Can You Help Me?

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The bell dinged as Tomura walked into the library. Tomura sat his coffee cup down on the table he rubbed his hands together trying to get some warmth back into them after being in the chilly winter air with no gloves on. Tomura had accidentally decayed them in a embarrassing fit of rage last year.

His temper had improved vastly he now cursed himself for his uncontrollable rage. Tomura grabbed his coffee cup now that his hands were more warmed up. Tomura hadn't noticed that man at the desk until now in his haste to get in the nearest warm building.

Tomura was glad he'd brought his library books that were due with him. He was planning on heading to the library anyways before or after he went shopping for groceries he supposed he was returning and getting new books first it seemed. Tomura pulled them out of his messenger bag after rummaging around threw his college textbooks.

"I would like to return these books." Tomura said he placed them on the desk by the man. Dabi looked up from his phone it had been a boring slow day so he had been distracted by his phone tuning out the rest of the world. He startled when he heard Tomura's voice.

"Oh, hey didn't notice you there. You want to return these right?" Dabi asked Tomura nodded. Dabi pulled the books over to himself he scanned them so they said they were returned to the library before he sat them on the book cart to be put away later.

Dabi finally got a good look at the guy who had come in. He had shoulder length blue grey hair and intense blood red eyes. Dabi felt a blush rise to his cheeks the man was gorgeous. Tomura gave him a confused look Dabi had just suddenly started staring him.

Dabi coughed into his hand urging himself to focus. "Oh, uh that's it then tell me when you want to check out books or uh need any help." Dabi said he wanted to facepalm at his awkwardness. Tomura smiled at him making his face heat up more before he walked away to go look at books.

Dabi put his head down on his desk he sighed he really just stopped almost completely functioning because of one attractive man? He needed to get a hold of himself in front of this beautiful stranger.

Tomura got his books he had them checked out. "You into video games, huh?" Dabi asked as he looked at the titles of the books before handing them to Tomura. Their hands brushed Dabi's already hot face gotter hotter somehow.

"Yeah, I'm taking college classes to become a video game designer." Tomura said he put the books in his messenger bag. "See you around I come here a lot so I'll probably see you." Tomura said he waved at Dabi before leaving. Dabi had never seen him before now he'd just got hired at the library last week so it was normal they hadn't met before.

Dabi grinned he was hoping he'd see the man again he was beautiful. Dabi wasn't one for getting crushes on people at their first meeting but this guy was just amazing. Dabi started books away letting his thoughts wonder to the stranger he hadn't caught his name.

Next week Tomura was heading back towards the library he always got books from. Today it wasn't raining he had decided to wear his hoodie anyways since he never left home without it. Tomura had his morning coffee with way more sugar than he needed.

Tomura took a sip he sighed he relished the taste of the sugary drink on his tongue. Tomura opened the door to the library he went straight to the desk where he'd seen the guy working at last week. Tomura sat the books down the man looked up from his phone he grinned when he saw Tomura.

"Hey, I'll check these in for you real quick then could I get some help?" Dabi asked he starting checking the books in.

"Sure what is it?" Tomura asked he raised a eyebrow at Dabi questioningly.

"I can't quite reach a shelf and I need to put up a few books." Dabi said he motioned towards the books on the library cart behind him.

"Get a step ladder than." Tomura said he didn't know why this random guy was asking him for help when their was a step ladder right behind him. Dabi cursed he kicked it making it fall to the floor with a crash. Tomura glared at Dabi confused and suspicious. Dabi grinned and winked at him trying to distracted him.

Tomura rolled his eyes he finally relented not knowing what Dabi was up to. "So right here?" Tomura asked as he put a book on the shelf. Dabi nodded he was grinning like a idiot. Tomura put up all the books he had to stand on his tiptoes to put them up since they were on the top shelf.

Tomura noticed once he was done that Dabi was taller than him. Not only that he was at least two inches taller. "Why'd you have me put books away for you when you're taller than me? I can reach it you surely can." Tomura asked he crossed his arms over his chest he glared at Dabi.

"Okay maybe I think you're cute and I wanted to see your pretty face for more time than I needed to." Dabi said he felt a blush rise to his cheeks at being caught. Dabi thought he was about to he told off for wasting his time or glared at until the end of time isntead he heard laughter.

Dabi started at Tomura shocked and confused. "What's so funny about this?" Dabi asked confused.

"How obvious and dumb your plan was." Tomura said in-between bouts of laughter. Dabi grumbled maybe it had been a bad idea after all. "But I do think I should give you something for trying no matter how bad it was." Tomura said Dabi's eyes widened did he mean?

"See you tonight pretty boy." Tomura said he kissed Dabi on the cheek as he passed a piece of paper in Dabi's hands. Dabi was left standing there watching Tomura leave in shock. Dabi opened the piece of paper he grinned when it said his name Tomura Shigaraki and had his phone number plus a addresses to the coffee shop he went to all the time was also there.

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