Things I Love

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"What do you hate about yourself?" Dabi had asked one day randomly when he and Tomura were hanging out in his room. Tomura was shocked by the question he sat down his phone he started to think. He hated being vulnerable with other people but Dabi was different. Tomura allowed Dabi to see all of him. Fearless villain leader and the softer sides he shared with no one else other than his boyfriend.

Tomura was tempted to lie but it wouldn't do any good. Not only would Dabi see threw it it would make the other man clam up since Tomura wasn't being honest. Tomura took a few minutes to phrase his answer wanting to make sure he said it right without just being self pitying. Even if that was what he was kinda going to do no matter what.

"I hate my scars they make me feel well ugly." Tomura said he avoided looking into mirrors for that very reason. Tomura allowed Dabi to interject his opinion despite if it was going to be bad. He wanted Dabi to tell him the truth even if it hurt. That was what the other man expected in return.

Dabi hummed in acknowledgement as he thought. "I don't like my scars either but they aren't the worst thing about me." Dabi chuckled it was a broken sound like a scratched record but it was still the only sound in the room. Tomura wished he didn't have to hear it but with the life they lived a emotionally screwed up villains he supposed it was unavoidable.

Villains weren't born they were made was the harsh reality. Tomura had been abused by his father than used by All For One for his powers and body. He shivered remembering all the things the man had promised him he'd do one day. It turned out he had been lying he just wanted to use Tomura.

Dabi was told he'd do great things to. Then it had all came toppling down like a building in a Godzilla movie. Suddenly, he was being replaced by a better version of his father's and mother's genes. Dabi's liked to rebel against one another his body being meant for a ice quirk. Instead he got a fire quirk which burnt his skin and him from the inside out.

"What's the worst thing?" Tomura asked hesitantly. Even if they were having this conversation Tomura found himself dreading Dabi's answer. None of them deserved to feel this way about themselves. Life had handed them crappy cards they could either keep on striving for a better future where they'd be accepted or throw down their cards and give up. The heroes would have to get over it because Tomura was stubborn. The man wouldn't go down without a fight.

"My eyes their the same color as his." Dabi said he glared at the wall his bright blue eyes narrowing in anger. Tomura knew Dabi didn't want pity he still wanted to help him even if he'd be shoved away. Tomura linked his pinky finger with Dabi's. It was there weird form of holding hands. Since Tomura was afraid he'd accidently decay Dabi they did that instead.

Dabi smiled slightly his glare softening it was still present on his face though. "How about to make up for what we hate we say one thing we like about one another?" Tomura suggested he snuggled up against Dabi's chest his head resting on it like a pillow.

"Hmm, all right I'll go first." Dabi said he brought his free hand up to Tomura's face. His thumb swiped along Tomura's bottom lip tracing the different scars. Tomura felt a blush rise to his cheeks he avoided eye contact he still felt Dabi's gaze on him.

"I like everything about you where to begin. My God your eyes are so pretty. Like the most precious gems in the whole damn world. You're scars are like cracks in the purest of diamonds against you're pale skin. You're hair is white like the sofest snow. I can keep going babe but I don't think it's necessary to know how fucking impressed I am by you." Dabi said he looked breathless and fascinated as he traced the scar under Tomura's eye with his fingers.

"I wish all that was true." Tomura mumbled into Dabi's chest. Dabi must have heard it because he kissed Tomura's knuckles in response. Dabi clutched Tomura's hand in his own he ignored Tomura's warning to watch out to make sure his last finger was kept away from him.

"I say what I mean." Dabi said he sighed he wanted to know what Tomura could possibly like about him. Dabi thought of himself as a charred corpse somehow living on vengeance and spite just to kill his father. He has staples in his skin and the purple was begining to take over his smooth skin.

"You're brave and you would protect me. You may hate your eyes but I like them. They remind me of a ocean that I could drown in forever. "You're also warm so perfect for cuddles. Tomura said he could feel Dabi's warmth seeping into his body making his cool room pleasurable to stay in for once.

"You're just like a cat." Dabi said chuckling he laughed louder when Tomura slapped his stomach lightly.

"I'm not a cat asshole." Tomura mumbled he yawned he felt his eyelids droop. "Hmm, let's go to sleep I'm tired." Tomura complained he was having a nice conversation with his boyfriend before his body had decided at that moment it just had to sleep all of a sudden.

"I guess we'll hope to have good dreams after our declarations of love and admiration." Dabi joked elbowing Tomura in the ribs lightly. Tomura swatted his hand away playfully before he snuggled again into he other man's chest.

"Quiet let me sleep." Tomura said as he closed his eyes.

"Yeah, sure beautiful." Dabi said a small smile on his face as he kissed Tomura's head.

"Okay babe." Tomura said doing as he was told happily.

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