Vacation Troubles Part 2

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Tomura woke up before Dabi he stumbled into the bathroom tiredly with his clothes to get changed. Tomura changed he shut the door behind him he walked over to Dabi's bed and shook the other teen awake.

Dabi groaned he stirred he blinked trying to get his vision to adjust. Dabi reached around for his glasses that were laying right next to him on the nightstand between their beds. Tomura scooted them over near Dabi's hand the teen grabbed them with a muttered thanks.

Dabi went to go get changed so Tomura brought up Google maps on his phone to see what they could do. Dabi came out of the bathroom soon after he sat next to Tomura. "So what are we going to do?" Dabia asked curiously as he looked over Tomura's shoulder.

Tomura kept his mouth shut he wanted to snap at Dabi for being to close but he decided it wasn't worth the trouble. "We could go to a haunted house it's close to Halloween." Tomura suggested it was the only thing that sounded slightly fun to him.

Dabi grinned, "Sure sounds more fun than sitting around here. Maybe a ghost will get you!" Dabi said dramatically he grabbed Tomura's shoulders shaking him slightly. Tomura grumbled to himself he kept it to himself deciding his decision to get along with Dabi needed to actually be followed through of they were going to have a peaceful trip that didn't end in them fighting the entire time.

  Tomura drove them Dabi turned on similar music he had on yesterday. Tomura tapped his fingers on the steering wheel getting into the music since it was kinda like what he usually listened to. Tomura parked and they walked into the building.

Tomura payed then they both stood in line waiting for their turn. Tomura wasn't usually scared of much he hadn't ever been to a haunted house before choosing to spend his Halloweens in his room alone eating candy or watching a horror movie with Kurogiri if he had that night off.

Tomura would be lying if he said the red strobe lights flashing, creepy sound effects, and screams from people already inside the hallway where it lead to the actual haunted house didn't make his nerves go off. Dabi wasn't helping constantly trying to scare him even after being told repeatedly to stop.

Tomura managed to keep it together for both of their sakes luckily. Dabi always had a way of getting on his nerves. "Boo!" Dabi yelled startling Tomura enough to get him to jump. He had waited a while to make him calm down and then done it to surprise him.

Tomura was the closest to getting in he spun around to glare at Dabi ready to yell at him. Dabi grinned at him a self satisfied smirk on his lips. Tomura rolled his eyes he turned back around deciding it wasn't worth it. The only thing it would do was give Dabi more satisfaction and cause him to loose his temper.

Tomura knew Kurogiri would be proud of him for how he reined in his anger that day so far. Dabi pouted at being ignored he finally stopped bothering Tomura as they were let in by a man dressed in a clown getup. Dabi shifted uneasily against the wall as the clown stared at him.

"Are you afraid of clowns?" Tomura asked amused as he watched Dabi run a few steps ahead once he was past the clown.

"Pshh, no I'm not scared of anything." Dabi said he had his arms behind his head closing his eyes walking forward like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Oh, really is that a clown right in front of you?" Tomura asked pointing in front of Dabi.

"Please I'm not stupid you're just trying to scare me." Dabi said he let out the most high pitched scream Tomura had ever heard when he saw the clown in front of him.

Tomura laughed all the way threw the haunted house. Dabi clinged to him like a kitten for the rest of the haunted house. "For someone who teased me all that much at the beginning you're sure silent. Not to mention you latched onto me like a scared little kitten." Tomura teased Dabi the man's pale skin got dark red signaling his embarrassment.

"Eh, shut up." Dabi said he bumped his shoulder with Tomura's. Tomura pushed Dabi back they continued that untill they got back to the car. "I'm hungry where we going Mr.Google Maps?" Dabi asked.

"There is a restaurant up ahead and how come I'm always the one who has to look for stuff on my phone?" Tomura asked raising a eyebrow at Dabi.

"Cause I'm preoccupied." Dabi said he pointed to his phone which had his headphones plugged into his phones headphone jack.

They both ended up at a restaurant the only one in the entire town. "I don't like it here I don't trust any place that served fish." Dabi said wrinkling his nose as he read that fish was being served as that weekends special.

"I'm going to order fish just to spite you." Tomura said partially joking and partially serious. Dabi gasped putting his hand on his chest like what Tomura had said had just offended him to the highest degree. Then proceeded to complain Tomura was a vile man and he deserved to be put in jail for his crimes against humanity.

Tomura chuckled he found he didn't hate spending time with Dabi like he thought he would. He wouldn't say he loved it but it far surpassed how bored he would be stuck in the room playing games on his phone for the next four days.

"I can't believe that you didn't jump once." Dabi grumbled when they brought up the haunted house again. Dabi had been sure that he'd get amusement out of seeing Tomura jump since he looked so jumpy when they where in line.

"Unlike you I'm not scared of clowns." Tomura teased.

"Yeah yeah be quiet." Dabi said a smile was on his face.

This is the second time I've had to write this chapter I can't say I was motivated to rewrite it after Wattpad deleted it. Sorry for that shows.

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