Cat Dabi

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Dabi walked into the base pissed off. He'd been hit with a quirk that gave him cat ears and a tail. Dabi had to go meet the others for a meeting he was sure they were going to laugh at his predicament. The fire user had been looking for members to recruit to the League. He'd cornered a bunch of them in a alleyway getting ready to burn them determining that they had no use to the League.

One of the guys started glowing Dabi ignored to focused on getting his flames ready. Suddenly, Dabi felt a sharp pain in his head he released a wave of blue flames burning them all to ashes instantly. The quirk had already got him though he grunted in pain his head was throbbing. Dabi walked home he was now worried about what was gonna happen to him.

The guy was incinerated their was no hope of figuring out what the quirk had been. Dabi hoped he didn't die he still had revenge to dish out towards his father. Dabi got out of the shower later that night he stared at his reflection in the dirty mirror. His eyes widened as he saw two white fluffy ears on his head. Dabi reached his hand up to touch them as if not expecting them to be real.

The man panicked as he felt them fluffy beneath his hand. Dabi looked behind him to see a white cat tail the tip flicking behind him. Dabi had begrudgingly cut a hole for his new tail in his only pair of pants and he quite liked them to. Dabi was gonna be pissed later if the quirk weared off later and he was left with pants he couldn't wear. Not that he wanted to be a neko forever. It cut into his intimidation factor.

The others looked up from what they were doing as he entered. "Nice Halloween costume Dabi." Toga snickered. "Shut up it's not a costume." Dabi hissed his ears laid against his head as he got angry. "How did that all happen?" Kurogiri asked as he motioned to Dabi's new cat features. "I got hit with a quirk while I was recruiting. Now I'm a cat apparently." Dabi growled annoyed.

"Come here." Shigaraki commanded. Dabi hesitantly walked over to his boyfriend. "What are you doing?" Dabi asked suspicious he never wanted him around when the others where their. They both kept their relationship a secret from the other members so not to be bothered with teasing. He was pretty sure Toga and Kurogiri had caught on though.

Shigaraki didn't respond he sat his Nintendo 3ds on the counter. Shigaraki reached up he put his hand on Dabi's head minus one finger. Most people would feel fear with the decay villains hands on their head but Dabi just relaxed into his familar touch. Dabi knew the man had control over his quirk he was always aware of what he was touching and how.

Shigaraki poked one of Dabi's sensitive cat ears he jumped at the contact. "Hm, interesting." Shigaraki said with a smirk on his face. "Quit that their sensitive." Dabi growled. "Like you're feelings?" Shigaraki asked in a mocking tone. "Shut up creep or else I'll kiss you in front of everyone." Dabi threatens he smirked as his boyfriend's face heated up.

Shigaraki started to pull his hand back Dabi grabbed his wrist stopping him. Dabi reached up for the hand on his boss's face. Shigaraki leaned backwards not wanting his face revealed to the whole League. "Quit it." He growled knowing what Dabi was trying to do. "Come on boss I just want a kiss." Dabi said in a innocent tone which Shigaraki didn't buy.

Shigaraki ripped his wrist from Dabi's grip his eyes narrowed at the man from behind the detached hand. "No." Shigaraki said it sounded serious mensing he wasn't playing around at all. "I'll let you touch my ears." Dabi offered to see if it'd work. Even though he couldn't see his face Dabi knew he was considering the offer based on his science. "Fine but only one." Shigaraki said he sat father down on the bar counter beside his 3ds.

Dabi grinned his new cat fangs being showed off in the process. The entire League beside Toga and Kurogiri watched in shock as Dabi pressed his lips to Shigaraki's. Shigaraki yanked Dabi forward by his jacket to bring him closer. Dabi put a hand in his boss's hair and the other one on his waist. He held him there unconscious that he was bringing out his claws.

"Oww, Dabi quit!" Shigaraki yelled as he felt claws sink into his skin. Dabi pulled back confused, "What's wrong? He asked his expression turning into concern. "You're clawing me." Shigaraki said he looked down at his waist. Dabi withdrew his claws after noticing what was causing his boyfriend distress. "Ah, shit I'm sorry." Dabi apologized.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose but damn that hurts." Shigaraki said he rubbed at his side trying to ease the pain. "It ain't bleeding is it?" Dabi asked worriedly. Shigaraki shook his head a smile on his dry lips. "No I don't think so." Shigaraki said he brought Dabi in for another kiss but didn't let him out his hands on his waist again. A thing Dabi was okay with since he couldn't control his murder mitts yet.

At least that's what Toga had dubbed his clawed hands. They were both cuddling in bed later Dabi wearing thick gloves so he couldn't accidentally scratch Shigaraki. Dabi hated them but he kept them on for his boyfriend. He'd never complain when Shigaraki whined about having to wear gloves again. He'd checked his boyfriend over for wounds even if he'd said he was okay.

Shigaraki was in fact okay he hadn't clawed him to hard. Shigaraki waited until Dabi was about to fall asleep to touch his ears. Dabi was about to hiss but then remembered their deal. Shigaraki touched one Dabi's eyes widened as he started scratching behind it. To the man's embarrassment he started purring. Shigaraki grinned, "I quite like you as a cat."

"Whatever." Dabi growled he purred louder as his boyfriend used his hand to scratch under his chin. Dabi was thankful when he woke up in the morning he was no longer a cat. He threw the gloves off quickly making Shigaraki snicker. "Can I borrow a pair of pants?" Dabi asked as he saw the hole in his. At least the were the same height so Shigaraki's pants fit him. Dabi didn't want to be a cat again but he quite liked having his head scratched. That was gonna be a daily thing from Shigaraki if he had a say in it.

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