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"Come on I'm sure it's fine!" Tomura said impatiently. He was pacing back and forth in front of the bathroom hoping his boyfriend would come out soon. Dabi and Tomura had a late night conversation a few days ago. That had snowballed into their current situation. Dabi was a trans man.

He always had avoided things considered " feminine." He explained to Tomura that he avoided it for fear of not being seen as he truly was. Dabi was a beautiful annoying man who made Tomura want to kiss and tear his throat out when he annoyed him. Tomura didn't give two shits what anyone said. Dabi was a man. He'd have a word with anyone who thought otherwise.

He tried to be patient with Dabi as he gathered the courage to come out of the bathroom. Tomura wasn't known to be a patient man. He was also dying to see Dabi finally express himself however he see fit. Tomura wouldn't care if he came out wearing a dress, wore makeup, and grew his hair out long.

Dabi was a man and his at that. "Okay jeez be patient." Dabi snapped the usual heat was lacking his heart wasn't in it. Dabi felt his heart pound against his throat and his breath quicken. He was standing in front of the bathroom mirror considering if he should even do this.

No one besides him and Tomura would ever know what he had done. Tomura would be aware however he hadn't seen him. Dabi let out a sigh as he examined his reflection that stared back at him in the glass. Dabi let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Come on babe I'm dying to see how amazing you look." Tomura pleaded he never complimented Dabi. Dabi grinned slightly at the affectionate nickname Tomura so rarely used. The man must really care about his feelings if he had used it.

Dabi unlocked the door hesitantly he could feel his fire burning under his skin as if preparing to be attacked. Dabi thought it was a little amusing that his body was reacting so much to showing his boyfriend the skirt he had put on. He supposed he was more scared of this than any hero. He could burn hero's he couldn't burn away his thoughts or who he was.

Tomura's eyes widened as he took Dabi in. The man was wearing a black skirt that was just above his knees. It was basic Toga had stolen it from a clearance isle in a Target. Despite it's simple nature Dabi and Tomura could both agree to one thing. It looked good on Dabi

"So what do you think?" Dabi asked he looked away feeling heat rise to his cheeks. "I think you stunning and that you're the hottest man I've ever seen." Tomura said he was in utter shock still. Dabi cast a hesitant glance at Tomura what he saw surprised him.

Tomura was looking at him as if he had hung the stars and moon itself. Dabi felt his blush deepen he allowed his boyfriend to pull him into his arms. "No matter what never change. Not for me. Not for anyone. Be you're beautiful weird burnt self." Tomura said trying to give his boyfriend a pep talk.

Dabi chuckled, "That's a weird pep talk boss." Dabi said. "Hmm, oh well it works doesn't it?" Tomura asked he felt a smile come onto his own face as he gazed into Dabi's eyes. Dabi leaned forward closing the gap between them. Tomura allowed his lips to be claimed by the fire user.

Tomura pulled that man closer he put his hands around Dabi's waist. Dabi sighed contently as they separated he laid his head on Tomura's shoulder. "I do enjoy the skirt. The heroes would be so confused if you showed up like this." Tomura said he snickered as he imagined their shocked faces.

"Not happening but it would be amusing." Dabi said smiling. Dabi held onto Tomura like the world was ending. He enjoyed just being with the other male and holding him in his arms. Tomura wasn't one usually for being sappy or lovely dovey. With Dabi he found he didn't care as much. Dabi was his and he could do what he wanted with him as he pleased. As long as Dabi was okay with it of course.

Over the next few weeks Dabi experimented with what he did and didn't like. Toga was kind enough to help him while keeping it on the down low. Dabi was figuring stuff out for himself he didn't need to broadcasted to the whole league at the moment.

He gained a little bit more confidence thanks to Tomura encouraging him. He still was only able to dress the way he wanted around his boyfriend and he tolerated Toga. She had put makeup on him he didn't know how to feel. He didn't particularly like it he was surprised though that his dysphoria didn't kick in.

Dabi also realized he like painting his nails. He found them so much more interesting with the black nail polish. "I'm going to compromise with myself. Since I'm not yet confident with myself to wear the skirt out in public I'm going to try it with the others to how everyone reacts." Dabi said he was explaining his plan to Tomura.

"Sounds good." Tomura said giving him a thumbs up not looking up from his video game. Dabi rolled his eyes before kissing his boyfriend on the cheek before making his way to the main area of the bar. Several of the League's members were present including Toga, Spinner, Twice, Magne, Compress, and Kurogiri.

Toga grinned at him making Dabi roll his eyes. Compress complimented his outfit calling it stylish. Twice said he looked badass then said he looked pathetic. Magne said he was brave for being who he was she said she could never do something like that. Spinner didn't bother to look up from the game he was playing saying he was on a hard level.

Told you it'd be fine." Tomura said coming up to stand behind Dabi. "Thanks Tomura." Dabi said he leaned his head against the man's shoulder. Tomura smiled he pulled the man closer using Dabi's body heat as he got easily cold. "No problem Ash tray. No problem." Tomura said.

So, I lied that the last one shot was the last one. I sometimes have ideas and then remember I can't write them since this is supposed to be finished. So I'm just going to keep it unmarked as unfinished and update it whenever I get a idea. I have a few trans Dabi ideas so be prepared for a couple more of that.

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