Hot and Cold

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Dabi opened his bosses bedroom door he saw Shigaraki sleeping peacefully. Well, he thought as the man looked at him sleepily as Dabi sat down on his bed. "Where you been?" Shigaraki asked curiously. Dabi was gone most evenings doing whatever he did in his spare time but rarely this late. Dabi took his shirt off throwing it to the floor before answering. "Recruiting new members." Dabi said explaining where he was.

Shigaraki hummed in understanding Dabi laid down beside him. Shigaraki pulled the covers over the both of them. Dabi grabbed Shigaraki around the waist he pulled his boyfriend into his arms. Shigaraki sighed he was comfortable and relaxed now that Dabi was there. He had trouble sleeping otherwise used to having someone else's presence now. Dabi snuggled against Shigaraki striving for the feeling of his cool skin.

Dabi ran hot due to his quirk he liked to cuddle up to Shigaraki since his skin was cold. Shigaraki felt his eyes droop as he was meet with familiar comforting warmth. The man closed his eyes enjoying Dabi's heat he was giving off. Dabi closed his eyes soon after his favorite part of the day was when he was cuddled up with his boyfriend. Dabi knew there was no place he'd rather be.

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