Fearful Part 2

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Tomura still didn't know why he had called Dabi. He had regretted it for days but he still had done it and their was no undoing it. He had agreed in his afterwards drunken haze to meet him somewhere. Tomura thought of himself as stupid now but he would still go since he told Dabi he would.

Nobody at the school knew who he was or who Dabi was. So, he decided to meet his ex at the cafeteria. Turns out Dabi went to the same college as him. He was learning art which surprised Tomura. Dabi had always destroyed things not created them. He used to set things on fire as a kid for fun. Which is how he got the scar on his arm that stretched from his wrist up to his elbow.

Tomura shook his head Dabi was wearing a long sleeve shirt yet he still could remember exactly how it looked despite them not seeing each other since highschool. Dabi always hated the scar Tomura had thought it made him more interesting and unquie he would always run his fingers over it to calm Dabi down.

Tomura moved his hand forward like he was going to reach for Dabi before he put it back down at his side. Dabi looked a little stressed to be meeting him despite him being so confident last night. Tomura guessed even he wasn't sure about this situation.

"So, what are you doing in your art major?" Tomura asked hoping to resolve some of the tension that was palpable in the air.

"Tomura quite avoiding the point. You called me now tell me why. You still seem to be afraid of me. Of us being anything." Dabi said he grabbed Tomura's hand across the table.

Tomura felt his breath catch in his throat he tried to pull his hand back. Dabi held his hand tighter he didn't let Tomura pull his hand back. "I'm not ashamed of you I never was." Tomura said quietly he didn't even know if Dabi had heard it.

"Then what is it?" Dabi asked he looked Tomura in the eyes he looked confused and serious at the same time.

"I'm ashamed of myself." Tomura said his voice cracked it sounded broken. Dabi got up he pulled Tomura into a hug. Tomura's instinct was to push Dabi away. He stayed put he had ruined them last time because of his own insecurities. He wasn't going to do it again.

Tomura missed Dabi even when he didn't think he did. He often thought about him and what they could have been. Tomura didn't pull away he allowed Dabi to hug him. A few minutes later Tomura pulled away from Dabi.

"Let's go somewhere else we should have this conversation somewhere private." Dabi said he noticed the tears in Tomura's eyes. Dabi grabbed Tomura's hand he lead him towards a empty bathroom nearby where no one was around.

"You okay?" Dabi asked concerned he brought his hand up to wipe away Tomura's tears. He was still mad at Tomura for breaking up with him. Right now he let the grudge go just so he could comfort Tomura. Tomura allowed he leaned into the though seeking comfort from Dabi.

After a few minutes Tomura calmed down enough for them to go back to their table. A few people were staring at them Dabi glared at them when they did and they looked away. Eventually, they left Dabi felt he had gotten a good enough explanation from Tomura about what had happened.

It still didn't make it right for him to dump Dabi randomly. But he had been scared about what people would think not of Dabi but of himself. That made Dabi feel a little better about it since at least Tomura had never been disgusted by loving him.

The two started hanging out more after that. Tomura invited him over to his place or Dabi to his. They both were ready familiar with each other so it was a easy transition. They would play games, talk, it do homework together in comfortable silence

Eventually, what Dabi expected but didn't want to happen did. He fell in love with Tomura again. He confessed it fast not wanting to keep it to himself. He could tell Tomura wanted the same the man would always stare at him and give him longing glances.

They started dating again they took it slow. Despite, having done it many times before Dabi waited a week to kiss Tomura. After that they went a bit faster getting used to being in a relationship again for the both of them wasn't hard since they had done it before and were still familiar with it.

Dabi asked Tomura on a date which he accepted reluctantly. Tomura had been nervous he still hadn't fully accepted himself for who he was. Dabi helped get rid of his fears of being judged a little bit it also helped when Tomura introduced Dabi to his friends.

They hadn't cared like he expected them to. Instead they welcomed Dabi in with wide open arms Dabi even managed to form some kind of weird friendship with Twice even. Tomura didn't know why he assumed that they would judge him. Toga was openly bisexual and they didn't judge her. He guessed it was his own inner self hatred at himself he was projecting onto other people.

Tomura was at first wary of everyone who so much as glanced at him. He eventually calmed down enough to order for both him and Dabi. "Sorry if I'm being a pain I'm still not quite over myself." Tomura mumbled he couldn't look Dabi in the eye and he kept twiddling his thumbs.

Dabi grabbed Tomura's hand from across the table. He smiled at Tomura he squeezed his hand comfortingly. "Your okay this is a start." Dabi said he saw Tomura smile back. The two had a nice dinner and they then went back to Tomura's dorm room to watch a movie and cuddle on his couch. Maybe Tomura could get over his fear.

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