It Was Only A Dare Part 3

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Dabi had been avoiding Tomura at school for days. He didn't sit by him at lunch. He wasn't even in the lunch room during their sixth hour anymore. He walked a different route home or had his dad pick him up. Which was bad since he hated his dad with a fiery passion.

Tomura felt guilt eat away at him still. Every time he thought of Dabi or heard his name mentioned it send a wave of new despair into him. Tomura knew it was his fault. He knew that Dabi deserved to hate him for all he was worth. Right now he wasn't feeling like that was much.

Tomura has succumbed to peer pressure. He'd accepted Toga's dare so he wouldn't be seen as a coward in front of his friend. He'd played with Dabi's feelings like a game. Then he'd actually started caring. He had hated it. Hated the situation. Even tried to hate Dabi by pushing him away nothing worked.

Dabi was to good to ignore. So Tomura indulged himself pretending like their relationship wasn't founded by horrible lies and a false promise of love authenticity. Tomura hadn't told him about the dare untill then. He should have a long time ago. Before they got together. Before he started loving Dabi. Before it caused Dabi to leave him with his heart wrenched out. He should have never have accepted the dare in the first place.

Dabi was pretty upset figuring out that his ex boyfriend had asked him out because of a stupid dare. It didn't matter anymore if he had loved him or did love him. One fact remained constant. Tomura hadn't told him left it unsaid untill he was told a few months into their relationship.

Tomura had tried to hide it untill he felt so guilty that he confessed. He'd been like a bomb about to explode untill he got it off his chest. Dabi was the poor defensless person who got in the way. Dabi was avoiding Tomura he never wanted to see him again.

He started getting rides home from school from his dad. The rides were silent awkward with the occasional snide comments that he needed to bring up his grades or be more social. Dabi ignored it like always. It was terrible but seeing Tomura was worse.

Dabi still couldn't completely avoid him though. Dabi saw glances of him in the school hallways. Tomura wasn't the stuck up annoying brat like he was before he started dating Dabi. He used to be like a looming brick wall unbreakable and so strong everyone was afraid of him. Now he walked with his head down avoiding eye contact like the slightest wrong glance in someone's direction would get him killed.

Dabi ignored it with his head held high not even acknowledging Tomura. He was strong. He didn't care Tomura was just a guy. He didn't even know Tomura as far he was concerned. He'd moved on. He wished he could believe what he was thinking but he knew it wasn't true when he had smeared eye liner and he felt like everytime he thought about Tomura he was going to die.

Tomura tried for weeks to corner Dabi to talk to him. It was impossible it seemed. Dabi had his schedule memorized to a T. He knew where Tomura was and where he wasn't. He knew what places to avoid and which ones to take. Tomura was still determined even if he still felt so horrible about what he did to Dabi.

Tomura needed to talk to him. He needed him to understand. Tomura had loved him. Tomura had thought of it more than just as a dumb dare. Not at first. But he had grown to love Dabi. Dabi still loved him probably. Tomura wouldn't blame him if he didn't. He had done all of this to him.

"Hey, Tomu you okay you seem distant again?" Toga asked concerned. She had noticed her friends new habit. He did it a lot especially when he was thinking. Tomura had taken to doing it more. She wished she could help him. She hated seeing her friend so lost and sad looking.

"No I'm not Toga. Dabi broke up with me remember? I don't know if I've been okay a second these past few weeks. Do you know how hard it is to live with the fact that you tricked the person you love the most? That they hate you so thoroughly for the shit that you did that they don't even want to be in the same room as them? No? That's what it thought. So thank you for ruining my relationship." Tomura snapped he stood up his eyes suddenly full of rage and revenge.

"Tomura I made the dare but I did not make you do it! I am partly responsible and I'm sorry okay?! I did not have the right to do something like that. But you also have to take responsibility for accepting and not telling him! I have been a shitty friend so I'll help you get him back. Don't you dare blame this all on me though!" Toga said she stood up tall and fixed Tomura with a determined stare as if daring him to disagree.

"God Toga I'm sorry. I'm so fucked up right now! I need to get him back before he drives me even more insane." Tomura said he put his head in his hands he was utterly defeated. "If he'll even forgive me let alone take me back. Who am I kidding he deserves better than me." Tomura said he slumped against the wall.

Toga grabbed her friends face between her hands. "You are a great person Tomu even if you made a huge mistake! But were gonna fix it! You loved Dabi. He loved you. I know he'll take you back once you explain now let's go find Dabi!" Toga said she grabbed her friends hand dragging him down the hallway before he could say another word.


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