I Hate You/I Love You Part 2

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Dabi winced as he felt pain spread up his arm. He was in a abandoned field behind the villains base they were currently staying in. Dabi know knew Tomura was his soulmate it was like the world was trying to play a cruel trick on him. Not only was Tomura his boss he hated Dabi. He'd said so himself. Dabi thought back to a conversation they'd had late on night around a month ago.

"Why do you always leave?" Tomura had asked Dabi randomly before that they were sitting in peaceful silence ignoring each other.

"What do you mean?" Dabi asked he knew well what Tomura was referring to but he wanted to make sure.

"You always vanish after missions everyone except you hangs out." Tomura pointed out Dabi rolled his eyes. Why did Tomura care at all?

"Cause I don't like seeing your ugly mug." Dabi said he didn't actually mean it Tomura's face was fine even a little attractive if he digged deep into his feelings which he wasn't going to do not know or ever he thought to himself. Dabi was worked up after he fought they'd managed to not only loose the hero brat they'd kidnapped but also loose the bar they were using as a hidden base. Tomura had been a raging demon for the last few days since he lost his stupid Sensei. Dabi was tired of it and he wanted to release some steam what better way than to annoy the creep?

"Shut up! I hate you Dabi. You know that? You're annoying and I wish I could decay you're stupid smirk off your damn face! If Kurogiri wasn't here to stop me I probably would." Tomura spat instead of fighting him further Dabi smirked at him to rile him up more. He left before Kurogiri did actually have to stop him.

Dabi didn't even bother to look at his arm knowing his soul mark would be covered in the purple scars that covered large parts of his body. The mark had once been visible before he was burned in a quirk accident. He had a hand that was partially decayed. Dabi now thought he was an idiot for not making the connection sooner.

Dabi had felt pain from his soulmate plenty of times. He had woken up as a child due to what felt like sharp slaps to his face or having bruised ribs. You didn't always feel a soulmates pain it had to be bad enough to be felt at all. Dabi was glad for that since his scars always ached. Even if he didn't like Tomura especially at first he didn't wish that always present discomfort even on him.

Tomura groaned his arm felt like it was literally on fire. It was akin to the feeling he'd gotten that one time the time that caused him to believe his soulmate was dead. Except this time he didn't have a faceless person to mourn. Tomura knew his soulmate it was Dabi. He was just a few doors down so close yet so far at the same time.

Tomura got up he knew Dabi was using his quirk. Tomura had felt a burning sensation once before and last time it hadn't gone well. Tomura was trying to tell himself that he was only checking so the pain would go away so he could continue with his game. He knew their was a small part of him that cared about Dabi even if he didn't want to admit it.

Dabi was laying on his bed he was staring at the ceiling. The man had fresh burns on his arms and knuckles. He had burned a empty field behind the villains base he didn't even bother to check if the fire had been put out. He was going to guess it would be soon since Kurogiri had walked outside with a bucket full of water and mumbling about how he had to clean up aftera bunch of grown up children.

Tomura knocked on the door he paced in front of it his concern growing each second. Dabi groaned he sat up slowly making his way over to the door to see who wanted what. All he wanted to do was curl up in a blanket and go to sleep and forget about the day. The last person he wanted to see was at the door.

"Go away." Dabi said he was putting his body in front of the door to keep Tomura from entering. Tomura looked down at Dabi's arms they were burnt with fresh burns all the way down to his knuckles and the usual scars he had were also darker looking.

"Dabi your hurting yourself." Tomura said he crossed his arms over his chest refusing to leave. He winced when he felt a pain shoot up his arm. Dabi looked from his arm to Tomura's his brows furrowed like he was thinking.

"That first part doesn't matter. But you never experienced pain before when I used my quirk." Dabi said confused he stared down at his hands in wonder.

"Maybe it's because we touched? I don't know but you're right I do feel those burns. So I know it's not nothing Dabi. I know we don't get along the best and stuff but you should at least let me treat them so I can go to bed." Tomura said he was concerned for Dabi he didn't want him to know that he'd never hear the end of it.

"Alright boss you can treat my wounds." Dabi said he smiled to himself he turned around before Tomura could see his smile walking into his bedroom. Tomura's eyes widened expecting Dabi to refuse he shook his head before following after Dabi. "The medical kits in there since your so determined to treat my wounds." Dabi said he sat down on his bed.

"Yeah okay." Tomura said he went into the bathroom and grabbed the medical kit that was sitting on the sink. Tomura saw lots of different burn creams and bandages in the bathroom. Tomura didn't know how much of this stuff Dabi had to use to get rid of the pain. Maybe he would help Dabi get better quality stuff since all of it had clearance tags on it. No it was because he now could feel Dabi's pain was all he reminded himself.

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