked his painting anyways.

"Are we gonna study together like we agreed to?" Dabi asked as he sat down on the floor beside Tomura who had several papers surrounding him.

"Oh, yeah sorry I was just working on something for class." Tomura said he gave Dabi a sheepish smile. Dabi felt his cheeks heat up he loved seeing Tomura smile. Dabi had a crush on Tomura for the last two months he had thought he was cute when he had first laid eyes on the man. Dabi and no idea that a simple attraction would turn into the love he felt for Tomura now.

Dabi who was usually bold was nervous to ask out Tomura. Sure they got along great and sometimes Tomura ended up in his bed if he had a particularly bad nightmare so Dabi could comfort him. That didn't mean Tomura had a crush on him back did it? He supposed the only way to know was to ask.

"Hey, uh Tomura check page 97 in your textbook I saw a note in there this morning." Dabi said he had secretly slipped a note in the man's textbook last time they had been studying. Several times that day he had panicked and had thought about removing the note when Tomura was away he had managed to keep a hold of himself long enough to not remove it. He now just had to see if he'd regret his choice it not.

Tomura opened his book he started flipping threw the pages confused. He didn't remember leaving any notes in his book. Tomura didn't take notes even if he probably should to remember stuff got tests. Tomura finally found the page a blue note with a dragon scribbled on it fell out as he shook the book.

The note fluttered to the ground Dabi eyed it nervously. Tomura looked at Dabi confused. Why was his friend so nervous about a note? Tomura picked it up he smiled at the doodle before opening it. Dabi closed his eyes he didn't want to see Tomura's face when he rejected him. Dabi's heart thumped wildly in his chest as he waited what felt like hours each second ticking by slowly.

No sounds could be heard other than Dabi's own frantic breathing and Tomura shuffling around to get more comfortable. "Open your eyes." Tomura commanded he sat the note down beside him. Dabi shook his head he didn't want to see Tomura right now it would be to painful. He was silent for a while meaning he clearly didn't like Dabi back.

"Open you're eyes." Tomura said again this time softer. Dabi opened one blue eye hesitantly at first then the other one. To his surprise Tomura wasn't mad he was smiling.

"Huh?" Dabi asked confused.

Tomura grabbed him by his shirt he tugged him forward smashing his lips onto Dabi's. Dabi's eyes widened he leaned into the kiss and he kissed back like his life depended on it. He supposed maybe it did he no longer could imagine living without Tomura. "Does that answer your question?" Tomura asked his face was just as red as Dabi's and his breathing was just as erratic now.

"I don't know maybe you outta do it again." Dabi said grinning.

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