The Best Medicine

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"Man I hate this strick me dead where I lay." Dabi whined he felt like he was on fire he tugged on the collar of his shirt. It was sticking uncomfortably to his skin tugging on his staples everytime he moved it away. Dabi groaned as his head throbbed painful he closed his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Tomura asked concerned as he walked into Dabi's bedroom two bowls of chicken noodle soup in his hands. He hadn't cooked it since Dabi was currently suffering threw the Summer with his fire quirk sweating a bunch and feeling like crap.

Tomura had turned the air conditioner on the highest setting earlier and Dabi was surrounded by ice packs which had already melted after only thirty minutes. Tomura sighed it seemed like no matter what he did Dabi was destined to be overheated. Tomura wanted to help him but it seemed like nothing he did eased his boyfriend discomfort.

Dabi squirmed tugging on his shirt again. He winced as he felt a staple come loose catching on his shirt the blood quickly seeping threw his white shirt. Tomura's eyes widened he sat down the bowls of soup on the bed side table he quickly pulled up Dabi's shirt to look at the damage.

Luckily, it was only one but Tomura still didn't like to see the blood against Dabi's burnt skin. "Hold on I'll get the first aid kit take this off." Tomura said he went into the adjacent bathroom that was right next to Dabi's room. He rummaged threw the drawer in the bathroom for a medical kit.

Instead of finding one Tomura found a unorganized drawer of medical supplies. Their was everything from staples, bandages, and disinfect. Tomura picked up everything in the drawer not bothering to check what he needed. It was only a minor wound but Tomura didn't want Dabi in any more pain than he already was.

"I said take it off." Tomura commanded as he reentered the room. Dabi still had his shirt on it was still rolled up on his chest unmoved from when Tomura had pulled it up. A trickle of blood was running down Dabi's torso staining unburnt patches of skin red.

"Really want to see me shirtless creep?" Dabi joked he groaned as soon as his head throbbed making him quiet. Dabi watched as Tomura pulled a wet cloth from the pile of supplies he'd dumped on Dabi's bed he pressed the cloth to Dabi's wound he hissed in pain.

"Sorry babe but I have to clean it." Tomura apologized he wiped at it gently. Dabi bit his lip he tasted a copper taste in his mouth. Tomura sighed as he saw Dabi's damaged lip. "Let me wipe that off to." Tomura said annoyed that the man had hurt himself further. Dabi relented he didn't even flinch this time when Tomura wiped at his lip.

The rag was stained with red in the place Tomura had cleaned up the blood with. Dabi zoned out as his boyfriend put in a new staple to hold his skin together. It was hard for Dabi to do it on his own when he was in good health let alone when he was sick.

Tomura gave Dabi a hesitant smile he grabbed all the supplies ready to go on a trip to the bathroom to put them all away. "The shirt still needs to come off Dabi. You'll feel cooler when you do." Tomura said he was going to decay it if Dabi didn't listen this time.

Dabi sighed knowing he wasn't getting out of this. He tugged it slowly above his head this time careful to watch out for any staples the fabric could catch on this time. Dabi laid back he sighed his skin felt slightly better after the last layer of clothing on his upper body was gone. Dabi decided not to look at the scars marring his skin. The memories were still to painful to think about.

Tomura came back shortly he nodded at Dabi once he noticed his shirt was finally off. The man sat down right next to Dabi he helped Dabi sit up placing pillows behind him. "You know I can do this on my own. I'm sick and hot not mortally wounded." Dabi said amused he stared at his soup using his spoon to move noodles back and forth.

"I know but I worry about you." Tomura said in-between bites he watched Dabi play with his food. Tomura followed Tomura's gaze he grinned at the man before starting to eat his food. Dabi was touched Tomura worried about him truly. Dabi had never had anyone fuss over things before so it was nice.

"Are your scars the problem?" Tomura asked he sat his bowl of soup aside as he got closer to Dabi laying on his side so he could look him in the eyes. Dabi swallowed he'd rather not talk about it if he was being honest. He knew Tomura was only concerned he still felt a lump grow in his chest when Tomura mentioned it.

Despite, his hesitance Dabi nodded lightly. Tomura's eyes went from concern to love as he kissed Dabi's hand. "I'll make sure they don't bother you ever again." Tomura said it sounded like a promise. Dabi didn't believe it but he was morbidly curious on how Tomura thought he was going to do that.

"How so?" Dabi asked curiously. He even momentarily forgot about how hot and miserable he was by Tomura's promise. Tomura grinned he had something planned Dabi knew it. "I don't like that smile." Dabi said fondly Tomura's smile was wicked like he was going to do something mischievous.

"I'll just have to kiss every inch of your skin until you think you're just as beautiful as I see you." Tomura said he drew patterns on Dabi's side absentmindedly. Dabi tried to figure out what he was writing with his finger. Dabi felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he realized it was a heart Tomura was invisibly tracing into his skin.

"Where you gonna start first?" Dabi asked.

"You're lips come here." Tomura said he pressed a kiss to Dabi's lips then all across his face. Dabi giggled he pulled Tomura closer allowing the man to lay on top of him .

"I'll be sick any day if this is the kind of treatment I get." Dabi joked as Tomura planted a kiss on his temple making a smile break out on his face.

"Hmm, I'll do if even if you aren't your my pretty boy." Tomura said he kissed Dabi's head one last time before pulling away. Tomura stared at Dabi lovingly. "I love you Touya Todoroki." Tomura said he pressed he forehead against Dabi's.

"I love you to babe." Dabi said lovingly he wished this moment would never end.

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