Laser Tag

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Shigaraki looked around the dark room. He squinted trying to make out his surroundings. He could see a bright glowing blue light off in the distance. Shigaraki ran towards it quietly. He was trying to sneak up behind his boyfriend to get him out of the game of laser tag they were playing. Shigaraki pulled the trigger on his fake gun it hit it's target. Just as he was about to tease Dabi about his defeat the shot player's name appeared in screen.

It wasn't Dabi he walked away since it wasn't his boyfriend. Dabi chuckled he was hiding from his boyfriend he could see Shigaraki's red light. As much as he'd love to just shoot him he wanted to make it fun. Might as well trick him to make it more difficult. Dabi was sure he could do it now all he had to do was wait for other players to get out so he could be safe while tricking his boyfriend.

Dabi was up in a tower that was placed so anyone could see up high to target people. Dabi was crouched low occasionally looking down below to see what was going on. The male kept tabs on where Shigaraki was. Shigaraki didn't notice someone creeping up behind him. Dabi annoyed that his plan could be interrupted shot the person. With a curse they left the area since they got out.

Shigaraki spun around surprised not noticing the person. He looked at the board so they were shot by Dabi huh? That meant he was close probably up high Shigaraki guessed. Shigaraki decided to check all the towers to see if his boyfriend was hiding in one of them. Whoever lost had to pay for their lunch. Shigaraki didn't care so much about that he'd treat Dabi to lunch anyway. He just didn't want to listen to Dabi brag about the win for the next month.

Shigaraki climbed up the stairs to the first tower. He knew he was at risk people below able to see his red light. The man to preoccupied with trying to find his boyfriend to care. Shigaraki looked around as he arrived at the top. He was disappointed he didn't see anything. Shigaraki climbed back down to check another one. Dabi had to hold his laughter back as Shigaraki failed to find him.

Shigaraki checked tower after tower still unable to find his boyfriend. Shigaraki finally came to the last one he was about to give up and forget when he caught a glimpse of blue light. Shigaraki smirked he'd finally found Dabi. Dabi waited patiently for Shigaraki to climb the stairs. He knew he was caught so it was time to put his plan into action. Shigaraki finally got to the top. Dabi was sitting their looking smug for some reason.

"Why do you look so smug Dabi? I just caught you." Shigaraki said he aimed his gun at Dabi's light. Dabi rolled out of the way just in time for him to miss. Shigaraki cursed he aimed again with similar results. "Just accept defeat!" Shigaraki yelled irritated as he missed for the third time. "Nah that's not fun, creep." Dabi said he confused Shigaraki by walking closer to him.

Shigaraki didn't shoot Dabi yet he was curious to see what he was doing. Dabi sat his gun down next to him. Shigaraki dropped his guard so Dabi could easily disarm him of his weapon. Dabi surprised Shigaraki as he put his arms around his neck. Shigaraki was frozen in place as Dabi pressed his lips to his. Not able to resist Shigaraki wrapped his arms around Dabi's waist. Dabi put one of his arms down he silently grabbed his gun.

Shigaraki was about to pull away to finish the game. Dabi stopped him pushing him against the wall deeping the kiss. Shigaraki grunted the air leaving his lungs not expecting to be knocked against the wall. Dabi broke the kiss to breathe for a second before going right back to kissing him again. Shigaraki was confused why he wanted kissed so bad not that he was complaining.

Dabi brought the gun level with Shigaraki's chest he pulled the trigger. The board displayed Shigaraki's name saying that he was shot by Dabi. Shigaraki didn't care st the moment to distracted by his boyfriend's mouth on his. Dabi smirked into the kiss Shigaraki swore he'd get his revenge later. Dabi broke the kiss out of breath. "Nice distracting babe the kisses almost make up for the trick. Watch you're back Dabi karma is a bitch." Shigaraki said he gave Dabi one last peck before exciting the tower.

Dabi grinned at least his plan had worked. He hoped Shigaraki liking it would lessen his revenge. Dabi quickly climbed down after his boyfriend. "You owe me lunch." Dabi said he was smug as Shigaraki thought he would be. "Okay trickster let's go." Shigaraki said he held his hand out for Dabi who took it. They both walked out of the building heading towards their car. Dabi got cold soba while Shigaraki got kissed within a inch of his life. Shigaraki even listened to Dabi tease him about losing. Dabi may be a asshole but Shigaraki wouldn't change a thing about him.

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