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Dabi was walking threw the base blinking his eyes constantly. Everything in front of him was blurry. The man sighed his vision had just kept getting worse over the years. He had noticed about the time he was thirteen that his vision had started going downhill.

Dabi had to strain his eyes to even make out what his computer screen said. Of course Dabi being the stubborn kid he was refused to tell anyone. He had been told he had to be perfect in his dad's eyes for approval. He wasn't going to give him more of a reason to dislike him by not having perfect vision.

Dabi's sister Fuyumi had glasses Dabi wasn't surprised he needed them. That didn't mean he was going to do something about it either. When Dabi was living on the streets he got used to his declining vision. It hadn't been that bad at first he only wasn't able to see things too far away.

Dabi stumbled a few times but luckily he finally made his way into the kitchen. He rummaged around in the fridge for something to eat. Dabi grabbed a sandwich he put his name on the wrapper to make sure no one stole his food again like the other League members loved to do.

Dabi sat down on the couch in-between Tomura and Toga. Toga was watching some kind of romantic love movie Dabi couldn't care less about. Tomura seemed to feel the same judging by all his attention being fixed on his video game he was playing.

Dabi who was bored out of his mind started making mean comments about how bad the movie was. He was right he was certain. Toga did threaten to stab him if he didn't shut up. The fire user was sure she'd make good on her threat. Dabi normally wouldn't be cautious and would continue. With his blurred vision he didn't want to see if he could aim a blast of fire at her accurately.

Toga gave Dabi a confused look when he didn't continue his comments. Dabi never listened to anyone when it came to telling him what to do. Not even his boyfriend and boss Tomura. Dabi ignored her concerned glances he leaned back on the couch. He continued watching well more listening to what was happening in the movie.

Dabi made the comments in his head still to amuse himself. "Man that movie sucked ass why the hell would the princess kiss prince Frederick or whatever his name was?" Dabi asked mostly to annoy Toga. He decided to make his comments since the movie was over she wouldn't be as mad.

"First off they are in love. Second she didn't she kissed prince Harold." Toga said she gave Dabi a confused look. He had been watching the whole movie he should know the basic plot. She had noticed Dabi squinting trying to make out the actors faces the entire movie.

"It's not my fault they sound similar." Dabi said scoffing. He closed his eyes trying to take a quick cat nap before they had to go on their mission in a few hours. Dabi now felt a pair of red eyes on him he choose to ignore. "Can I help you?" He asked after a while wanting to know what he hell his boyfriend wanted.

"Are you having problems seeing? I saw you walk into your bedroom door yesterday. Not to mention you couldn't see the TV right in front of you worth a shit." Tomura said he pointed at the TV which was no more than six feet away.

Dabi cracked a eye open to stare at Tomura. Well more of stare at a blurry array of colors that was supposed to be Tomura. "Nah I'm alright. I can see just fine." Dabi said shrugging like it didn't matter. His blinked a few times hoping his eyes would focus more.

Tomura noticing this gave Dabi a unimpressed glare. "Sure." He said unconvinced. Tomura held up three fingers in front of Dabi's face. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Tomura asked he knew Dabi's answer was going to be wrong. He thought he might as well humor the man into trying to convince him that his vision was fine.

Dabi couldn't see Tomura's hand which was in front of his face. He knew if he didn't answer correctly Tomura's suspicions would be proven to be correct. "Um, uh four?" Dabi asked uncertainty in his voice.

"Wow yeah you really need glasses." Tomura said he put his hand down at his side. "I know you don't trust Ujiko but he could do a eye exam on you in a few minutes. Hell I don't trust him but he's the best option we got. They don't exactly let villains waltz into stores after all." Tomura said he hoped Dabi would take his offer.

Dabi sighed defeated he knew Tomura was right. His vision was bad and had just kept getting worse over the years. Dabi nodded to confirm he was okay with Tomura making the appointment. He laid his head against his boyfriend's shoulder. Tomura ran his hands threw his hair as he texted the evil doctor.

A week later Dabi had finally gotten his glasses. At first he hated them since he lost them so many times and they were easily forgotten about whenever he got up in the morning. Dabi knew his way around the base decently after living there for a while but he'd still bump into something or someone without them.

"Wow you haven't bumped into a wall that's new." Tomura commented as Dabi collapsed beside him on the couch. "You know I only wear this so I can see your beautiful face." Dabi said flirty he kissed Tomura's cheek. Tomura felt a blush rise to his face.

"Now I wish I'd never made that appointment." Tomura grumbled as he glared at Dabi who just grinned at him.

"No you don't." Dabi said he leaned against his boyfriend.

"You're right but shut up." Tomura said his voice had no trace of the venom that should be in his words. He was just glad Dabi could finally see even if he was going to be annoying about it.

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