You Look Amazing Part 2

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Touya tried not to cower behind his boyfriend when they arrived at the pool. Well, he ended up doing it anyways. Tenko had let him knowing he didn't want to be there. Tenko offered his hand for Touya to hold he took his bigger hand in his. Tenko lead Touya to the lawn chairs lined up against the pool's fence. Touya sat his towel on one while Tenko sat his on the adjacent chair. Touya gripped the edge of his tank top hesitantly. He looked around at everyone they weren't even looking at him. The male gazed at his boyfriend who gave him a encouraging nod.

Touya gulped before lifting the tank top over his head. He sat it down on top of his towel to keep it dry. Touya self conscious about his scars folded his arms over his chest to keep it hidden from view. He stood their awkwardly as Tenko took his shirt off as well. Noticing Touya's distress Tenko tried to comfort him. "It's okay Touya. Want to go in with me?" Tenko asked Touya nodded. Tenko offered his hand again Touya took it.

Tenko lead his boyfriend towards the pool. Touya dropped his other arm down to his side. Touya looked at the ground as he stepped on the first step into the pool. He felt the cold water on his feet. Tenko stepped down another one Touya followed him. After the third one Touya's waist was in the water. He shivered at the temperature he hoped his body would adjust to it soon. "You good?" Tenko asked.

"I'm okay." Touya lied as he gave his boyfriend a weak smile. He knew no one was looking at him yet he felt like he was being judged. Tenko knowing him long enough to know he was lying squeezed his hand to reassure him. "Come on let's swim." Tenko said Touya let go of his hand as they both waded out into the water. They stopped when the water was up to Touya's shoulders. The water was level to Tenko's stomach. Tenko was taller than Touya which Touya both loved and hated. It meant he could use him to get things he couldn't reach. The bad part was that he had to stand in his tiptoes or Tenko had to bend down to kiss him.

"Look at you Touya so brave and handsome." Tenko complimented the male who blushed at his words. "Lier." Touya spat he didn't believe Tenko's words. His boyfriend did make him feel like he was attractive sometimes. He wasn't that confident right though. "I don't lie so you're the lier." Tenko said Touya rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure." Touya said sarcastically. All of a sudden water was splashed into Touya's face. Touya let out a squeak of surprise as the cold water hit his face. He whipped his head around to his boyfriend who was laughing.

"Oh, now you're asking for it!" Touya said he splashed as much water onto Tenko as he could. Tenko stopped laughing after that which caused Dabi to smile. He'd shown him not to mess with him after all. Tenko dove underwater Touya stared at the spot he'd been at a second again confused. Hands grabbed around Touya's waist he screeched in surprise as his boyfriend came back up. Water was splashed as Tenko came up he was now holding Touya to his chest.

Touya glared at his boyfriend, "Ass." He said he stuck his lip out in a pout. Tenko laughed at his boyfriends pout. He leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend. Touya was surprised as he felt Tenko's lips on his own but he closed his eyes leaning into the kiss. After a few seconds they both parted to breathe. Touya looked away embarrassed at kissing in public. They had never done it before preferring to keep their relationship private. "Am I still a ass?" Tenko's asked. "Always." Touya joked Tenko raised a eyebrow.

"But I love you." Touya said teasingly. "I don't know." Tenko joked back Touya kissed his cheek to prove he was being some what serious. Tenko sat Touya back down on the cement of the bottom of the pool. Touya heard his stomach growl he grumbled of course it had to ruin the moment. "Hungry?" Tenko asked the other male who nodded. They both got out of the pool water dripped from their bodies. Both of them got to the chairs they had sat their stuff on.

Touya dried himself off Tenko did the same. Touya than took Tenko's hand as they walked over to the pool's concession stand. Touya got a snack then they went back to swimming for a while. "Can we go home now?" Touya asked. "Why the sudden need?" Tenko asked confused. "I want cuddles." Touya said Tenko chuckled at him. "What's so funny?" Touya asked sticking his lip out in a pout. "Just that the big bad Touya wants cuddles." Tenko joked.

"I'm short you're always teasing me about it sir. Second your cuddles are amazing." Touya said he held his arms up to Tenko. Tenko just smiled ruffling Touya's hair. Touya tried to swat his hand away Tenko just messed it up even more. "Come on please." Touya begged Tenko caved in picking his boyfriend up. Tenko carried him bridal style out of the pool.

A few people stared at them Touya buried his head in Tenko's chest embarrassed. He loved his boyfriend but people's staring made him nervous. Especially, since his own chest was in view for anyone to see. Touya whimpered Tenko noticing pulled his boyfriend closer to his chest. Tenko glared at a teenager who was staring at Touya. The teenager quickly looked away from Tenko's glare making him smirk a bit. Most people thought Tenko's eyes were overwhelming making them uncomfortable.

Touya on the other hand thought they looked like priceless rubies. He loved Tenko's eyes he could stare at them for hours if he wanted to. Tenko grabbed their towels and tank tops. He carried Touya to their car setting him in the passengers seat. Tenko got into the driver's side. Touya looked out the window his face was in a hurt expression. Tenko felt his heart drop at the look he didn't want his boyfriend to be upset.

Tenko reached over to hold Touya's hand. Touya looked at him once their hands were intertwined. "Touya you look amazing. You are just so beautiful if people can't see that fuck them." Tenko said Touya smiled weakly at his encouraging words. Tenko sighed he held the tank top to Touya. Touya looked at the tank top in consideration Tenko's words made him feel a bit better. He was about to grab it when he pulled his hand back. Touya gave Tenko a big smile this time, "I don't need it. I'm amazing."

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