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"Hey, creep I got a gift for you." Dabi said he was holding something behind his back Shiagaraki couldn't see. "What is it?" The blue haired male asked curiously. "I ain't telling but I'll give it to ya for a kiss." Dabi said he smirked at Shiagaraki's blush that appeared on his face. "Fine but it better be worth it." Shiagaraki said he walked up to Dabi.

  Shigaraki grabbed the other villains shirt pulling him close. Their chests were touching Shiagaraki leaned in and smashed his lips up against Dabi's. Dabi kissed back eagerly he hadn't kissed his boyfriend in a week due to missions. It seemed like everything wanted to keep them apart. Even when they did get down time Shigaraki often spent it planning for the next mission or playing video games.

They broke apart for air but Dabi leaned in to steal a second kiss. "No, ya don't." Shiagaraki said he put his hand in front of Dabi's mouth so he couldn't kiss him again. Dabi grabbed a hold of Shiagaraki's hand with his own. The other one was still behind his back holding the gift Shiagaraki wanted to know what it was even more now. "Come on babe I haven't seen you all week." Dabi whined he pouted.

Shiagaraki sighed he yanked him forward again to seal his lips on his boyfriend's. Two kisses turned into three and three into four. Shiagaraki lost count as Dabi just kept kissing him over and over again. After, a few more minutes of this Shiagaraki walked away a few feet so he couldn't be kissed anymore. "What's up with you?" Shiagaraki asked he was suspicious of why Dabi would want to kiss him so much.

  He knew they hadn't seen each other for a week but usually he only wanted one of two a day. "I just missed ya is all." Dabi said Shiagaraki could tell he was lying due to a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hm, alright I don't believe it." Shiagaraki said easily seeing threw his boyfriend's lie. "Fine I did want to kiss you but I need you to be calm for the gift." Dabi said he was surprised that Shiagaraki could see threw him so easy. Most people couldn't even tell what he was thinking at all.

"It better not be bad or else I'll kill you." Shiagaraki threatened even though Dabi knew he'd never go threw will it. "Here ya go." Dabi said he was grinning as he handed Shiagaraki a corgi onesie. "Seriously you want me to wear this?" Shigaraki asked annoyed. He loved corgis sure but he was Japan's number one villain he had a reputation to uphold as a evil unmerciful overlord. People wouldn't fear him if he was caught in a corgi onesie.

"Please wear it." Dabi begged he knew his boyfriend would look adorable in it. "Fine but I will be getting my revenge." Shiagaraki said he started putting it on over his clothes. Once he had it fully on Dnai walked over to him. "You look so cute, creep." Dabi said teasingly. Shiagaraki blushed the villain leader flipped him off. "Whatever." He said Dabi chuckled. The fire user picked up his boyfriend bridal style them carried him to their room to cuddle.

A week later Shigaraki got a package in the mail. "Hey, Dabi for you." Shiagaraki said he handed the package to Dabi. The black haired male opened it he grinned as he saw what was inside the package. He pulled out the cat onesie before putting it on over his clothes after he discarded his jacket. "How do I look, huh?" Dabi asked. Shiagaraki's face burned red as he looked over his boyfriend. Dabi looked really adorable in a cat onesie. They'd have to wear them more often. He'd even go threw the humiliation of wearing his if he got to see Dabi in his.

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