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"Hey, Touya are you gonna ask a girl out man? You've been single ever since you broke up with Miruko." Natsuo asked his brother. "Listen Natsuo. I'm not so sure about me being attracted to women. I tried it I kinda like men. Anyways, don't tell dad or you're dead." Touya growled. Natsuo held his hands up in a non threatening manner. "Don't worry dude I understand. You're secrets safe with me!" Natsuo said he was happy his brother trusted him enough to tell him.

Touya rolled his eyes but he smiled this was why he liked Natsuo. The teen could tell him anything and he'd take it to his grave. Natsuo also accepted him for who he was. "Got any guys in mind?" Natsuo asked curiously. Touya felt s blush rise on his face, "Eh, maybe." He said he blushed harder thinking about his crush Tenko. "Oh, who is it?" Natsuo asked. "No one you'd know." Touya said hoping he'd drop the subject.

Natsuo was persistent and kept asking him though. Touya groaned he was tired of Natsuo's constant asking. "Alright I'll tell you just quit asking." Touya said giving in. Natsuo did a fist bump to the air excited to know who his brother had a crush on. Almost every girl at their school had a crush on Touya. He was the son of a hero, handsome, and the life of any party. Touya didn't like any of them he found them more annoying.

They didn't care that he liked cats, he loved his siblings even if Shoto got on his nerves sometimes for being dad's favorite, or his personality. They only saw a pretty face with a popularity status. Touya had tried dating different girls at first he'd thought he  hadn't found the right one. After a simple Google search he found out he was gay. It explained why he stared at Tenko Shimura a bit to long. Why he ignored every girl that fell head over heels in love with him.

It was a simple solution to him not liking any women he tried to date. Why didn't they teach this at school again? It would have saved him and others so much confusion. "It's Tenko Shimura." Touya said Natsuo's face broke out into a huge grin. "Hey, I do know him! He's in my computer class." Natsuo said excitedly.

"He's super smart. I swear he knows everything about technology he helped me one time when I was stuck on a homework assignment. I think he'd be good for you." Natsuo said Touya gave him a confused look. "How so?" He asked. "Tenko's quiet and reserved. I'm sure he'd balance out you're rebellious and obnoxious behavior." Natsuo said he chuckled as Touya sent him a glare.

"I'm not obnoxious." Touya said defensively. Natsuo snorted amused, "Says the guy who got drunk and spray painted dad's car." Natsuo said Touya blushed embarrassed at the memory. "
That was two months ago forget about it already!" Touya yelled. "Never it's funny as hell! You wrote fuck you old man!" Natsuo said he burst into laughter remembering his dad's angry expression.

"I'm leaving." Touya said he'd had enough of being teased. "Aw, come on Touya don't be a big baby." Natsuo whined. "Says the guy whining." Dabi said he snickered as Natsuo flipped him off. Touya walked back inside he decided he was going to ask Tenko out. The worst thing he could of was say no. Touya hoped he didn't though. That would be pretty disappointing.

Touya walked over to Tenko slowly. He was about to ask him out if he didn't chicken out first. That morning he'd gotten a supportive slap on the back from Natsuo, Shoto gave him a breath mint saying he was gonna need it if he was successful, and Fuyumi gave him a long talk to not mess it up. He was glad his siblings supported him but he could do without the sore spot on his back, the weird comment from Shoto, and the lecture from Fuyumi.

Touya didn't even know if Tenko liked guys but he hoped he did. It would make it extremely awkward if he didn't. Touya swallowed the lump in his throat. He'd asked out or accepted girls confessions before. He hadn't cared about them though he just wanted to see if it'd work out. Touya thought he might eventually find the one but it never happened. He had now found the one who made his heart race in his chest.

"Um, hey I was wondering if you would want to go out with me?" Touya asked he looked away from Tenko not wanting to see his reaction if he rejected him. Tenko looked around the hallway it seemed as if he was asking out Tenko. The teen didn't believe it though he was surely asking someone else right? Not seeing anyone Tenko pointed to himself confused.

"Yes I'm asking out you." Touya confirmed. Tenko felt a blush rise on his cheeks. This was a dream right? The teen pinched his side still seeing Touya he determined that this wasn't a dream. "This ain't a sick joke right?" Tenko asked his eyes narrowing. Touya winced he could see why he thought that. Someone had asked the teen out before as a joke just to humiliate him afterwards.

"No I swear it's not." Touya said quicky not wanting him to believe that it was. Tenko relaxed he seemed to be debating something in his head. "I like you to... But my dad wouldn't be okay with it." The teen said quietly looking away. Touya grabbed his hand the teen looked at him in surprise. "My dad wouldn't be either. If you're scared that's okay. But if you're willing to give it a chance so am I." Touya said he blushed at their intertwined hands.

"Alright, but I will kick you're ass into the next decade if this is a joke." Tenko threatened. Touya held his hands up in a non threatening manner like Natsuo often did. "Never knew you had a feisty side." Touya said he chuckled. Tenko despite being a few inches shorter than him due to their age difference grabbed Touya's shirt collar yanking him forward. Tenko stood up on his tippy toes he pressed his lips to Touya's shocking him.

Tenko pulled away a heavy blush on his cheeks. "Don't forget it pretty boy." Tenko said before he walked away leaving Touya alone. Touya touched his lips where he'd just been kissed. Maybe it would work out after all. Touya then heard a cheer behind him. Confused he turned around to see Natsuo standing their giving him a thumbs up. Touya just shook his head amused nosey little brother. Looks like he'd learned a lot about himself in the past few days.

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