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Shigaraki woke up after a horrible nightmare he was covered in sweat. The blue haired man was panting heavily he had a nightmare. It was about his family he was reliving it in his head. The weird thing was he couldn't remember all the details just parts. It felt like someone had made him forget it but he thought that wasn't likely.

"You okay?" Dabi asked sleepily he had woken up after hearing his boyfriend thrashing around in his sleep. "No." Shigaraki said he was distressed judging by the sad expression on his face. "Nightmare?" Dabi asked. "Yeah." Shigaraki said he had them often that's why he tried to avoid sleeping as long as possible. Ever since sleeping with Dabi it and gotten better but they still appeared from time to time.

Dabi said nothing in return he pulled Shigaraki into his warm touch. Shigaraki let himself be cuddled by his amazing boyfriend even if he felt like he didn't deserve it. "It's okay babe let's go back to sleep." Dabi muttered already half asleep. Shigaraki chuckled at his sleepy boyfriend. Dabi slightly smiled at hearing his laugh. "Goodnight creep." Dabi said before he drifted off to sleep. "Night furnace." Shigaraki said he kissed the top of Dabi's head before letting himself fall asleep again.

Shigaraki walked into the hideouts kitchen to get a drink. He was surprised to see Dabi sitting at the table a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. The man had dried blood under his eyes a giveaway that he'd been crying. Dabi didn't even look up as he arrived. The man usually teased him anytime he so much as breathed next to him something was defiantly wrong. Shigaraki got a cup of milk before sitting at the opposite side of the table.

"What's wrong ashtray?" Shigaraki asked concerned. "Nothing." Dabi said he knew Shigaraki wouldn't buy that lie. "Hm, bullshit what's wrong?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi sighed, "I had a nightmare." Dabi explained. "Alright, get over here." Shigaraki said as he motioned Dabi over with his hand. Dabi got up he walked over to his boyfriend his hot chocolate in his hands.

Dabi sat the mug down on the table so he could sit in his boyfriends lap. Shigaraki wrapped his arms securely around Dabi's waist so he wouldn't fall. Dabi burried his face in Shigaraki's neck relaxing against him as he smelled the familiar scent of his shampoo. Shigaraki rocked Dabi back in forth he said reassuring words to get him to feel better.

After several minutes of this Dabi felt a lot better. Shigaraki wiped the bloody trails away with a paper towel. "Wanna go play animal crossing?" Shigaraki asked Dabi. Dabi's eyes lit up, "I get to see Raymond right?" Dabi asked hopefully. "Yes, let's go play." Shigaraki said for some reason Dabi had a obsession with the character. He was willing to bet it was due to the heterochromia reminding him of his brother.

They both got a giant fluffy blanket and cuddled on the couch. Dabi got in his opinion his spot as he sat in Shigaraki's lap. Shigaraki wrapped a arm around him as they cuddled. "Love you creep." Dabi said he was smiling now. "Love you to stitched face." Shigaraki said he kissed Dabi's head.

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