Acting Like That

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Based on the song above

Warnings: cussing vague mention to adult fun time yes I'm asexual give me a break

Tomura was awoken by a loud. He grumbled someone was knocking at his door. Tomura was tired he rubbed at his eyes to get the sleep out of them. He rolled over to face his bedside table to see what time his alarm clock read. He got even more mad when he saw it was only four in the morning.

"Who the hell wants to see me this early?" Tomura muttered angrily he threw the covers off as he stomped up to his door. Tomura heard rain hitting the top of the roof he grabbed his hoodie off the coat rack that was next to the door. He pulled it on he opened the door he looked out into the dark night it was even harder to see with all the rain from the storm that had come in earlier.

"Hey, creep my dad kicked me out again can I stay here? I've been out here since two knocking you didn't answer the first five times." Dabi said his voice was wrecked he clearly had been yelling. Tomura sighed the man had gotten into a fight with his dad again for the third time this week. Dabi who was his unofficial boyfriend showed up anytime the two got to into it and Enji told Dabi to get out of his house.

Tomura was long tired over it Dabi had told him less than a month ago that they were just strictly friends. Even though they kissed and did everything else that people in a relationship did. Tomura had a feeling Dabi didn't like the boyfriend label because he was scared of a commitment in a relationship. He had fooled around with a lot of guys in high school which Tomura didn't take lightly when Dabi did it to him.

The man's eyeliner was also smeared indicating that he'd been crying. Tomura glared at Dabi he hated being used like this. Dabi would crash at his place then leave when the morning came. He never even left a note or stuck around long enough to tell Tomura goodbye. "Go somewhere else Dabi. I'm tired of you're bullshit. You say you want me then you up and leave out of nowhere." Tomura hissed he started to close the door.

"Wait Tomura." Dabi said he put his foot in the door keeping it from closing all the way. "I know I leave a lot when things get real but I do really like you I promise." Dabi said he opened the door putting his warm hand over Tomura's. Tomura was distracted by Dabi's hand over his he sighed but he allowed Dabi to open the door.

"Welcome yourself in I guess. You already know my place well so you don't need a tour." Tomura said he walked back to his room leaving Dabi to his own devices. Dabi grinned he knew he had Tomura wrapped around his finger even if he tried to push him away. Dabi did love Tomura but he was scared.

Dabi didn't do committed relationships he had always stayed with people when it was convenient for him. The man had broken a lot of hearts in his days and even Tomura's a few times. Dabi was better than he used to be he wanted to let Tomura close. Everytime it got to real he vanished to scared that he'd get hurt if he stayed around much longer. He knew it was silly. Tomura wasn't like some of the crappy boyfriend's he'd had in the past he couldn't help but get scared everytime no matter rhie hard he didn't want to.

"You with Hawks again?" Tomura asked he came back out of his room to see what Dabi was up to.

"Yeah, for a month then I dumped his ass. He wasn't even paying attention to me. He just wanted this." Dabi said motioning toward his lower body. Tomura made a disgusted face he hated the idea of even thinking about anyone using Dabi like that. Tomura didn't understand why anyone would want to do that. All he wanted to do was to play video games and focus on his college degree.

"Thanks for letting me stay I appreciate it." Dabi said he put his hand on Tomura's shoulder he got close to his face making Tomura blush. Tomura growled he shoved the man away knowing if he indulged him it would only make him leaving worse. "Come on what's wrong?" Dabi asked he looked hurt that he was being shoved away.

"Dabi we both know you're just going to leave. Don't do any of you're usual crap. I let you in since you have no where to go. That doesn't mean I want to go there again." Tomura said he turned his back on the man. "I can't do this not again. Not ever again until you get your own crap dealt with don't mess with me." Tomura said he was gritting his teeth so hard it hurt.

"The blanket is on the back of the couch. The pillow you use is also there of course like always. I'm going to bed. Goodnight Dabi." Tomura said his voice softer this time.

"Yeah, goodnight." Dabi said quietly to himself since Tomura had disappeared into his bedroom leaving him alone. Dabi felt tears sting his eyes he knew it was fair that Tomura had rejected his advances. He always left but it still stung. Tomura had always accepted him made him feel safe and loved even when he would leave.

Tomura sighed he couldn't sleep no matter how much he tried. He couldn't ignore the quiet sobbing that was coming from the other room. Tomura knew he was going to get hurt again he opened the door anyways it killed him inside to hear Dabi upset. "Get in here before I change my mind." Tomura said he climbed back into bed facing the wall before he could see Dabi's decision.

Dabi brightened up instantly he wiped the tears away from his eyes violently. He quickly went into Tomura's room not wanting the man to reconsider his offer. Dabi climbed in bed behind him he cuddled close to Tomura savoring the man's warmth against his rain soaked clothing.

"I'll stay this time." Dabi said his voice muffled against Tomura's neck.

"Dabi just go to sleep stop talking. We'll figure it out in the morning if you stay." Tomura said he let out a yawn.

"Okay." Dabi replied not wanting to annoy Tomura. "Yeah, okay." Dabi said nodding to himself a small smile appearing on his face.

"Dabi." Tomura groaned.

"Sorry forgot." Dabi said he closed his eyes content.

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