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Dabi paced back and forth down the hallway. Five steps forward five steps backward and repeat. Waiting outside Tomura's room was killing him inside with boredom. Tomura had promised they'd spend time with one another over three hours ago. "I'll be five minutes don't worry babe." We're his exact words. Yet Tomura still had yet to emerge from his room and give Dabi the green light to come in.

"Can I come in?" Dabi asked he knocked on the door lightly. Dabi tapped his foot impatiently as he stared at the closed door. "Tomura? Answer me at least creep I've been out here pacing for the last three hours waiting on you!" Dabi said his thinning patience leaving him faster.

"I'm coming in if you don't respond!" Dabi warned still receiving no reply he tried the doorknob. Dabi grumbled whenever he found to was locked. The man jostled the doorknob again he punched the door in anger. "Dang knab it son of a-" Dabi began his cursing was interrupted as the door opened suddenly sending Dabi onto the floor face first into the bars ancient carpet.

Dabi groaned as he rubbed his nose his eyes watered he wiped them with the back of his hand. "What gives?" Dabi asked irritated he'd been made to wait so long. He stopped talking and all his anger disappeared as soon as he saw what state Tomura was in.

The man's hair was a mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in days the eye bags under his eyes pronounced against his pale skin. Dabi had only heard Tomura's voice threw his door early when he asked if they could spend time with one another.

"Are you okay?" Dabi asked worriedly he grabbed Tomura's hands into his own he scanned the man's face for any injures then his body.

"I'm fine just tired. I can't sleep especially with what the heroes next move is constantly on my mind." Tomura said with a week chuckle he drug Dabi into his room closing the door with his foot behind him. "Sorry for keeping you waiting it's just..." Tomura said he cut himself off his eyes got dark.

"No no you're fine babe. What's wrong?" Dabi asked concerned.

"What if something happens to you like Kurogiri and Sensei." Tomura said his eyes teared up. Dabi pulled the man into a hug without thinking about it. Tomura's eyes widened but he accepted the hug regardless melting into Dabi's arms going slack.

Dabi saw Tomura's work pinned to his walls. What probably had to be at least fifty different plans on how to take down the heroes all over. The man had really been overworking himself he wanted to make sure everything was perfect down to the last detail.

"I can't loose you Dabi. I can't not anyone not again." Tomura muttered against Dabi's chest.

"Shh it's okay. It's okay let's lay down yeah?" Dabi asked he rocked Tomura back and forth hoping to comfort the man with his moment. Tomura nodded weakly he allowed himself to be lifted and taken over to his bed by Dabi. Dabi noticed the man was lighter than he'd been just weeks prior. He chose not to dwell on it it wasn't what Tomura needed at the moment.

Dabi sat Tomura down he turned around to take off his coat so he could he more close to Tomura. Tomura caught his wrist stopping him before he'd even moved one step. "Stay." Tomura said half way between a command and a plea. Dabi didn't even have to look at him to know his eyes were begging.

"Yeah I'll stay I was gonna take off my jacket." Dabi said trying to reassure Tomura. Dabi could feel Tomura's touch retreat one final squeeze was given to his wrist signaling Tomura was hesitant to let go. Dabi threw the coat on the floor before sliding into bed beside Tomura.

"This good?" Dabi asked as he pulled Tomura against his chest.

"Yeah, let's just relax." Tomura said closing his eyes. Dabi hummed behind him he kissed right behind Tomura's ear. He couldn't agree more.

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