Bring Me Home Part 2

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Warnings: cussing and smoking

"No, Natsuo this is my boyfriend Tomura Shigaraki." Dabi said he glanced over at his boyfriend and sent him a smile nervous smile. Tomura knew what Dabi was feeling he felt his heart rate increase at the attention suddenly being shifted all onto him. Tomura felt his hand twitch by his side he wanted to scratch his skin red to distract himself. He reframed from doing it knowing it'd make Dabi mad if he hurt himself.

"Well uh, nice to meet you I guess." Natsuo said he held out his hand for Tomura to shake. Tomura hesitantly accepted it curling two of his fingers into his palm to make sure he didn't touch the man with all five fingers. Natsuo smiled brightly he slapped Tomura on the back hard knocking all the air out of his lungs.

"Welcome to the family small man!" Natsuo said his grin not faltering even at Dabi's glare. He noticed what his friendly slap had made Tomura double over in pain. "Sorry man sometimes I get over excited." Natsuo apologized scratching the back of his neck he gave Tomura a sheepish smile.

"It's alright." Tomura said he wasn't enthused by Natsuo but he would give him a chance since Dabi liked him and he hadn't meant to hurt him.

"Natsuo. Touya stop fiddling around and get in here!" A loud voice yelled from inside the dinning room. The easy air that had previously been there with Natsuo's and Tomura's easy introduction was shattered like a baseball going threw a glass window. Dabi and Natsuo tensed up immediately.

Tomura stood in front of Dabi automatically. The only thing he could think of was protecting the one he loved from the perceived danger. "Come on don't keep dad waiting guys." Fuyumi said as she walked around the corner straight into Tomura. The girls eyes widened as she stared at the stranger a ear piercing scream made Tomura's ear ring.

"Who the hell are you?! Dad there is a strange man in our house!" Fuyumi yelled as she ran back around the corner looking panicked. Tomura saw Dabi bristle immediately he looked ready to throw punches a far cry from his trembling self earlier.

"What is going on?" The booming voice of Enji Todoroki asked as he came back around the corner with Fuyumi hiding behind him looking at Tomura as if he was the demon incarnated. "Who are you?" Enji asked his eyes narrowing as he took in Tomura's form.

"He's my boyfriend old man." Dabi spat he stood in front of Tomura shielding him from view of his judging family members. Dabi looked Enji in the eyes defiantly as if challenging him to say anything. Unluckily, for them the man was as stubborn as his son any day.

"You're what?" Enji asked his voice getting quieter every second.

"Tomura is my boyfriend. I said that you heard it right. It's not my fault Fuyumi is scared of him because she thinks he looks creepy. Which to remind you he doesn't." Dabi said he stood rooted at his spot not wavering a smidge despite his mind internally screaming at him to run and that he was in danger.

"Very well Fuyumi go get the food." Enji commanded shooing the girl off with his hand. Dabi relaxed slightly but was still tensed up. Fuyumi complained Enji made her go with a stern glare. The woman ran away to do as ordered leaving the couple, Natsuo, and Enji in the hallway.

"I'm going to go help Fuyumi." Natsuo said he shoved past his dad hitting his shoulder hard as he went by. Tomura felt Dabi's hand slip into his he allowed himself to be directed into the dining room. Tomura let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. The tense encounter was luckily over.

"Thanks." Tomura said he leaned against Dabi he felt as if all his strength was gone.

"Of course babe." Dabi said he let the man lean against him. Tomura's red eyes scanned Dabi's face to see what he was thinking. He wanted to know how his boyfriend was feeling. Dabi gave him a hesitant smile that looked forced but it still did what Dabi had wanted to. Tomura gave a hesitant one back.

"It's my turn to help you be strong. I did drag you here after all." Dabi whispered to Tomura they were now all seated at the dinner table which was way to big in Tomura's opinion. Sure the Todoroki family was decently sized but they didn't need this size of a table. Then again he guessed every rich family was over the top just because they could be.

The dinner went by in tense silence which occasionally was interrupted by a common question to each other like how Dabi was doing with his job or what Tomura was studying in college. "Man that was better than the dumpster fire I thought it was going to be." Dabi said he leaned against Tomura they were sitting on the back porch in the properties big yard to get away from everyone for a while.

"What is it then?" Tomura asked amused he brushed a stray hair behind Dabi's ear. Dabi smiled he looked up at the star filled night.

"A dumpster still bad and stinky as hell but better than I thought." Dabi said he kissed Tomura's knuckles he then brought Tomura's hand down to his side not letting go of it. "Ya know I could really go for a smoke right now." Dabi said he let go of his boyfriend hand to grab a cigarette box from his pocket.

"I can't believe you brought that!" Tomura said amused as he watched Dabi light it up. "You're a scoundrel Dabi." Tomura said the man placed the cigarette between his lips he breathed in then out. Smoke drifted away lazily in the air both of them watched it in comfortable silence.

"We should head back in." Tomura said they had been out here for a while.

"Eh." Dabi said he threw the cigarette on the ground crushing under his boot to put it out. "I don't wanna. I just want to stay out here with you and talk about stupid shit." Dabi said he got up though stretching his arms above his head.

"Hmm, me to but we gotta." Tomura said he offered Dabi his hand. Dabi took his hand allowing him to pull him towards the door. Tomura had his other hand on the doorknob he was yanked backwards by Dabi. Tomura didn't even have time to let out a nosie of surprise before warm lips were in his own.

"I appreciate you coming." Dabi said once they both separated from the kiss. Tomura felt a blush rise to his pale cheeks. "Yeah." Tomura said to distracted by the surprise kiss to say anything better. Dabi grinned at his boyfriend cute blush he made sure he still had a hold of Tomura's hand before they both went back inside.

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