I Hate You/ I Love You Part 1

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Tomura remembered his fourteenth birthday clearly. He had been so excited that he couldn't even eat the amazing breakfast Kurogiri had prepared for him. Even Sensei's lecture about how he was now a man had had so much more responsibility didn't even damper his mood.

Tomura remembered how he'd ripped his blanket off of himself that morning to see what mark he'd receive. Tomura had been filled with so much happiness than he ever had been whenever he'd seen the beautiful blue and white flames running up his arm. The design started at the end of his arm going all the way up to his shoulder.

Tomura loved his soul mark he loved whoever his soulmate was no matter who they were. Tomura had showed it off to Kurogiri and Sensei telling them how pretty it was. Then it all changed on his fifteenth birthday. Tomura had awoken in the middle of the night screaming.

Tomura remembered the pain just as clearly as his fourteenth birthday and the soul mark he'd received. Maybe even more. Tomura had screamed, cried, and tried to claw his skin off leaving bloody scratches all over his neck and arms. The blue and white flames got red mixed into them that day.

Kurogiri had ran into his room ready to kill whatever danger had been threatening him. The man had found Tomura curled up in a little ball clutching at his neck furiously trying to stop the pain that was all over his body. Kurogiri had used his warp gate to hold Tomura's hands away from his neck while he thrashed and complained it hurt.

Eventually, after six hours the pain stopped. Tomura had stopped crying his voice was hoarse from all the screaming he'd done. Tomura was pretty sure he'd spaced out at one point he didn't remember his wounds being bandaged. With a sob Tomura had pulled off his shirt.

The lovely blue and white flames were now a patch of unsightly purple skin charred beyond recognition. The pattern wasn't even there anymore just a vast expanse of different harsh shades of purple. That was the day Tomura started hating his soul mark which was now just a burnt piece of skin. That was the day his soulmate died. That was the day he gave up on love.

Tomura started wearing long sleeve shirts after that. He hide the burnt remains of what used to be his soul mark. Kurogiri sensing Tomura never wanted to talk about it never brought up that day he'd caught Tomura clawing at his own skin and screaming in pain. Tomura was glad for it really.

Sensei bought it up. Sensei brought it up a lot in the following years. He had told Tomura that since his soulmate was dead he'd have more time to focus on more important things than some silly love side quest. What if Tomura had wanted that silly love quest at first? What if he had wanted to meet his soulmate? The person who he was destined to be with?

Tomura knew deep down he still wanted those things just like anyone else. The death of his soulmate had made him bitter and rage filled when the subject of soulmates came up. But he still in his dreams wanted what everyone except him seemed to have. Even Kurogiri had gotten to meet his soulmate as briefly as he'd known they were his soulmate. Tomura hadn't even gotten to meet his. Tomura didn't even know their name or what they looked like.

After Tomura had told the man to shut up and never speak about his dead soulmate again or he'd kill him Sensei didn't bring it up for a while. Then he started telling Tomura that he should use his hatred and anger to full his plans to get rid of the heroes. Tomura had agreed he spent countless hours planning and obsessing over how he was going to destroy All Might.

Eventually, he did make a plan against the heroes. A plan he put into action no matter how bad it ended. Tomura had hired a bunch of low level npcs to go against the likes of All Might and heros in training brats. How stupid of him he thought whenever he looked back at it.

Tomura learned his lesson after the first time he didn't make the same mistakes twice. He had Grain find the best of the best for his next attack against the heroes. Tomura had learned that the best way to deal with the pesky annoyances we're with a team of amazing villains. When he'd first laid eyes upon the future members of the League Of Villains he couldn't say he'd been impressed. He had been angry even thinking Giran had been wasting his time.

Oh how he'd been so wrong. They all were like a family like him in a weird way. That was also when he meet the biggest pain in his side. Dabi. They had locked gazed from across the bar Tomura felt something was attaching him to the other man. He couldn't name what but he didn't like it.

Dabi and Toga had charged at him after he'd made the first move intending to disintegrate then both and be done with it. Kurogiri had stopped them all Tomura had been so angry Kurogiri hadn't let him get rid of the annoying trash that Giran had the audacity to call villains.

Tomura had accepted them into the League saying his Sensei would be pleased with more people to help him. Tomura couldn't succeed all on his own even if he wanted to. Tomura remembered his second encounter with Dabi just as good as the first , fifth, and even hundredth.

Dabi had been leaning against a wall occasionally tuning into his and Toga's conversation with his own comments or snarky remarks. Tomura had told him to shut up. Dabi had said to make him so in a second Tomura had hopped up to go do just that.

Tomura was enraged so enraged he didn't think about how little distance their way between him and Dabi. Tomura remembered the pull he'd felt towards the fire user. He felt like he knew him and didn't at the same time. Dabi had spat some more ridiculous comments about how pathetic Tomura was.

Tomura had brought a hand up to decay the miserable wretch wanting to end whatever connection he felt. When all of a sudden Dabi's hand enclosed around his arm stopping him. Tomura felt a spark go up his arm as Dabi touched his burn scar used to be soul mark. Dabi's eyes had widened he'd backed away from Tomura like he was poisonous.

"What? Dabi?" Tomura asked confused he didn't get any answers as Dabi ran away. Tomura went to his room he didn't understand what the other man was so scared of. Usually when Tomura got angry and violent with him he'd just laugh and taunt him further.

Tomura that night had been taking a shower he avoided looking at his soul mark it was still to painful to look at even years later. Tomura had dropped his shirt he was trying to put on whenever he caught the sight of blue and white on his arm. Tomura eyes widened his breathing stopped as he stared at his soul mark.

It was no longer a burnt charred piece of purple. It was the same beautiful blue and white flames that he had loved so much as a teenager. The flames started from his wrist all the way up to his shoulder like he remembered. Dabi was his soulmate. That explained all the tension he felt with the other man like a invisible string drawing them together. It explained the electricity he had felt when Dabi had touched his arm the one with his soul mark.

Tomura still hated love he hated it. Tomura hated his soul mark or so he'd told himself. Most of all he hated Dabi the man was annoying and got on his nerves. But Dabi was his soulmate. He had a soulmate. And most importantly he was alive.

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