Pain And Comfort Part 3

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Shoto took a bite of his soba as he scrolled threw Amazon on his laptop. The teen was in his bed looking for a gift online to give to Midoriya for their one year anniversary. He saw suggestions for chest binders confused he clicked on recently bought items. Someone had bought nine different binders.

So someone else used his dad's card. He knew there was no way Endeavor had bought them. The man didn't even know what gay meant let alone what a trans person was. Shoto shrugged he figured someone else must have found one of the many copies of Endeavor's credit cards. Good on them for getting a binder. Trans rights Shoto thought smirking. If only his father knew what his money was being used for.

The binders had arrived in the mail Dabi was ecstatic. He kept a blank face as he grabbed the package from.Tomura. Since the rest of the League besides Tomura, Magne, and Toga didn't know he was trans he decided not to let them see him he so excited over a package.

Then they might ask questions. Which he didn't want to answer. Dabi carried it back to his bedroom to open it. He smiled the whole time while he was opening it. The fire user had stolen Toga's knife to open it she wouldn't be happy later whenever she noticed it was missing. That was a problem for future Dabi.

Dabi cut the tape throwing the knife somewhere in his room. He hoped he didn't step on it during the middle of the night. It would be a crappy way to go because he was stupid and thew a knife then bleed out. Dabi arranged the binders all over the bed so he could see them all.

Dabi tried on one of them to see if it fit. Dabi smiled as he saw it fit perfectly. It made his chest flat without the familiar tightness and pain he had grown used to. The fabric rubbed against his scars awkwardly. It luckily didn't hurt him. His nerves were fried in his burnt skin. He was especially burnt around his chest.

Dabi walked out of his room into Tomura's. He saw that his boyfriend was sitting on his bed playing a game on his phone. "Hey, creep it fits well see?" Dabi asked he motioned towards his now flat chest. Tomura looked up from his game briefly to glance at where Dabi was motioning to.

"Yeah, looks good." Tomura said before his attention was immediately back on the game. Dabi let out an annoyed huff he didn't like being ignored for a game. While technically Tomura had given him a response it had been very brief and Dabi was a needy person. So sue him.

"Babe pay attention to me. The euphoria is real right now." Dabi said he collapsed on the bed next to Tomura. "Just a second let me finish this level." Tomura mumbled barely able to get the words out as his attention was diverted to the game. Dabi startled at his boyfriend as he quickly tapped the phone.

Dabi wasn't sure how he didn't break it with how rough he was playing the game. Dabi being him decided he didn't want to wait. He gave it a few more seconds before he snatched the phone away throwing it onto Tomura's pillow on the opposite end of the bed they were laying at.

"Hey!" Tomura protested he was stopped from speaking anymore by a pair of warm lips on his own. Tomura let out a nosie of surprise he leaned into the kiss. He wasn't all that mad that his game had been interrupted. He supposed it was the best interruption he could have possibly gotten.

Besides, he could always replay it later when Dabi's attention meter was full. "Do you have to do that everytime I play a game?" Tomura asked breathless as he stared at Dabi. It happened quite a bit. Tomura wondered if Dabi somehow sensed whenever he was playing a game just to come interrupt him.

"Cuddles." Dabi demanded despite what he was asking for his face was serious. Tomura snorted he pulled the male into his arms. Dabi laid his head on Tomura's chest staring into his red eyes. "Thank you for everything." Dabi said sincerely as he pecked Tomura's lips.

Tomura smiled, "Anytime Dabi. Anytime." Tomura replied. Dabi left out a content sigh he closed his eyes preparing to sleep since he didn't want to leave and was quite tired. Tomura let out a yawn he closed his eyes soon after. Both of them fell asleep content knowing that they both were together.

Tomura was glad he had boughten Dabi the bidner. He was glad Dabi was no longer binding with bandages. But most of all he was glad Dabi came into his life. He was glad Dabi was his.

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