Bring Me Home Part 1

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Warnings: cussing

"There is something I want to ask you." Dabi said he shuffled back and forth from foot to foot nervously. Tomura who was playing a game on his phone paused it to look at Dabi expectantly. When Dabi didn't continue Tomura motioned to him with his hand. "Okay so my family is having a family dinner. I was wondering if you'd come? I already hate them and having you there would make is slightly less miserable plus it would piss my old man off." Dabi said he smiled nervously his apprehension at going to the diner obviously showing.

"Of course I'll go. The stories I've heard about your dad though can't promise a mean comment won't slip. Be warned the chance of me slapping the old bastard is high." Tomura said he was happy at the little smile he had gotten from Dabi at his totally a joke of a threat.

"Good I can't wait." Dabi said he plopped down beside Tomura on the couch resting his head against his boyfriend's shoulder. "It's just hard you know? I've gotten along with most of my family ever since reconnecting with them. I still just... I feel like I have a obligation to see them after leaving for so long even if some of them hurt me." Dabi said his eyes went dark for a second.

"It's okay you don't got to go if you don't want to. They may be your family but you don't owe them anything." Tomura said he put his hand on Dabi's arm tracing invisible patterns to help soothe his boyfriend. Dabi shot him a grateful smile as he relaxed more against his side.

"I don't want to go but I promised my sister I would. I know she means well but screw her. I can't blame her for wanting us all to act like a normal loving family. But we're the Todoroki's that's not us. That will never be us." Dabi said he felt Tomura tapping his fingers against his arm as he thought of a response. That was many of Tomura's habits he did whenever he was thinking.

"When is it?" Tomura asked.

Dabi's face scrunched up into a angry look. "Tonight as in exactly four hours." Dabi said he glared at the clock on the wall wishing it could go back to whenever he didn't have to think of the certainly going to be a shit show family dinner. Tomura's eyes widened as he looked at the clock.

"Why didn't you ask me sooner?" Tomura said as he bolted up to go take a shower. With the short notice Tomura was going to not only have to cancel his plans to meet up with Spinner and Toga. He also had to get ready while making sure Dabi didn't have a emotional breakdown on the way out.

"I shoved into the back of mind so I didn't have to think about it all week. Shit I'm sorry." Dabi apologized as he watched Tomura rush around the house to find the suit he'd haphazardly thrown on the floor last time they'd gone on a date and had never picked up.

"It's alright but next time tell me since I had to cancel plans that I already had." Tomura said he managed to somehow find his dress pants as well in the mess he'd created in his apartment. It wasn't even a organized mess. Tomura never knew where anything was. Dabi had to help him clean it more than once to find missing car keys or something else important.

"Will do!" Dabi yelled since Tomura was already across the apartment closing the door to the bathroom to take a shower.

They both got ready about thirty minutes before they had to leave. Dabi sent Fuyumi a text confirming he was coming and not quote on quote "ditching a family diner for his own selfish desires." Tomura killed the engine as soon as they were at the Todoroki mansion. "We don't have to do this." Tomura said he put his hand over Dabi's noticing the man's shaking hands.

Dabi let a sigh out of his nose. "No I got to I promised them I'd come." Dabi said he squeezed Tomura's hand before letting it go to open the car door. Tomura followed after Dabi closely he wanted to hug the other man every time he saw him take a tense step forward or he would jump at every little sound.

Dabi knocked on the door his whole body was tense. The man's hands were shaking Tomura wanted to help him but there was nothing he could do other than offer his presence. The door opened making light spill outside from the illuminated house. It was dark outside the light framed the person's face in the doorway.

"Look who decided to show up." A white haired man who was tall and had broad shoulders said smiling at Dabi.

"Hey, Natsuo." Dabi said he relaxed seeing it was Natsuo who answered the door. Out of all his siblings Dabi was closest to Natsuo he had always been. Natsuo had been the one he'd go to whenever he was hurt or scared. He'd rant to his brother often waking him up on the middle of the night since that was the only time they could talk without their dad hearing.

Natsuo put his arm around Dabi's shoulders he dragged him inside to distracted by his brother to notice Tomura. Tomura sighed he followed behind the brothers. Dabi looked over his shoulder at Tomura as if asking for help. Tomura smiled and shook his head. He was glad at least someone in Dabi's family seemed to like him. Dabi wasn't very big on physical affection so it wasn't that he didn't like Natsuo. He was just avoidant of it at all times unless it was with Tomura.

Tomura was glad Dabi had allowed him into his world. His life. His family even if they weren't the best. Natsuo stopped talking a mile a minute he saw Dabi looking over his shoulder finally he acknowledged Tomura. "Who is that Touya? Is he your friend?" Natsuo asked.

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