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The first time Shigaraki saw Dabi he hated him instantly. He was rude to him and acted like a spoiled brat. The rabbit hybrid tried to kill him with his quirk but Kurogiri wouldn't let him. The crazy blonde girl was there as well he tolerated her least. Shigaraki found the cat hybrid Dabi to he the most annoying thing he'd ever encountered. Sadly, much like the first attempt to kill Dabi Kurogiri stopped him.

The second time they saw each other was before the attack on the UA students forest camp trip. Shigaraki had informed them of his plans of course Dabi had to be a thorn in his side. "Why aren't you coming creep? To scared to get you're princess paws dirty?" Dabi asked tauntingly he smirked as Shigaraki stood up from his seat. "Shut up you bastard!" Shigaraki yelled he was on Dabi in a second.

Dabi let out a crazed laugh as Shigaraki put his hand around his throat. It freaked the rabbit hybrid out a bit. Shigaraki glared at him making his grip even tighter making it harder for the cat hybrid to breath properly. "Oh, you know it's just so much fun to annoy you." Dabi said it was quit since he couldn't breath let alone talk very well. Shigaraki had still heard what he said though.

"Do you have a death wish? I can sure as hell make it come true." Shigaraki growled Dabi just smirked up at him. "Go ahead I ain't got nothing to live for." Dabi said he put his own hand over Shigaraki's he pressed down putting more pressure down on his throat. Dabi couldn't breath at all now. Shigaraki was shocked by this he jumped off of Dabi terrified.

He had met people who didn't care about their lives at all. Dabi pushed himself onto his feet he tried to mask his emotions as usual. Shigaraki saw something in his eyes behind the calm facade and insanity. Something he had seen in himself but hadn't expected to on Dabi. Sadness. Dabi have him a smirk he knew was fake. The cat hybrid walked out the door with the rest of the League like nothing happened. It unnerved him for some reason he didn't understand.

After that Shigaraki avoided Dabi for two weeks. They had lost the bar and sensei to those damned heroes. Everyone was upset sure but it hit Shigaraki the hardest. Shigaraki sank into some kind of depression not talking to anyone even Kurogiri. It worried them all especially Dabi not that he'd admit it. He remembered their encounter before the mission had shook Shigaraki for some reason. Maybe, he was scared to see someone as lost and as mentally fried as be was.

Dabi tried the handle on his boss's bedroom door when it didn't open he knocked. Not receiving a answer he grabbed the nob using his quirk to melt it. Dabi was tired of Shigaraki moping around all day. Kurogiri had been trying to get him to eat but to no avail. Dabi had Shigaraki's favorite snack in the pocket of his jacket. Doritos. The door swung open as Dabi pushed it. He'd be scolded for it later by Kurogiri he could live with that.

Dabi found the rabbit hybrid snuggled in a fluffy blanket only his giant feet poking out. Dabi smiled a little bit but quickly surpressed it. The cat hybrid thought Shigaraki looked adorable swaddled up in his blanket. Not that he needed to know that. Dabi knew if he wanted to get Shigaraki to even look at him he needed to take the blanket away so he couldn't hide. Dabi grabbed a corner of it and yanked.

Shigaraki held onto the blanket tightly not wanting his comfort item to be stolen. "Fuck off Dabi!" He hissed angrily. "You'll thank me later, creep." Dabi said he tugged back he won since he had superior strength. Shigaraki glared at him Dabi threw the blanket somewhere in his messy room. Dabi looked over his boss who normally was like a fire cracker which could explode any second. Right now with his fur a tangled mess in the same hoodie he'd been in for two weeks he looked weak. Venerable.

Dabi didn't find himself enjoying the sight it just felt wrong. Seeing someone so proud and full of life suddenly look more dead than the door knob he'd burnt. "Everyone's been worried about you ya know?" Dabi asked his boss. "Does that include you or did you come just to mock me?" Shigaraki asked he pulled his knees up to his chest resting his head on them. The blue haired male avoided his eyes his blood red ones gazing at his bedsheets.

"I don't care about you that much. But you look pitiful sitting here by yourself. Crying over a man who never gave a shit about you. See threw his lies and learn how to live for yourself." Dabi said Shigaraki was about to tell him to shut up don't insult his sensei but Dabi interrupted them. "Don't say a word. They'll tell you how great you're gonna be. That you'll be the greatest. It's all a lie. I've been threw it Shigaraki. I've been you and you've been me. Weather we hate each other you can't deny I know how you feel. So, let me in let me help you." Dabi pleaded he felt something wet run down his cheek.

Shigaraki sat there in shock as a drop of blood landed on his paw. Dabi was crying about something. Shigaraki would never knew why he did what he did next. Shigaraki wrapped his arms around Dabi's waist pulling him closer to him. Dabi didn't resist he was lax as he laid his head against his chest. "We'll be okay, maybe." Shigaraki said he finally let his tears fall. Shigaraki was done keeping his emotions in. They both laid there together two hybrids who hated each other cried for each other. Hopefully that was about to change.

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