Player 2

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"Okay guys I'm so close to beating this level bear with me." Tomura said he was leaning close to his PC screen blue light illuminating his face in the dark. Tomura was live streaming for his YouTube channel he was attempting his first Speedrun of a game. His attention was hyper fixated on his game occasional thanking people for donations or glancing at his chat in a non tense moment of the game.

So far he was doing great on time mostly due to him being really good at the game he was playing. Tomura had practiced for weeks making sure he knew how to do everything he would need to know for the game so he could play it as flawlessly as possible. Tomura was on a particularly tough battle with a boss he was almost done it's health was just a sliver.

"Do you have a girlfriend? You're entire fanbase is curious including me." A voice chat read as they donated a rather significant sum of money. Okay a hundred dollars might not be a lot for some people but to Tomura it was a lot. He got donations throughout the day but they were usually smaller like five or ten dollars usually.

"Holy crap thanks for the donation iheartizuku wait..." Tomura said trailing off as he read the user name. Tomura groaned hitting his head on the back of his gaming chair he knew she'd set him up to admit something like this on stream. He was glad he had beat the boss before she did so he didn't get distracted and die.

"Nice try Toga uh no not answering that on stream." Tomura said he ignored the chat begging for him to answer. "Nope not happening she's my best friend in real life guys. She's trying to set me up." Tomura protested he picked up his controller once again ignoring their whines of please tell us.

As a gaming channel that relied on donations he was more personal to his audience than some other content creators. Tomura still kept some of his life private he liked it that way. He only wanted what he choose to be shown or known to other people. That's why he choose not to mention his boyfriend to them.

Dabi who was in the other room making them dinner. Dabi who didn't deserve to be put in spotlight because Tomura decided to show him off to people who he didn't want to be shown off to. Tomura heard a crash and then a curse coming from the kitchen. He glanced towards his bedroom door which was closed.

"What the heck is going on someone over at your house?" Toga asked again donating a dollar so Tomura couldn't ignore her question. "I uh, have a roommate." Tomura said totally smoothly. He cursed himself out in his head for his hesitation for the answer. People started asking questions about who his roommate was.

"I have a roommate I'm not saying anymore for his privacy." Tomura said he sighed at the flood of questions. It's not that he wouldn't mind talking about his amazing boyfriend. He loved Dabi and it would be fun to include him in his gaming. Shenanigans. Tomura didn't know if he'd be interested so he had never asked. He supposed maybe someday he should.

Tomura was about half way threw another boss whenever a second curse followed. Tomura glanced in the direction of the door but otherwise ignored the insults that streamed from his boyfriend's mouth loudly. Tomura was silent he was thinking of Dabi that was why he was loosing lots of health as his full focus wasn't on it.

The door slammed open startling Tomura. He looked over his shoulder to see Dabi with oven mitts on a smoking pan of what was supposed to be a casserole. "Dabi shoo!" Tomura said motioning at the man who stood there confused tilting his head tot he side like a cat.

"Oh, come on I know it's slightly burnt but I still took the liberty to make this for you." Dabi protested thinking he was making him go away due to his bad cooking. While it was bad that wasn't the reason why. Tomura face palmed people now knew what his idiot boyfriend looked like. Not even because anything Tomura did but Dabi himself.

Tomura hadn't locked the door he figured telling Dabi he was streaming that afternoon would be enough. He supposed not. Tomura motioned with his hand to the webcamera that was currently on and the game that he had been playing which he was now dead in due to the distraction that was currently standing in front of him.

Tomura expected Dabi to freak out or shuffle out of frame awkwardly. The man of course being the attention seeker he was moved to the center of the camera smiling at the camera. "Hey guys I'm Tomura's boyfriend. See this amazing casserole I made him?" Dabi asked he showed the charred remains of what had been a casserole to the camera.

People went wild asking questions after question about Dabi. Dabi smiled he kissed Tomura on the cheek before leaving him to deal with the mass amounts of questions. "Have fun." Dabi said chuckling as he left he ended up chucking his casserole after tasting it.

"I knew he was your boyfriend!" A chat came threw from iloveizuku.

"Shut up Toga." Tomura grumbled as he realized his speedrun was now officlsy over after the interruption. He wasn't that mad but he didn't look forward to all the reading his friends would give him.

About a month after his live stream being interrupted Tomura decided to let Dabi be in some of his videos. The man was just as horrible at video games as he was cooking. Still it was fun to do one of his hobbies and job with Dabi. It made the sometimes slow hours of constant streaming more interesting. "Let's get started player two." Tomura said as he hooked up his controller.

Him and Dabi we're going to be playing Mario Kart. Dabi had never played before he was somehow decent at it unlike other games. Tomura found himself winning as much as he was losing eventually the scale tipping in Dabi's direction on who was winning more. "Looks like I'm actually player one." Dabi said grinning as he kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

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