Pain And Comfort Part 2

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Warnings: Cussing and talk of suicidal thoughts.

"No." Dabi said avoiding eye contact with his boyfriend. "Well to bad get to it." Tomura huffed getting impatient. Tomura wasnt known for his reserves of patience. The man was known for being immature and rushing into things. Dabi didn't speak for several long seconds. Tomura was getting ready to snap at him when Dabi finally spoke.

"Are you mad?" Dabi asked his tone was even his eyes were filled with fear. Tomura couldn't see his gaze but he knew Dabi well enough to know what he was feeling. "Yes why wouldn't I be!" Tomura shouted finally snapping. It was wonder he hadn't done it sooner. Dabi flinched at his tone.

"I mean what the hell Dabi? I told you to stop." Tomura said his voice quieter this time to not scare the fire user. Dabi glared at the man his blue eyes had a cold glint in them. Tomura realized Dabi was getting defensive. He felt like he was being attacked. Tomura was to angry to care about that he wanted answers.

"It doesn't matter it's my body it doesn't affect you." Dabi growled. "Your body- I mean yes but this all isn't about you!" Tomura shouted he got up from his chair and started walking up to Dabi. "The hell? Yes it is! Why do you care? It only affects me like I said! So back off." Dabi said he retreated to the other side of the bed as Tomura sat down on the side he had been occupying.

"You're being selfish Dabi!" Tomura protested. "I'm being selfish?! Fuck off you can't control me just because your in charge of the League. You don't know how hard it is to live in a body you hate. You don't know how it feels to want to die because your so disgusted by yourself you want to just give up." Dabi said he clearly shocked Tomura judging by the man's shocked expression.

"You don't know. So please don't say anything. Leave me alone." Dabi said he put his head in his arms hiding his face from Tomura. Tomura blinked still shocked. He hadn't expected that deep of a confession from Dabi. "Dabi I didn't mean it like that. I care about you. You know that right? I'm just concerned about you. You're hurting yourself right now. When you hurt yourself it hurts me to see you like that." Tomura confessed he grabbed Dabi's hand with his own.

Dabi pulled his hand back like Tomura had accidentally started decaying it. Dabi knew Tomura was just trying to help him. He was mad though since Tomura wasn't trying to see his side. He didn't understand that Dabi needed the bandages just to be able to look at himself and feel comfortable in his own body for a little while.

"I'll leave you alone." Tomura said his voice cracked he felt anger with himself and Dabi. He had said some stuff he should have never said to Dabi. Yet he was still mad at the man for his carelessness with his health. Tomura was worried and Dabi didn't seem to get that. He just thought Tomura was attacking him verbally.

"Stay." Dabi said he peaked out from behind his arm at Tomura. Tomura stayed put like Dabi wanted him to. After a few minutes that felt like hours to Tomura Dabi finally started speaking. "Maybe we can both explain our sides." Dabi suggested he put his arms down by his side but still gave Tomura a weary look.

"That's sounds... Fine." Tomura said he didn't want to fight anymore. He hated fighting with Dabi. As his boyfriend he was supposed to take care of Dabi and be there for him not argue with him and make him upset. Tomura felt a flash of anger for himself since he upset Dabi. He let go of the thought he had more important things to think about at the moment.

"You go first." Dabi said motioning to Tomura with his scarred hand. "I already sort of did. I care about you a lot Dabi. You're the last person I've loved since my family. I lost them I can't loose you to." Tomura said his voice was emotional he reached for Dabi's hand again. Dabi didn't pull back this time he let Tomura take his hand.

Dabi was surprised by the vulnerability that Tomura was displaying. He was always callus and not merciful in battle. It was amazing the villain could make himself be so open with someone. Dabi squeezed Tomura's hand he scooted closer to him thinking their was suddenly to much space between them.

Tomura accepted Dabi's similar warmth leaning into Dabi's side more. Tomura gave Dabi a small smile even if it was forced. Tomura had tears in the corner of his eyes he felt a warm scarred hand wipe them away. Tomura closed his eyes he just enjoyed the close contact.

"Okay I explained your turn burnt bitch." Tomura said jokingly elbowing Dabi lightly in the ribs. Dabi winced his eyes widening at the unexpected pain. "Oh God I am so sorry!" Tomura a apologized as he saw Dabi's pained expression. "It's fine. It's fine. I'm fine. Jeez crusty watch it." Dabi said pretending to sound pissed off.

Tomura chuckled lightly he looked at Dabi waiting for him to explain his side. "You are aware I'm not like you. I'm a guy I'm trans. It makes me uncomfortable to not have something to bind my chest. I know it's unsafe but I don't care when I see how flat it makes me." Dabi explained he started playing with the strings on Tomura's hoodie he was wearing.

"What if we got something else for you?" Tomura said pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Like what? You know I can't afford anything fancy." Dabi said he didn't exactly get payed for working for the League. They lived in a run down building since they were hiding from the heroes.

"I'll find a way to get one of these. I looked it up and they say these binder things are supposed to work good and aren't as painful as bandages." Tomura suggested he pulled up a site on his phone that sold them. "That would be nice. How are you going to order it though? We're villains they'd track the order." Dabi asked confused.

"Spending time on the internet has it's advantages." Tomura said not answering Dabi's question. Dabi didn't know if he wanted to know by the evil smirk Tomura had on his face. "We're doing this safety though which means no sleeping in it and no wearing it more than seven to eight hours a day if I order it." Tomura said firmly not giving Dabi a option to object.

"Fine." Dabi relented. He wasn't happy about the limited time he had to wear it but he supposed it was better than nothing or bandages. "I'll just use Endeavor's credit card." Tomura said he pulled it out Dabi's pocket. "I don't know where you got this but I'm not complaining." Tomura said as he entered in the password to the card.

"Don't ask all you need to know is he won't notice. He's old anyways." Dabi said he smiled as he watched Tomura confirm the order. "Hey babe order like eight more. You know I tend to burn my clothing." Dabi said he looked over at his shirt which the collar was frayed from his fire. "Alright just did." Tomura said smiling at his boyfriend's excitement.

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