Vacation Troubles Part 4

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It had been a few weeks since Tomura and Dabi had gotten back from their trip. They had gotten a long a lot more ever since their return home. Everyone had been surprised their plan had worked but happy it had.

  The teachers at school were especially glad since they didn't have to listen to the two teens scream their lungs out in the middle of class because one of them supposedly looked at each other wrong.

"So what are we going to do to get our revenge on Toga?" Dabi asked he was sitting on Tomura's couch as they schemed on how to get revenge on the girl. Tomura was glad he and Dabi weren't fighting anymore but they could have done it better than forcing them to go on a vacation together.

"I'm thinking maybe stealing her photo collection of Izuku." Tomura said he grinned he had a key to her house since they were best friends he was just allowed to go inside whenever he wanted.

"Sounds good to me." Dabi said grinning back. They spent the rest of the afternoon planning on how they were going to do it.

They ended up stealing her photos to teach the girl a lesson. She apologized and then proceeded to scamper off with them tucked to her chest like they were precious diamonds. "Eh, it's kind weird how she had those don't you think?" Dabi asked as he watched Toga vanish around the blocks corner.

"Yeah, I know but I don't question her anymore It'd require to much energy." Tomura said shrugging used to the girls weird antics.

"So Tomura you busy this weekend?" Dabi asked as he fiddled with a stray string on his jacket. His face was on fire he had been hanging out with Tomura a lot than he was with anyone else in a long time the past few months. It had taken him a while to accept it but eventually Dabi realized he had a crush on Tomura.

They had been through a lot of bonding ever since their vacation. Dabi was almost over every night at this point he might as well live with Tomura. Dabi hated his dad anyways he wouldn't mind living with him actually.

"Yeah I'm free ain't got much to do this weekend except study for our biology test." Tomura said he was half paying attention his gaze focused on the screen in front of him as he played Poke'mon.

"Alright, see you this weekend." Dabi said he got up pulling his jacket on before exiting Tomura's house. Dabi thought as he walked home he was going to confess his rapidly growing feelings to Tomura that weekend when they hanged out at his house like every Saturday.

Dabi walked right in not bothering to knock. Tomura glanced at him muttered a hi then went back to eating his Doritos while he watched a gaming tutorial for a level he was stuck on in a game. "So I uh have something to tell you." Dabi said he saw Tomura pause his video.

Tomura raised a eyebrow a silent indicator he was waiting for Dabi to talk. Dabi sighed he guessed it was now or never. "I like you a lot I'll admit it. Ever since our trip I've started to not hate you. I definitely don't know you know I mean since we hangout and lot and stuff-" Dabi's rambling was cut short by Tomura.

"Shhh, Dabi. I like you to Dorito?" Tomura asked he was surprisingly calm about all of this.

"Huh, what?" Dabi asked confused his eyes wide he stared at Tomura shocked.

"Dabi you wrote a draft of your confession to me in my notebook at school because you left yours at home. You forgot to tear out the page dork you were pretty obvious." Tomura said he held the bag of chips out to Dabi since he didn't answer his question if he wanted one or not.

"Yeah, yeah thanks." Dabi said as he shoved a chip in his mouth his face was on fire from embarrassment.

"I'll go out with you though thank Toga for this I suppose even if I'm still mad at her for forcing us to do something we didn't want to do." Tomura said he kissed Dabi on the cheek the other teen proceeded to almost choke on the Dorito in his mouth.

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