I Hate You/ I Love You Part 3

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Tomura and Dabi started getting along more recently after Tomura helped Dabi with his wounds. They had started seeking out one another as well which was weird to Tomura but not unwelcome. Even though they hadn't gone past friends yet despite being soulmates Tomura was now okay with Dabi being his friend.

They might have hated each other at first he was glad he found out about Dabi regardless even if they weren't together. Tomura had thought his soulmate was dead up until a few days ago so he was happy for it to be the opposite.

Tomura and Dabi were hanging out alone in the living room. They were alone the other members were out getting takeout in their disguises. Tomura said he was busy so he wouldn't have to go he hated going out in public. He either had to hide his face or people would stare at him. Tomura hated being stared at like he was a freak.

"What you thinking about?" Dabi asked he had also chosen to stay he was honest though telling them he didn't want to go and would rather stay at the base then hangout with them. Tomura had tried not to laugh when Toga had pouted she had gotten offended by his comment.

Tomura was startled when Dabi spoke before that they had been sitting in silence for a hour. "Uh, nothing much just nevermind." Tomura said he trailed off at the end not knowing if he wanted to share his thoughts with Dabi.

"No tell me please?" Dabi asked he sat up to look at Tomura.

"Ugh, no." Tomura said he chuckled at Dabi's pouting. "Don't do that or I'll call you Toga." Tomura said he snickered when he saw Dabi's face scrunch up in disgust.

"Never say that again." Dabi said he groaned falling back onto his end of the couch. "I'm nothing like crazy bastard." Dabi said.

"You are both crazy so you are a little like her." Tomura joked he was smiling amused by Dabi's reactions to his teasing. Dabi swatted at his arm playfully he was smiling himself.

"Shut up. Now tell me what you were thinking about otherwise I'll make you tell me." Dabi said he shifted so he was laying against Tomura.

"What are you going to do?" Tomura asked curiously. He didn't know what Dabi would do but he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious.

"You don't want to find out." Dabi said his tone was serious but he had a smile on his face.

"Fine I was thinking about how technically we're soulmates. But we aren't together and we hated each other for thr longest time. I thought you were dead for years Dabi. I felt a intense burning feeling one night then it all stopped and I thought..." Tomura said he cut himself off he blinked back tears. Tomura had been scared for weeks wondering if about what had happened to his soulmate and if it was going to happen to him.

"I'm sorry." Dabi said the smile was gone from his face instead a frown took over. Tomura hated that the smile was gone. It was his fault it was gone. If he would have kept his thoughts to himself it would still be there. "I had a accident that's why I look like this. I'm so sorry that you eneded up with someone like me." Dabi said he motioned towards himself.

"You know it's no that bad. You're alright got a ashtray?" Tomura joked trying to clear the tension. Dabi blinked shocked at the sudden change in demeanor of the conversation. Suddenly, he started laughing he threw his head back against the couch. "What's so funny?" Tomura asked confused and annoyed.

"Oh, just how fast we keep changing this conversation." Dabi said he stopped laughing he rested his head against Tomura's shoulder. Tomura tensed up and he felt that his breathing stop for a few seconds.

Tomura was surprised to say the least. He hadn't had this much physical contact with someone before. Especially, not Dabi a guy he hated not that long ago. He was also his soulmate though. That made it hard and Tomura didn't know what to do.

Dabi was staring at Tomura's covered arm he knew that was where his soul mark was. Most people's were on their arms he had even growled at Toga once when she asked where his was and what it was.

"Can I see what your mark is?" Dabi asked curiously. He hadn't seen it before he wondered what mark was on Tomura's skin that represented him.

"Alright since you are well my soulmate even if it's hard to believe." Tomura said he rolled up his sleeve before showing Dabi the blue flames that ran all the way up his arm. Dabi's eyes widened as he stared at the varying shades of blues.

"Wow it's beautiful. It looks exactly like my flames." Dabi said he ran his fingers along one of them tracing the design that was imprinted into Tomura's skin. Tomura shivered at the touch he would have used to recoil disgusted by the textures of Dabi's scars instead he leaned into it.

"So wanna try this whole soulmates thing for real? I know I shook you by dying in quotation marks but I'd like to have a better start. After all you only get a soulmate once." Dabi said he pulled his hand back to put it on Tomura's face.

Tomura felt his cheeks darken at the thought of being with Dabi. "It might take some time to get over my last hatred completely but I'm willing to give it a chance. Hell were already half way there." Tomura said he was surprised and happy sy the same time.

He had always wanted his soulmate when he was a kid and before he hated Dabi for dying then the very existence of the blue flames on his skin. "Good because I've been tired of waiting to do this for a few weeks." Dabi said as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Tomura's.

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