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Warnings: cussing and internalized homophobia

Tomura honestly didn't know how he ended up on his floor on a day he had college classes in the morning. But he was there laying on his side as sunlight creeped into his room illuminating everything and making his eyes hurt. Tomura blinked them he cringed when he smelt the telling smell of alcohol on his own breath.

Tomura's eyes widened as he finally remembered what had happened last night. Some of his friends had dragged him to a bar saying he needed to get out more. Tomura had been strictly against the idea he would have rather worked on his term paper for his essay about how video games were created or slack off on it like he usually did until last minute with a new video game.

Toga has begged him despite her being underage she had showed them a driver's licence that wasn't hers. Even the person who'd she copied wasn't even her. Tomura had wanted to tell her that she couldn't drink but she'd just ran off and turned into someone else. Tomura felt bad for whoever got stabbed that night.

Tomura was aware of the criminal activities that his friends did sometimes he couldn't care though. Tomura wasn't exactly the most clean person ever when it came to crime either. He had accidentally killed his entire family when he was seven then he was put into the foster care system constantly moved around since no one wanted a seven year old murder.

Everyone he knew closely said it wasn't his fault but he thought it was. It was amazing he hadn't turned out a villain he supposed jail didn't sound fun. Tomura thought he was a murder even if he was free. His foster parents thought him a murder they hadn't wanted him the first or twentieth time either.

Tomura had stayed in the corner by himself slowly sipping a beer so his friends would leave him alone. He hadn't meant to get drink really. He was just going to stay around for a hour then leave when his friends got to plastered to notice. Tomura said to himself that he'd call and get a uber for any of them that was to messed up to walk.

Tomura lived a block away so he was fine especially if he stayed sober like his plan. His plan had been working well to until someone from his past walked into that bar. Dabi his ex boyfriend from highschool strutted in like he owned the place. He might actually have since his dad was one of the richest men in Japan owning lots of business and doing well in the stock market.

"Don't see me. Don't see me. God please don't see me." Tomura kept repeating to himself over and over again hoping that Dabi wouldn't notice his bright blue hair that stuck out easily in a crowded. Tomura didn't know what he was thinking. Talking to himself wasn't going to keep the asshole away. It never had when he did it in highschool so why would it work now?

Tomura was convinced lady luck hated him when he heard the to familiar stomp of combat boots walking towards his table. "Well well well look at who we have over here! Seems like you and me are always meant to be around one another, creep." Dabi said he leaned against Tomura's table.

Tomura glared at the white haired man as hard as he could. It didn't come off as strong since he was also trying to avoid his gaze. Dabi laughed it sent shivers down Tomura's spine. Just like the rest of Dabi it was way to familiar for his liking. This close Tomura could also smell Dabi's cologne it invaded his senses. Tomura wanted to breath it in and choke on it and die at the same time.

"Can't even look me in the eye, huh? You're the one who dumped me so you owe me this at least. Eyes up here." Dabi commanded. Tomura's gaze jumped up to Dabi's eyes he obeyed instinctually like it was hard wired in his brian.

"I didn't dump you." Tomura mumbled under his breath.

"What's that I can't hear you?" Dabi said he leaned in closer to Tomura. Tomura felt a blush rise to his cheeks at the closeness between them. He tried to back up Dabi put a hand behind his head to keep him from moving away. "No answer me creep." Dabi said his lips pulled back into a snarl Tomura watched the action closely.

"I said I didn't breakup with you." Tomura said louder this time his voice full of venom.

"There we go theirs the hatred. You still think you can be perfect? We both know theirs blood on your hands like mine. You like men now fucking except it. If I remember correctly you dumped me because you wanted to fit in with everyone else. Well baby you don't so have some fun and get over yourself." Dabi said with that he was walking away with his combat boots making a bunch of noise and his black skinny jeans were still ripped like always with patches sown over some of the holes.

Tomura wanted to chase after him like he always had before they broke up. Tomura had wanted to chase after him even after that. Tomura couldn't. He wouldn't he told himself firmly. Tomura knew he was into guys no matter how much he told himself he didn't like Dabi he had. He still did.

Tomura was fearful at what everyone would think if they found out about Dabi. They hadn't because he'd dumped his only boyfriend to go off to college. Tomura stayed in his seat no matter how much his brain was saying fuck it to go after Dabi. Instead he downed his beer than a few more soon the world was hazy and everything felt good.

Tomura groaned as he sat up he felt something in his hand. Confused he opened it a crumpled up piece of paper that was in his hand. Tomura unwrinkled it it had a phone number in it and a few words. Call me was what it said and a small blue flame was next to it. Tomura felt his heart constrict he knew he was going to regret it again but he dialed the numbers into his phone and he heard the other side of the line pick up.

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