End Of Summer Blues

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"Hey, babe I brought the snacks." Dabi said as he opened the door to his boyfriend's apartment. Tomura was no where to be seen he wasn't even sitting on the couch like usual. Dabi's eyebrows furrowed in concern since Tomura usually always sat on the couch whenever they agreed to hangout.

"Tomura?" Dabi asked as he ventured father into the apartment setting the snacks he brought with him on the table. Dabi opened his bedroom door a pile of blankets was piled on top of Tomura's bed. "Hey, creep what's wrong?" Dabi asked he sat down at the edge of the bed to make sure Tomura had space if he wanted it.

"Schools starting soon. I do not want to go back to college." Tomura's muffled reply he  came out from under the blanket. Tomura's hair was a mess like usual Dabi ran his hands threw it trying to untangle it. Tomura spared a smile smile for Dabi's antics the man found his heart beating rapidly in his chest at the sight. Tomura looked adorable.

"Hmm, that does suck doesn't it?" Dabi asked trying to be sympathetic. Dabi knew Tomura hated cold weather. Not to mention he also didn't like social interaction and college was evidence of that from giving presentations or having partners for assignments. Dabi himself was a winter fan. He hated overheating and often found Summer exhausting and it's extra heat unwelcome. Sometimes he had to put icepacks which quickly melted all over his hot skin just to ease his discomfort.

Dabi could easily understand why Tomura hated Winter. His dry skin would crack more which was painful. Tomura always bundled up like he was going to Antarctica. Dabi would try to help him keep warm to the best of his ability with his fire quirk. That did give him a excuse to cuddle Tomura which he wasn't complaining about at all.

"It does I hate it." Tomura muttered he leaned into Dabi's touch.

"Well we could sit here talking about how much it sucks or we could do something. Trust me it does suck since you'll be away more but still." Dabi said he smiled at Tomura leaning into his touch. Sometimes the man reminded him of a cat to much for his own good.

"Like what?" Tomura asked he finally threw all the blankets off of him to sit right next Dabi on the edge of his bed.

"I'm thinking we should do stuff that is fun in the Summer. For like a final send of the season or whatever." Dabi suggested his saw Tomura's eye light up like a Christmas tree in the holiday season. "I'll take that as a yes?" Dabi asked hopefully chuckling. He had wanted to spend time with Tomura anyways this just gave them a excuse to go out instead of watching movies on Tomura's couch.

"Absolutely yes." Tomura said he grinned he kissed Dabi on the cheek before getting up to go find a pair of shoes in his messy room.

"So what exactly do you want to do?" Dabi asked he was searching for places around there area that sounded fun and like things people would usually do during Summer.

"We should get ice cream first." Tomura suggested. Dabi agreed Tomura had always had a insatiable sweet tooth. Besides, it was getting hot Dabi felt his t-shirt start to stick to his scars and back uncomfortably. This is why this was Tomura's season not his. He was happy to help his boyfriend over his sadness that it would leave soon though.

Dabi licked the melting ice cream off his cone where it was starting to drip down due to he hot sun. "Man this makes the hot weather so much better." Dabi said he had cooled off slightly since he'd started eating the cold treat. Tomura hummed in acknowledgement eating his own ice cream cone.

"For the record I hate this." Tomura whined as they walked up a steep hill. Dabi was far ahead of him walking up it no problem. Tomura on the other hand was panting hard he was definitely out of shape. It wasn't his fault he would rather play video games than go outside.

"Oh, come having a hike outdoors is a huge Summer thing." Dabi said for someone who complained about the heat he had suggested hiking.

"I hope you burn to a crisp in this weather." Tomura said he didn't mean it through Dabi knew by the playful glint on his eye.

"Oh, do you now?" Dabi asked playfully he booped Tomura on the nose making the other man blush and curse him out. "How about I carry you?" Dabi suggested that way Tomura wouldn't get tired as fast. Sometimes Tomura let him but not most of the time. The man was light to light in Dabi's opinion. At least it worked in their favor this time.

That was how Dabi walked the next thirty minutes with Tomura in his arms. They both had gotten hot so they went to the pool. Tomura and Dabi had a splash fight which ended up getting them kicked out whenever they got a little to into it. "I can't believe we got kicked out of the pool when you started that splash fight." Tomura said he was now leaning against Dabi on the couch the finally settled down to watch that movie and eat the snacks Dabi had brought.

"Thanks for doing all this for me." Tomura said he put his head against Dabi's shoulder. "No problem I'd do anything for you." Dabi said he kissed the side of Tomura's head. "Hmm, anything?" Tomura asked his voice had a playful tone to it.

"Oh, no what are you planning to do to me, huh?" Dabi asked curiously. "Just kiss me loser." Tomura said he leaned in towards Dabi. Dabi grinned he pressed their lips together for a quick kiss. "Happy end of Summer, babe." Dabi said he sighed resting his head on top of Tomura's.

"Happy end of Summer." Tomura said as he snuggled up to Dabi's side.

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