10 Ways To Annoy You're Boss

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"Hey, boss looking for something?" Dabi asked with a smirk on his face. "Know anything about my broken switch?" Shigaraki asked already knowing the answer. "What's wrong with it?" He asked. Shigaraki held it up for him to see it was burnt the glass was shattered from being stepped on.

  "Hm, interesting you should find the culprit." Dabi said he tried to walk past the man but was stopped by a touch on his shoulder. "I know you broke it." Shigaraki growled. "But do you now?" Dabi asked teasingly. Dabi threw his hand off before running away he laughed as he heard Shigaraki cuss him out.

Shigaraki was minding his own business when the person he wanted to see the least showed his face. "Hey, boss watcha doing?" Dabi asked curiosity. "Go away asshat." Shigaraki said before trying to ignore him. Dabi picked up Shigaraki's whiskey which Kurogiri had gotten him. "Put that down." Shigaraki commanded.

"Nah." Dabi said he drank it all in a few seconds setting it back down on the bar counter. Shigaraki accidentally decayed his Nintendo 3ds in his anger filled haze. The man jumped off the bar stool he started chasing Dabi around the base. To his disappointment he couldn't catch Dabi because Kurogiri stopped him.

"I don't know why he annoys me." Shigaraki said he was ranting to Kurogiri about Dabi. "I think he wants you're attention." Kurogiri suggested as he polished a glass. "Why would he want that?" Shigaraki asked confused. "Maybe, he likes you." Kurogiri said Shigaraki's face heated up at the thought. "Psh, yeah right nice joke." Shigaraki said sarcastically.

Dabi meet eyes with Kurogiri as he snuck up behind Shigaraki. The warp gate didn't say anything just looking away to not give him away. Dabi kissed Shigaraki's cheek before bolting away not wishing to he decayed. Shigaraki was in to much shock to even chase the man this time.

The League was in a meeting discussing on how to take down the PLF. Dabi had his boots in the table his disrespect made Shigaraki angry. "Feet off." Shigaraki commanded. "Nah." Dabi said ignoring his orders. Shigaraki shoved his feet off Dabi just put them on the table again. "What are you like this?" Shigaraki asked annoyed. Dabi grinned he stuck his tongue out like a child. Shigaraki rolled his eyes but couldn't stop the smile from forming on his face.

Shigaraki was about to beat a hard level in a video game. He heard his door open he ignored it knowing who it was. Dabi walked over to the tv he unplugged it. "What the hell?" Shigaraki asked annoyed. Dabi sat down in Shigaraki's lap. He wrapped his arms around Shigaraki's neck. "I want attention boss." Dabi whined.

Shigaraki rolled his eyes but he leaned down to kiss his boyfriend. Dabi better be glad he was in a good mood. Both of their lips pressed together. Dabi kept demanding his attention not that Shigaraki minded to much. He better let him finish his game later though.

"Shigaraki it's weird a dude flirted with me at the store today. Usually people think my scars make me ugly. Do you think I should actually talk to him?" Dabi asked Shigaraki looked up from his phone. "No." Shigaraki growled. He told himself he didn't like Dabi in that way but he knew he was lying to himself. "Why not it's not like we're dating-"   Dabi was interrupted by lips on his own.

"Shut up." Shigaraki commanded. Dabi grinned, "Ya jealous?" Dabi asked amused. Shigaraki silenced him with another kiss. Dabi grinned into the kiss he knew his boss liked him. No guy actually asked him out he just wanted to see his boss's reaction. It was luckily the one he wanted.

Shigaraki pulled back he gave Dabi a unamused look. "What?" Dabi asked confused. "We are dating dummy. I didn't ask you out for no reason." Tomura growled as he held Dabi to his chest possessively. He didn't like the idea of someone flirting with Dabi. "Oh yay forgot." Dabi said in faux Innocence as he obviously lied he smirked at Shigaraki's frown.

Shigaraki heard his phone's ringtone go off for the tenth time in a few seconds. "Who the fuck is messaging me at three am?!" Shigaraki asked himself angrily. He unlocked his phone to see five missed calls and ten different texts from Dabi. If he wasn't hurt Shigaraki was gonna kill him in the morning. Hey, babe you're hotter than my quirk Dabi's most recent message said. Dabi was defiantly drunk again.

Dabi hid a speaker in Shigaraki's room. The man was always complaining about his music being to loud. He was gonna show him how loud it could really be. Also, he just wanted a excuse to annoy his boyfriend. Dabi ran out of the room as he heard Shigaraki's footsteps coming closer.

Dabi waited until he sat on his bed animal crossing music coming quietly from his switch as he played a game. Dabi turned the music on before running away. Shigaraki ended up catching him Dabi had to clean the League's bathroom as a punishment. It was worth it though.

Dabi started to tickle Shigaraki during one of their cuddle sessions while they were watching a movie. Shigaraki started laughing he tried to kick Dabi off of his bed. Dabi was persistent and continued to do it. After tears started to come from his eyes from laughing to much Dabi stopped.

  Shigaraki grinned evilly as he yanked Dabi close to him on the couch. Dabi grinned up at him he should be scared off by that evil smirk but he couldn't be. The fire user was surprised as Shigaraki laid down on him not letting him up for several hours. Seems like he was finally learning his to be annoying back.

Dabi was pretending to listen to what Shigaraki was telling him. He wasn't interested in him talking about the stat systems of dragons or gnomes in video games. At first he'd listened to be polite after a while he started blocking him out. "Are you listening?" Shigaraki asked Dabi since he hadn't said anything to him in a while.

The fire villain didn't answer Shigaraki poked his shoulder. Dabi shook his head snapping out of his daze. "What?" He asked confused. "You better be glad I love you." Shigaraki said he sighed. "Love you to what were ya saying." Dabi asked.

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