It Was Only A Dare Part 2

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Warnings: cursing and angst

"Ugh, what am I supposed to do?" Tomura said he paced back and forth in his bedroom. He had a date with Dabi in under a hour and he still wasn't ready or sure how he was going to get out of it. Tomura sighed he didn't want to seem like a asshole by not showing up but he really didn't want to go.

Tomura ended up putting on his nicer jeans. Which meant the black ones that didn't have holes in the knees. Tomura went downstairs he hadn't told Kurogiri we're he was doing. He had assumed the man would be at work like always instead he was sitting in his arm chair in the living room sipping his tea while reading a book.

"Uh, Kurogiri I didn't know that you were home." Tomura said nervously. He had his hands in his pockets he had the urge to scratch his neck but he kept them in his pockets knowing that Kurogiri hated the habit.

"Where are you going youn man?" Kurogiri asked curiously as he eyed Tomura up and down seeing that he was wearing the nicest clothes he owned.

Tomura sighed he knew he was going to have to tell the man what was happening otherwise he'd get worried. "I'm going on a date with a guy in my class." Tomura said he gritted his teeth to keep from teeling the man he didn't want to go on said date.

"Oh, well then do you need me to drive you?" Kurogiri asked he was smiling since Tomura was going on his first date he was proud of him.

"Nah, I'm good." Tomura said waving the man off he walked out the door before the man could insist like he knew he would.

Tomura walked down to the restaurant that was near his school. It took him thirty minutes to walk there but he made it just slightly late. Dabi was already at a table near the back of the restaurant he had a menu flipped open and he was looking at all the choices.

Tomura sat down in a chair opposite of him. "Hey, glad you could make it I got worried since you were late." Dabi said he gave Tomura a small smile. Tomura smiled back even if it was forced he grabbed the extra menu off the table and started looking threw it to distract himself.

"So boys what would you like to order?" The waiter asked. They answered and while they waited on food Dabi tried to make small talk. Tomura answered with one or two word responses.

After their mediocre date Tomura treked home. It hadn't been as bad as he thought it'd be but it still wasn't great. Eventually, the silence got awkward Dabi had stopped trying to talk to him after a while since he was only getting short clipped answers back. Tomura had started talking about a video game he tried to ease the tension.

Tomura now had Dabi's phone number programmed into his phone since the other teen had put it in for him. Tomura through all his anger at having to go on a date with Dabi felt a twinge of guilt in the back of his head as he tried to go to sleep that night.

Tomura had asked Dabi out on a cruel dare. It wasn't fair to him or Tomura to let it  continue this long. Tomura ended thinking of the consequences of his actions all night the next day he made it through school barely almost falling asleep in several classes.

"Toga I can't take this anymore. I asked him out on a date by you. I should have declined. I should have just declined your dare even if it meant I'd be teased as a coward by all our friends. You know what I am a coward for succumbing to peer pressure anyways." Tomura ranted as he paced back and forth this time in his best friends bedroom.

"I don't know I think you two would make a great couple if you just gave Dabi a chance. Plus Twice saw you two together on your date at the restaurant so now everyone thinks your actually together. I'd look shitty of you just to dump him after a day. Maybe you should wait at least a few weeks." Toga said she now felt a surge of guilt as she saw how stressed and guilty this was making Tomura feel.

"Yeah, your right I'll wait a couple weeks then let him down gently." Tomura said that way Dabi wouldn't have to know that he had been asked out on a dare and he wouldn't look like a jerk for breaking up with him after only a day.

The next several weeks passed by faster than Tomura thought. Dabi had kept asking if they could hangout out of school after Tomura all but avoiding him everytime he walked home. Tomura had started walking fast or outright taking different roads even if they took him ten more minutes to get home.

Their was now a major hole in Tomura's plan. He was now actually starting to like Dabi. He thought he was cool and cute when he scrunched up his nose in annoyance when he lost a round of Mario Kart to Tomura.

"Dabi I have something to tell you." Tomura said he had to make sure his hand was down by his side.

"Yeah, what's that?" Dabi asked he was chilling on Tomura's bed watching a movie on his TV.

"Um, you know how I asked you out a few weeks ago?" Tomura asked.

"Yeah?" Dabi asked confused why he was bringing it up.

"Well Toga might have dared me to do it." Tomura said he closed his eyes expecting for Dabi to go off and yell at him or storm out crying. Instead he just heard the teen laugh confused he looked over to see Dabi laughing his head off.

"That's a funny joke, Tomura." Dabi said he smiled at the other teen it faltered when he saw Tomura's face was serious. "Your not joking?" Dabi asked he felt his heart drop in his chest his smile disappeared as quickly as it had come.

"Don't you ever talk to me again!" Dabi said his eyes had started to get watery before he ran out the door. Tomura stood their in shock as he stared at the door Dabi had just ran out. Tomura fell to his knees it finally setting in what had happened.

"I lost him." Tomura said tears starting to stream down his cheeks. "I can't believe I lost it because I was being a selfish jerk to protect my own reputation!" Tomura yelled he was mad at himself beyond belief he never should have taken Toga's stupid dare. He now would rather deal with his friends teasing than losing the person he loved the most.

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