Second Place

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"Tomura you should try out for the track team." Toga said she grinned at her best friend as she shoved the flyer at him. Tomura grumbled he grabbed the flyer from his friend his red eyes scanned over it disinterested. He didn't like sports at all he was confused why his friend was even bothering.

"No Toga you know I hate sports. Why are you asking me to join anyways?" Tomura asked confused he lifted a eyebrow as the girl grinned at him.

"You're crush is going to be in the team!" Toga said jumping up and down excitedly. Toga reminded Tomura of a little hyperactive dog that couldn't settle down no matter how many times you asked. Tomura felt his cheeks darken at the mention of his crush.

"So what? Besides, I don't have a crush on him!" Tomura protested. Toga giggled she have him a disbelieving look. "I swear I don't have a crush on that bastard!" Tomura said he sounded like he was lying even to himself. Not that he'd ever admit it to anyone especially not Toga who was a notorious gossip.

"Have a crush on who creep?" Dabi asked as he sauntered up to where Toga and Tomura were supposed to be doing their work in study hall. Tomura was trying to help Toga with math but instead she had choose to get distracted by the stupid flyer instead.

"Mind your own business!" Tomura snapped he turned around to glare at Dabi. Dabi chuckled his face was close to Tomura's he was standing behind his chair he was looking at the flyer the school's staff had put up in the classroom.

Tomura felt his blush deepen as he noticed how far apart there faces were. Tomura scooted his chair back a little bit. "No need to get so hostile creep. Ya know I'm on the track team we all are aware that I'm better than you might as well not even bother." Dabi said shrugging like he didn't just insult Tomura.

Tomura grit his teeth together he wanted to punch Dabi. Tomura now wanted to join just to prove the pompous idiot wrong. Toga saw the tension between the two males she grinned she loved drama. "I could beat you." Tomura said he stood up his face was close to Dabi's again.

"Is that so?" Dabi asked mockingly he grabbed Tomura's chin examining his face. Tomura's face was on fire but he didn't pull away. "Hmm, you look like you haven't slept in a month. We'll see if you can even run without collapsing." Dabi said he winked at Tomura before leaving to go sit beside his friends on the opposite side of the classroom.

"I hate that guy." Tomura growled as he looked back down into his seat.

"You're the one with a crush on him." Toga pointed out.

"Shut it Toga." He said.

Tomura didn't know what he was doing whenever he signed his name on the try out sheet. Most of the team had been selected but their was one slot that still needed to be filled. That night Tomura cussed himself out. "Their is no way I can do track. I mean look at me!" Tomura complained to his dog Mon.

The corgi barked she licked his hand sensing he was stressed. "Thanks I knew you'd understand girl." Tomura said he smiled and patted the dogs head.

Tomura started training for the track team. He started slowly building up endurance by  running as hard as he could then taking a quick break before resuming his running. Tomura would say he improved a little bit in the two weeks before the first practice.

"I bet I'll win." Dabi said confidently he smirked at Tomura. Tomura felt himself blush at the smirk. He always felt weird around Dabi. On one hand he wanted to wipe the smirk off his face on the other the man's smile made his heart beat faster in his chest even before he had started running.

"We'll see fuckwad we'll see." Tomura said he pushed his anger down. He'd turn it into trying to win against Dabi. Tomura didn't care that he wasn't the best or the fastest. He just wanted to prove Dabi wrong. Both teens had a competitive streak which didn't go well whenever Dabi challenged him.

Tomura hadn't been able to win against Dabi any of the times the whole team raced. He kept getting closer last time he'd been right on Dabi's heels. "I'm going to win this time." Tomura said trying some of Dabi's cocky self indulgent speaking. He hoped he did otherwise his comment would be embarrassing.

"Seems like you're starting to get the hang of it." Dabi said he winked at Tomura. Tomura ignored the way his heart thumped wildly in his chest as he stood next to Dabi on the starting line. He took a big breath in and then out preparing himself for the loud bang that would sound whenever the starter gun would be fired.

Tomura ran as fast as he could making sure to take deep breaths to allow himself to breath. They both started at the same speed Tomura eventually pulling slightly ahead like last time. Tomura sped up once again getting even further ahead than Dabi. He felt his legs burning at the exhaustion as they came in for there third lap.

Tomura managed to keep his slight edge ahead all the way until the finish line. Suddenly, with a extra burst of speed Dabi passed him winning the race. Tomura let out a sigh of defeat as he collapsed in the grass utterly exhausted from giving the race his all. He drank out of his water bottle like a dying man and he felt sweat sting his eyes.

Dabi wasn't much better he was laying under a shaded tree. The teen had a grin on his face he grinned at Tomura. Tomura rolled his eyes he muttered out a congratulations under his breath. He sat up his body finally having calmed down and not pushing it to the max.

Dabi sauntered over he sat down beside Tomura. "I think second place still deserves a prize." Dabi said confusing Tomura. Tomura was about to ask him what he meant whenever Dabi leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. Before he could say anything Dabi was gone somehow summoning the energy to run away.

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