Portrait Perfect

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Tomura having never been in a relationship before was confused and a little nervous. It was almost Valentine's Day he was freaking out. He had been dating Dabi a little less than six months it had been going great. Dabi had asked him out they were best friends before they were together it was good to already know his partner.

Tomura was pacing his room as he thought about what to get Dabi. Tomura wanted to to mean something. He didn't want to get him just any store bought flowers or something cliche like that. Buying the regular stuff partners got each on on the upcoming holiday would also be unoriginal.

Tomura looked at the varies paintings on his wall. His eyes widened he just got a idea. Tomura painted in his free time it helped calm him down. Tomura used to have bad anger issues so it helped to have something to channel his energy into.

Tomura had been practice with his new hobby for around six months. At first Tomura would snap at Dabi for little things which made him cringe now that he thought about it. He'd been wanting to have more control of his emotions and dating Dabi just pushed him to try harder.

Tomura hadn't told the man about his hobby. At first he hadn't been that good at all he kept being discouraged by his work not looking good at all. Tomura had been encouraged by Kurogiri to keep it up since he had just started he wouldn't see progress. You can't magically get good of something you have to be patient Kurogiri had told him. Tomura now knew that well.

Tomura grabbed a paintbrush from his jar that he kept them in. He had grabbed the biggest one so he could paint the background first. Tomura worked for several hours not even realizing it had gotten dark by the time he was done. The only thing illuminating his room now was the street lights outside and the reading lamp on his desk.

Tomura had been to absorbed in his work he hadn't noticed Kurogiri place dinner on his desk. Tomura sighed he wiped paint off of his hands onto a towel he had laying near him that he used for that specific purpose. Tomura sat down in his desk chair he ate his dinner he hoped Dabi liked his gift.

Tomura held the canvas to his chest tightly making sure no one could see it. Tomura didn't care what anyone else thought it was for Dabi's eyes only. Tomura managed to get into the classroom without much hassle. Usually when he brought some of his work home from art class someone would ask what he was working on or if he could draw them it was annoying.

"Hey." Tomura said he waved at Dabi with one of his hands keeping the painting against his chest with the other.

"Hey." Dabi greeted back he grinned when he saw Tomura. "What's that?" Dabi asked confused as he pointed towards the painting in Tomura's arms.

"It's uh I made it for you." Tomura said he blushed and as he handed it over to his boyfriend. Tomura was nervous he shifted from one foot to the other. Dabi turned it over his eyes widened when he looked at it. "Do you like it?" Tomura asked.

"Of course I do it's perfect!" Dabi said he looked to be in awe. This time Tomura blushed not due to nervousness but because of Dabi's praise. The painting was one of them together it was the first picture they had taken together.

Tomura had managed to capture everything perfectly Dabi thought. They were both smiling their was the dark red of Tomura's bedroom walls in the background. Dabi traced the line of Tomura's face in the painting before he sat it down against the wall.

Dabi hugged Tomura surprising him. "I love it thank you. Oh, and I got something for you to." Dabi said he reached into his bag pulling out a black hoodie. "I know it's not as good as your painting but I saw you eyeing this at the store the other day." Dabi said he held the hoodie out to Tomura.

"No no I love it." Tomura said he pulled the tag off before pulling it over his head. Tomura kissed Dabi on the cheek he laughed shoving Tomura away playfully.

"Don't kiss me like that." Dabi said he grabbed the front of Tomura's hoodie pulling him into a kiss on the lips. Someone cleared their throat making both of them separate. The teacher pointed to their seats where they were supposed to be working. "Uh, sorry." Dabi said as he sat down beside Tomura he grinned at his boyfriend. Tomura rolled his eyes fondly.

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