It Was Only A Dare Part 4

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Tomura finally found him. Dabi was walking home for the first time in weeks. This was his chance. Tomura walked a good ways behind for most of the walk. He knew Dabi was aware he was behind him. Tomura didn't bother to be quiet and Dabi had sped up his walk when he heard Tomura's footsteps.

"Dabi I need to talk to you!" Tomura shouted Dabi flinched he stopped walking. Dabi turned his head around to look at Tomura. He had a blank stare on his face as he looked at Tomura. Tomura swallowed nervously Dabi was trying to hide his emotions from him.

"What do you want?" Dabi asked venom seeping into his voice despite his blank features.

  "Dabi I want to- I need to apologize to you for what I did. I know it was wrong and I should have never accepted the dare or even thought about it. I'm a coward for doing it Dabi. I also hurt you which I'm sorry for it should have never have happened. I should never have hurt you like I did." Tomura said he felt his voice wavering the more he talked. He had wanted to sound strong and tell Dabi how he felt and why he knew what he did was wrong and he was sorry. Instead he stumbled over his own words like a child.

"Your sorry? Wow that's a revelation. Leave me alone." Dabi said he started to walk away.

"Dabi hear me out please! I know I don't deserve it but..." Tomura said he cut himself off when he saw Dabi turn back around.

"I'm listening. Make it fast some us have stuff to do instead of following our ex's around begging for forgiveness." Dabi said he sent a small smile on Tomura's directions showing he was joking. Tomura felt his heart beat wildly in his chest at the simple action.

Dabi was smiling at him for the first time in weeks. It was a small hesitant smile yet Tomura wanted to photograph it and keep it forever. Dabi motioned with his hand for Tomura to continue. He looked if the whole situation bored him.

"I know I don't deserve to even speak to you so I'm thankful that you are letting me." Tomura said grateful to the teen in front of him for hearing him out. Dabi hummed in acknowledgement. "I'm sorry my decision was dumb. You don't have to take me back but I'd like to at least end our relationship on good terms if that's okay with you." Tomura said he held out his hand for Dabi to shake.

Dabi stared at it hesitantly for a few seconds. He took Tomura's hand with his own it sent goosebumps up his arm. It was the first time in weeks that Dabi had touched him and he almost wanted to keep Dabi's hand in his own just to know that this was real.

"Alright I accept. I'll tolerate you but never pull that shit again." Dabi threatened with a hard glint in his eyes.

Tomura swallowed nervously at that look. "Understood." He said.

"Good now walk me home it's boring as fuck without someone to talk to. Stopped having the old man take me got tired of him real fast." Dabi said he allowed Tomura to walk with him until Dabi's road came up and they had to separate. Tomura smiled he was happy that Dabi had forgiven him even if they could only just be friends.

Over the next few weeks they settled back into a more normal routine. They say together at lunch and hanged out some after school. Not as much as they used to Dabi said that he just wanted to he friends so he kept Tomura at an arms length.

It wasn't the outcome Tomura had wanted. It could have gone worse though. He was just glad to have Dabi back in his life even if it wasn't in the way he wanted. They were currently hanging out playing video games in Tomura's room.

They both had their Nintendo Switches and we're battling against on another in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Dabi wasn't focused he was easily getting beat by Tomura. Dabi clearly wasn't on the game so Tomura put down his Switch to look at him.

"What's got your mind so far away?" Tomura asked curiously as he looked at his friend.

"Nothing." Dabi said he blinked putting his attention back on the game clearly trying to avoid Tomura's question.

"Your lying." Tomura said he saw Dabi tense up beside him.

"Fine what do you want me to say?" Dabi asked annoyance seeping into his voice.

"Um well just tell me what you were thinking about. I know something's bothering you." Tomura said he said it calmly not wanting to make Dabi more defensive than he was.

"Fine I still like you jackass even if you did all that to me." Dabi muttered a blush coming to his face.

Tomura blinked not having expected that to be his answer. "You still like me?" Tomura asked shocked. He had heard it with his own ears but he didn't quit believe it. Dabi had been allowing him back into his life slowly so it was strange to go from hanging out one or two times a week to being in the the romantic territory again.

"Yeah, you dumb dumb. Now you want to date me or not?" Dabi asked he grabbed the front of Tomura's shirt and stared him down.

"Um I mean yeah-" Tomura said he didn't have time to finish his sentence before Dabi's lips were on his. Tomura let out a surprised noise it didn't take him long before he closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss.

A week later they were both sitting at the lunch table at school holding hands. Toga smiled they finally had made up. She wasn't glad that she had made that dare to Tomura. She'd probably forever regret that decision. But she was glad that it had caused them to get together.

This is the third and last part to this series hope you guys enjoyed it. This is the last oneshot I'm writing for this book for now so I can focus on something else. I might come back to it one day but I updated it a lot it had only 19 oneshots original and now it has 52 so I'm good with stopping it here. Bye Tobi out!

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